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SvennoJ said:

Influencers Boosted Biden in 2020. Now Some Are Turning on Him

The fuck do people want that think it's not going far enough???

It's not just influencers really, even prominent people-power media figures that used to shame the left for voting third party or abstaining from voting to Biden/Clinton have abandoned ship, some may scuff at this, but the 2020 wasn't a landslide by any means

I hope Trump gets indicted or something, not that I care about genocide Joe, it's just that I know the people of Gaza are in enough hell as it is, and a bigger puppet for Netanyahu isn't what they need right now. 

Just saw an entire family, including children, crying and walking barefooted towards the closed Egyptian border, supposedly another western ally that we can't pressure or ask of to do anything for us or Palestinians. What a pathetic show of weakness this is. 

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This is the US' response

Dec 8 (Reuters) - The Biden administration has asked Congress to approve the sale of 45,000 shells for Israel's Merkava tanks for use in its offensive against Hamas in Gaza, according to four sources familiar with the matter, including a U.S. official and a former U.S. official.

The request is being made even as concerns grow about the use of U.S. weapons in a war that has killed thousands of civilians in the Palestinian enclave since Israel responded to an attack on Oct. 7 by Hamas militants.

The administration is also weighing using Arms Export Control Act emergency authorities to allow a portion of the ammunition, 13,000 of the 45,000 shells, to bypass the committee and review period, two U.S. officials said, although a final decision was yet to be made. The move would allow Israel to prepare for contingencies given the high tensions in the region, one of the U.S. officials said.

Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat on the chamber's foreign relations committee, said congressional view was a critical step for large weapons sales.

"The administration should not consider short-circuiting the already short time frame for congressional review of this or any other arms transfer," he said.

Online images of the war show that Israel regularly deploys Merkava tanks in its Gaza offensive and on its southern border with Lebanon, where skirmishes have erupted since Oct. 7.


The tanks are also linked to incidents that involved the death of journalists.

On Thursday, a Reuters investigation revealed that an Israeli tank crew killed Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah and wounded six reporters by firing two shells in quick succession from Israel while the journalists were filming cross-border shelling.

Israel has sharply increased strikes on the Gaza Strip since a seven-day-long truce ended a week ago, pounding the length of the Palestinian enclave and killing hundreds in a new, expanded phase of the war that Washington said veered from Israeli promises to do more to protect civilians.

Gaza's health ministry said the death toll from Israel's campaign in Gaza had risen to 17,487.

As the war intensified, how and where exactly the U.S. weapons are used in the conflict has come under more scrutiny, even though U.S. officials say there are no plans to put conditions on military aid to Israel or to consider withholding some of it.

Rights advocates expressed concern over the sale, saying it doesn't align with Washington's effort to press Israel to minimize civilian casualties.

"By continuing to provide Israel with weapons and diplomatic cover as it commits atrocities, including collectively punishing the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza, the U.S. risks complicity in war crimes," said Louis Charbonneau, UN director at Human Rights Watch.

The United States on Friday also vetoed a proposed United Nations Security Council demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, a move that diplomatically isolated Washington as it shields its ally.

Earlier this week, Amnesty International said US-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) were used by the Israeli military in two air strikes on homes full of civilians, the first time a rights group has directly linked U.S. weapons to an attack that killed civilians.

Israel also imports significant weapons from the UK, Italy, Canada, and Germany, but 92 percent of what Israel gets comes from the United States.

The USA also puts no limitations on how Israel can use US weapons, unlike with sending military aid to Ukraine. It's a blank cheque to commit genocide. Also calling it a sale while providing Israel with 3.9 billion a year to buy weapons from the US is not a sale.

Exactly because Egypt is a Western (US) ally is why they aren't doing more...

Another lovely country that deserves full financial support from the West /sarcasm

US talks the talk, but the IDF won't listen and actually says the US stands behind whatever they want to do

Israel’s national security adviser Tzachi Hangebi said the US has not told Israel any deadline to complete military operations against Hamas in Gaza.

“They understand that they are not in a position to tell the IDF how long it needs in order to achieve the goals. The good thing is that they share the same goals. … It is correct to assume that we cannot measure this in weeks, and I’m not certain that it could be measured in months,” Hangebi said.

