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And Putin himself has said the goals haven't changed, it's still the "demilitarization" of Ukraine and taking Kyiv.

We have talks of "peace deals" from "anonymous sources" from time to time but Russia publicly says something completely different, the last time we had peace talks as well, it didn't stop Russia from continuing to bomb the shit out of Ukraine while the peace deals were happening and ultimately the peace deals should start with Russia fucking off out of Ukraine, they have no right to peace deal their way to stealing land.

Because the only peace deal with Russia is delaying the inevitable, Russia will rebuild their army and then go for the rest of Ukraine later, they made an utter mess over this initial invasion with some horrid tactics but after rebuilding their army they may not make the same mistakes. If someone broke into your home, raped and killed your family then turned around and said "peace deal? I'll take half the house" would you accept it?

Ukraine will fight Russia with or without us, the hatred between Ukraine and Russia will last a lifetime now, the only question for us is then, will we stand by Ukraine and help them win, stand up against evil, or will we turn our backs on Ukraine and let an entire country be massacred by some Hitler wannabe. Ukraine is fighting for their lives, and something Republicans bang on about, fighting for their freedom.

We said never again, to let Ukraine lose to Russia would be repeating the same mistakes, Russia MUST lose and they must lost decisively in order to save Ukraine and stop Russia, before they take Ukraine and before they slaughter more countries. We have a moral responsibility as a collective species and UK/USA also have a bit of a international responsibility as we signed security assurances for Ukraine.

Europe has it in their best interests too considering Russia threatens us on a weekly basis and consistently fucks with us even pre-war with Ukraine. Russia has long tested our limit and continued to test our boundaries, keeping on pushing and pushing ever so slowly and inaction led to Ukraine being invaded, if they think they genuinely "beat" Europe/USA via Ukraine they WILL test the boundaries further.

It was be a massive mistake to give an insane imperialist fuckhead even more confidence.