CNN has previously reported that US officials expect Israel's operation targeting the southern end of the strip to last several weeks before it transitions, possibly by January, to a lower-intensity, hyper-localized strategy that narrowly targets specific Hamas militants and leaders, according to multiple senior administration officials. The White House is deeply concerned about how Israel’s operations will unfold over the next several weeks, a senior US administration official said. The US has warned Israel firmly in “hard” and “direct” conversations, the official said, that the Israeli Defense Forces cannot replicate the kind of devastating tactics it used in the north and must do more to limit civilian casualties.

Hard and direct conversations have done and will do nothing. The devastating tactics in the South are the same.

University of Pennsylvania president resigns after congressional testimony

The resignation comes amid backlash after Elizabeth Magill was one of three university presidents to testify at a congressional hearing over protests at US campuses related to the war in Gaza.

Critics have said Magill evaded questions on whether students who call for the genocide of Jews should be disciplined. Magill’s defenders, and Magill herself, have said her response sought to carefully unpack a complex legal and policy question that pits students’ freedom from discrimination against their freedom of speech.

Following the testimony, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression warned that changing the university’s free speech policies would lead to future weaponisation and censorship.

Calls for universities to silence pro-Palestinian protesters have highlighted outside pressure at top US universities that critics say have stifled freedom of expression.

The US is more interested in a war on words than on the conflict itself

During her testimony before Congress on Tuesday, Ms. Magill gave lawyerly responses to a complicated question involving speech. Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, said that students had chanted support for intifada, an Arabic word that means uprising and that many Jews hear as a call for violence against them.

After parrying back and forth, Ms. Stefanik asked, “Calling for the genocide of Jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment?”

Ms. Magill replied, “If it is directed and severe, pervasive, it is harassment.”

Ms. Stefanik responded, “So the answer is yes.”

Ms. Magill said, “It is a context-dependent decision, congresswoman.”

Ms. Stefanik exclaimed: “That’s your testimony today? Calling for the genocide of Jews is depending upon the context?”

Two other university presidents — Claudine Gay of Harvard and Sally Kornbluth of M.I.T. — testified with Ms. Magill and made similar statements. Free-speech scholars said that they were legally correct.

But Ms. Magill’s remarks failed to meet a moment of moral clarity for many of the university’s Jewish students, faculty and alumni, and set off a wave of criticism that included the state’s Democratic governor, Josh Shapiro, and its two Democratic U.S. senators, John Fetterman and Bob Casey. Even the White House weighed in.

Ms. Magill apologized Wednesday evening for her testimony.

“In that moment, I was focused on our university’s longstanding policies aligned with the U.S. Constitution, which say that speech alone is not punishable,” she said in a video. “I was not focused on, but I should have been, the irrefutable fact that a call for genocide of Jewish people is a call for some of the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate. It’s evil — plain and simple.”

She added, “In my view, it would be harassment or intimidation.”

In a response to her apology, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, a campus free speech group, said in a statement that it would be a mistake for Penn to revise its speech policies in response to the congressional hearing.’

Ms. Magill had already been embattled for months, before the Oct. 7 attacks.

In the summer, donors asked her to cancel a planned Palestinian literary conference on campus. Ms. Magill, citing free speech, said that it would go on as planned in September.

First casualty of the recently passed resolution

Note the jump from using the word Intifada (Intifada is an Arabic word that literally means “shaking off”, and in the Palestinian context, it is understood to mean a civil uprising) to turning that world into a call for the genocide of Jews.

Same as the meaning of "from the river to the sea" has been twisted.
'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'—the translation of min an-nahr 'ilā l-baḥr / Filasṭīn satatḥarrar—is the version that has circulated among English speakers expressing solidarity with Palestine since at least the 1990s.

The phrase was popularised in the 1960s as part of a wider call for Palestinian liberation creating a democratic state freeing Palestinians from oppression from Israeli as well as from other Arab regimes such as Jordan and Egypt.

However look at the AJC (American Jewish Committee) interpretation

“From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” is a rallying cry for terrorist groups and their sympathizers, from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to Hamas, which called for Israel’s destruction in its original governing charter in 1988 and was responsible for the October 7, 2023 terror attack on Israeli civilians, murdering over 1,200 people in the single deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. It is also a common call-to-arms for pro-Palestinian activists, especially student activists on college campuses. It calls for the establishment of a State of Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, erasing the State of Israel and its people. Another phrase “Globalize the Intifada,” which uses the Arabic word for “uprising” or “shaking off,” also calls for widespread violence against both Israelis and Jews across the globe.

Thought control in progress, hijacking langue. Which goes on all the time in mainstream media, for example Palestinians die in the war while Israelis get killed.

During a conversation, John Collins, professor of global studies at St Lawrence University and director of the independent news outlet Weave News, reminded me, “Words construct reality for us. In wartime, the words used by journalists are supposed to help us clarify what is happening and why. But too often, those words serve to distract us, mislead us, or shield the powerful from accountability”.

This misleading happens at a very elemental level in the way Palestinian deaths are described in news stories. While Palestinians are said to have “died”, Israelis are “killed”. The latter formulation acknowledges an active act of killing by someone, but the former is passive. As if to say that no one is to blame for Palestinian deaths or suggest – as did Israeli military spokesperson Lt Col Richard Hecht following the attack on Jabalia refugee camp – that Palestinian deaths are simply an unavoidable “tragedy of war”.

Of course, the minimisation of the Palestinian death toll also happened when President Biden questioned the accuracy of numbers seeing as the Ministry of Health in Gaza is run by Hamas. He said, “I’m sure innocents have been killed, and it’s a price of waging a war…But I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using.” Such an allegation effectively planted a seed of doubt about the actual severity of Palestinian suffering, with several news outlets assessing and reporting on the way the Ministry of Health calculated casualties – this while international humanitarian agencies insisting the ministry’s numbers are indeed reliable.

How media outlets frame the “why”, “how” and “what’s next” of this ongoing war also shapes public opinion. As a scholar of disinformation and propaganda, Nicholas Rabb found that “misleading rhetoric and incessantly one-sided coverage” by the US and Israeli media has allowed for the “uncritical demonisation of Palestinians”.

This includes right-wing media outlets in the US fearmongering about a forthcoming “Global Day of Jihad” called by Hamas. A Homeland Security official said that there was no credible evidence of an imminent threat on US soil. Nonetheless, after listening to conservative talk radio and worried about the impending “Day of Jihad”, a 71-year-old man attacked his tenant, a Palestinian American woman, before stabbing her six-year-old son to death.

The war of journalism is a deadly one as well

Since the Gaza war broke out, at least 63 journalists have been killed, including 56 Palestinians, four Israelis, and three Lebanese nationals, according to the group. The war has also led to “the deadliest month for journalists” since CPJ began tracking data in 1992.

We are renewing the call for journalists to tell the full truth without fear or favor. To use precise terms that are well-defined by international human rights organizations, including “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide.” To recognize that contorting our words to hide evidence of war crimes or Israel’s oppression of Palestinians is journalistic malpractice and an abdication of moral clarity.

The urgency of this moment cannot be overstated. It is imperative that we change course.


Writers of the letter are a group of U.S.-based reporters at both local and national newsrooms. Some members of the group were also involved in a 2021 open letter outlining concerns with U.S. media coverage of Palestine.

All signatures have been verified. About 600 current and former journalists signed the letter as of its publication on Nov. 9, 2023. About 600 more have signed since, bringing the total to about 1200. All numbers have been updated as of Nov. 13, 2023.

More than 30 journalists have since asked to have their signatures removed, fearing reprisal from their employers. Those employers include the Associated Press, the Washington Post, Bloomberg, McClatchy, the Chicago Tribune, LAist, the Modesto Bee, KCRW, and KQED.


Tons of demonstrations again this weekend, keep it up. All the way down to Tel Aviv.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gather outside Biden fundraising event in L.A.

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators March Through Streets Of London

Pro-peace demonstrators march with a banner and broken heart signs calling for a ceasefire in the conflict in Gaza during a protest in Tel Aviv (Dec 9)

Music as a form of resistance and maintaining sanity

More IDF propaganda exposed, while openly posting war crimes under the Geneva convention

And apparently it's illegal to boycott Israel in certain states in the US??

Two months into the Israel-Hamas conflict, the boycott of Israeli companies and products has grown exponentially in the US, mirroring the increase in pro-Palestine protests. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions or BDS movement, which began in 2005 in the Occupied West Bank, has long been a tool for Palestinians to take non-violent action. But more than half of US states have laws in place banning such a boycott, something that doesn't apply in other countries. Yasmine El-Sabawi reports.

HP, Siemens, AXA, Puma, Israeli Fruits and Vegetables, SodaStream, Ahava, Sabra Hummus

I'm not buying Sabra Hummus anymore, it's in the supermarket here labeled as Sabra Canada, yet in fine print product of USA. I've already been avoiding things labeled "product of USA", better to buy local anyway. Nothing is labeled product of Israel (at least not along the things we buy weekly) yet didn't know Sabra Canada is involved with the Strauss group.

I send my local supermarket this message:

I urge you to remove Sabra Hummus from sale in your supermarkets

Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israeli army.

Please do not support the ongoing genocide, deliberate starvation and killing of children by selling this product in your stores. Nor any other products produced in Israel.

As the Israel-Gaza conflict has intensified in recent days, Buycott has seen a surge in users joining groups with names like 'Avoid Israeli Settlement Products' and 'Long Live Palestine Boycott Israel.'

The latter was created in April by a British teenager, but floundered with a few hundred members through mid-July. It now counts over 220,000 shoppers as users, with its numbers climbing daily. By way of contrast, a user-created campaign to boycott Nestle for alleged human rights abuses has 57,000 members.

"I noticed 3 weeks ago that we were seeing an unusual spike in traffic, but there hadn't been any articles written about the app or Israel campaigns," said Pardo. " Next thing I knew Buycott was a top 10 app in the UK and Netherlands, and #1 in a number of Middle Eastern countries. Word was spreading through social media."

'Long Live Palestine Boycott Israel' lists 49 companies for those opposed to Israel's policies or tactics to avoid. These include Sabra, makers of the bestselling hummus in the U.S., jointly owned by Israeli company Strauss and PepsiCo . Strauss saw 2013 revenues of $2.3 billion, up 4.8%, thanks mostly to the growth of hummus' popularity in North and South America.

Around the Network
SvennoJ said:

More IDF propaganda exposed, while openly posting war crimes under the Geneva convention

And apparently it's illegal to boycott Israel in certain states in the US??

Two months into the Israel-Hamas conflict, the boycott of Israeli companies and products has grown exponentially in the US, mirroring the increase in pro-Palestine protests. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions or BDS movement, which began in 2005 in the Occupied West Bank, has long been a tool for Palestinians to take non-violent action. But more than half of US states have laws in place banning such a boycott, something that doesn't apply in other countries. Yasmine El-Sabawi reports.

HP, Siemens, AXA, Puma, Israeli Fruits and Vegetables, SodaStream, Ahava, Sabra Hummus

I'm not buying Sabra Hummus anymore, it's in the supermarket here labeled as Sabra Canada, yet in fine print product of USA. I've already been avoiding things labeled "product of USA", better to buy local anyway. Nothing is labeled product of Israel (at least not along the things we buy weekly) yet didn't know Sabra Canada is involved with the Strauss group.

I send my local supermarket this message:

I urge you to remove Sabra Hummus from sale in your supermarkets

Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israeli army.

Please do not support the ongoing genocide, deliberate starvation and killing of children by selling this product in your stores. Nor any other products produced in Israel.

As the Israel-Gaza conflict has intensified in recent days, Buycott has seen a surge in users joining groups with names like 'Avoid Israeli Settlement Products' and 'Long Live Palestine Boycott Israel.'

The latter was created in April by a British teenager, but floundered with a few hundred members through mid-July. It now counts over 220,000 shoppers as users, with its numbers climbing daily. By way of contrast, a user-created campaign to boycott Nestle for alleged human rights abuses has 57,000 members.

"I noticed 3 weeks ago that we were seeing an unusual spike in traffic, but there hadn't been any articles written about the app or Israel campaigns," said Pardo. " Next thing I knew Buycott was a top 10 app in the UK and Netherlands, and #1 in a number of Middle Eastern countries. Word was spreading through social media."

'Long Live Palestine Boycott Israel' lists 49 companies for those opposed to Israel's policies or tactics to avoid. These include Sabra, makers of the bestselling hummus in the U.S., jointly owned by Israeli company Strauss and PepsiCo . Strauss saw 2013 revenues of $2.3 billion, up 4.8%, thanks mostly to the growth of hummus' popularity in North and South America.

Really sad to see the US support genocide of children, and then talk about war crimes about other countries. 

The crazy thing is the US won't give Ukraine certain weapons because they scared Ukraine will just attack Russia with them and trigger WW3, but here they are ok with Israel marching into Gaza and doing whatever the fuck they want.

One was a terrorist attack so somehow justifies the invasion of another state an doing random killings of innocent people, and one is an ongoing invasion that Ukraine didn't ask for, but it's OK can't upset Russia.



Cobretti2 said:

The crazy thing is the US won't give Ukraine certain weapons because they scared Ukraine will just attack Russia with them and trigger WW3, but here they are ok with Israel marching into Gaza and doing whatever the fuck they want.

One was a terrorist attack so somehow justifies the invasion of another state an doing random killings of innocent people, and one is an ongoing invasion that Ukraine didn't ask for, but it's OK can't upset Russia.

Yup. Some rules are fair, Ukraine shouldn't be allowed to use cluster munitions on cities, some rules feel a little bullshit, Ukraine should be allowed to hit military targets on Russian soil using western equipment but they can't. Israel meanwhile seems to have absolutely zero rules enforced on it and can do whatever the fuck it likes, Ukraine who is facing a much more massive enemy follows these rules for the most part, Israel who is facing a much smaller enemy does not have any rules to follow, it doesn't make any sense.

Blinken keeps on banging the sexual violence drum

US secretary of state calls sexual violence inflicted by Hamas "beyond anything I have seen"

Maybe take a look at what's happening in Gaza...

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday forcefully condemned sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas during the October 7 attack and blasted those who have not forcefully condemned it or were slow to do so.

“I don’t know why countries, leaders, international organizations were so slow to focus on this, to bring it to people’s attention. I’m glad it is finally happening,” Blinken told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”

"The atrocities that we saw on October 7 are almost beyond human description or beyond our capacity to digest. And we’ve talked about them before, but the sexual violence that we saw on October 7 is beyond anything that I’ve seen either," he said.

The United Nations heard testimony about allegations of sexual and gender-based violence by Hamas at a panel hosted by Israel at the UN headquarters in New York last week. Several speakers reiterated that some human rights groups;!!AQdq3sQhfUj4q8uUguY!nq_ZxoaWmC5A1jwQ-0bnEGtO99ZD9KEXgvFo1swMz0rQMa4567UrfpIjzO_jVVs1PfrWx-W7c8nsnrykY1VXZuPdWcaoAYDlD5vv%24">such as UN Women were too slow to condemn the alleged rape and sexual violence.

It's hard to take it at face value coming from Israel after all the debunked lies of 40 beheaded babies, oven baked babies, babies cut of wombs etc. (Tragically one baby was shot and another one died in the womb on the way to the hospital from a gunshot wound, atrocities just like all the other civilians that were either wounded, abducted and/or killed)

Plus Israel keeps blocking any international investigation from UN women rights groups for example, while some testimonies have also already been debunked.

However it's the US and Israel turning rape into a weapon of war, using it to distract and shame anyone opposing the ongoing genocide, while continuing to dehumanize Palestinians.

Asked by Tapper why the United Nations and the international community have been so slow to respond to the allegations, Blinken said, “I think it is a question that these organizations, these countries need to ask themselves.”

House Democrats are planning to introduce a resolution condemning Hamas’ use of sexual violence and rape against Israeli women after they were dismayed by the response to the allegations from some lawmakers on the left, including Progressive Caucus chairwoman Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

Israeli police are interrogating suspects and compiling evidence, including video, forensics and witness testimony, to investigate accusations of rape during the attacks. Witnesses to the aftermath of the attacks say women and girls were sexually assaulted, tortured and killed.

CNN cannot independently verify individual allegations and claims.

Yes you can't verify any of that, yet you will print it daily without questions. Same as the daily:

US secretary of state warns Israel that more needs to be done to protect civilians: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that more needs to be done to protect civilians and provide humanitarian aid to people in the enclave. “The intent is there, but the results are not always manifesting themselves," Blinken told CNN on Sunday.

Greatest understatement all time. That's the US response to the war now, remember Oct 7, condemn Hamas, civilians are just unfortunate collateral damage, just move to safe zones.

Any allegations of sexual abuse, beatings, humiliation and the 6 confirmed deaths in Israeli prisons since Oct 7 are of course entirely ignored.

The report cited another freed female prisoner as saying that “over 15 Palestinian women were sexually assaulted” by Israeli forces who sought to force a confession out of them. The occupying regime's forces even keep videotapes of the raping to blackmail the abductees following their release, according to the report.

‘It would’ve been better if they shot us’: Palestinians recount prison abuse
Newly released inmates detail cases of humiliation, torture, rape threats, and a prisoner beaten to death by Israeli forces in the weeks since October 7.

Qatar, despite not daring to call Israel and the US by name, calls it

Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani opened the Doha Forum on Sunday condemning the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. 

"We meet today with great sadness as the world suffers continuous crises. The Gaza Strip is witnessing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster which makes the free people of the world ask some legitimate questions about the nature of the International systems and the efficiency of the legal instruments and its principles," the Prime Minister told audiences. 

Without mentioning Israel, he went on to condemned the targeting of civilians, including women and children, as a violation of international law and said the crisis has "highlighted the great gap between East and West and between the various generations and highlighted the double standards and the international community."

"The world actually is split between some who called for putting an end to this war and putting an end to the war machine, and some who are hesitating to call even for a ceasefire," he said. "Some people are trying to reshape this conflict as a religious war. However, this conflict was and still a matter of occupation, and a matter of people whose right to self determination was taken away over decades."

He went on to say, "Here we must ask, who is the party who continuously put obstacles in front of all attempts to secure peace? If we were indeed truthful and working together towards a shared future, we must start by recognizing the deficiencies in our global order in our world order. These deficiencies will allow the conflicts to continue and prevent us from reaching a solution."

Unfortunately it looks unlikely another humanitarian pause will happen from Hamas nor Israel

The Gulf state continues its efforts with partners to facilitate negotiations to resolve the Israel-Hamas war, he said, but "we are not seeing the same willingness" as in prior weeks. "It always takes two parties to be willing to such an engagement. Unfortunately, we are not seeing the same willingness that we had seen in the weeks before," he said.

When asked by which party, he responded: "Both parties."

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 10 December 2023

Another desperate measure to get the UN to act

Egypt and Mauritania have invoked UN General Assembly Resolution 377, also known as the “Uniting for Peace” resolution.

Adopted on 3 November 1950, the “Uniting for Peace” resolution is meant to allow the 193-member UNGA to act where the Security Council (UNSC)” has failed to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security”.

It was last used in March 2022, when the UNGA voted to demand that Russia stop its offensive in Ukraine and immediately withdraw all troops.

The resolution does allow the UNGA to recommend the use of force but this aspect of the resolution has only been used once, in 1951, calling on states to provide assistance to “the United Nations action in Korea”.

By contrast, the UNSC has the power to impose sanctions or authorise an international force.

Of course Russia is still busy destroying Ukraine, so I doubt this will lead to anything either.

Today is International Human Rights day, meaningless :/

The World Health Organization has adopted a resolution urging immediate humanitarian aid for Gaza in a move that has been heralded as a “victory for humanity” by Ahmed Al Mandhari, the WHO regional director for the Eastern Mediterranean.

The rare vote, held on Sunday, was only the seventh time in the WHO’s 75-year history that the organisation’s executive board has been convened for a special meeting.

Will this lead to anything? Problem is aid can't get in as Israel controls the entry points and only lets very little aid through. It's badly needed

Also not in Western media