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Blinken keeps on banging the sexual violence drum

US secretary of state calls sexual violence inflicted by Hamas "beyond anything I have seen"

Maybe take a look at what's happening in Gaza...

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday forcefully condemned sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas during the October 7 attack and blasted those who have not forcefully condemned it or were slow to do so.

“I don’t know why countries, leaders, international organizations were so slow to focus on this, to bring it to people’s attention. I’m glad it is finally happening,” Blinken told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”

"The atrocities that we saw on October 7 are almost beyond human description or beyond our capacity to digest. And we’ve talked about them before, but the sexual violence that we saw on October 7 is beyond anything that I’ve seen either," he said.

The United Nations heard testimony about allegations of sexual and gender-based violence by Hamas at a panel hosted by Israel at the UN headquarters in New York last week. Several speakers reiterated that some human rights groups;!!AQdq3sQhfUj4q8uUguY!nq_ZxoaWmC5A1jwQ-0bnEGtO99ZD9KEXgvFo1swMz0rQMa4567UrfpIjzO_jVVs1PfrWx-W7c8nsnrykY1VXZuPdWcaoAYDlD5vv%24">such as UN Women were too slow to condemn the alleged rape and sexual violence.

It's hard to take it at face value coming from Israel after all the debunked lies of 40 beheaded babies, oven baked babies, babies cut of wombs etc. (Tragically one baby was shot and another one died in the womb on the way to the hospital from a gunshot wound, atrocities just like all the other civilians that were either wounded, abducted and/or killed)

Plus Israel keeps blocking any international investigation from UN women rights groups for example, while some testimonies have also already been debunked.

However it's the US and Israel turning rape into a weapon of war, using it to distract and shame anyone opposing the ongoing genocide, while continuing to dehumanize Palestinians.

Asked by Tapper why the United Nations and the international community have been so slow to respond to the allegations, Blinken said, “I think it is a question that these organizations, these countries need to ask themselves.”

House Democrats are planning to introduce a resolution condemning Hamas’ use of sexual violence and rape against Israeli women after they were dismayed by the response to the allegations from some lawmakers on the left, including Progressive Caucus chairwoman Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

Israeli police are interrogating suspects and compiling evidence, including video, forensics and witness testimony, to investigate accusations of rape during the attacks. Witnesses to the aftermath of the attacks say women and girls were sexually assaulted, tortured and killed.

CNN cannot independently verify individual allegations and claims.

Yes you can't verify any of that, yet you will print it daily without questions. Same as the daily:

US secretary of state warns Israel that more needs to be done to protect civilians: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that more needs to be done to protect civilians and provide humanitarian aid to people in the enclave. “The intent is there, but the results are not always manifesting themselves," Blinken told CNN on Sunday.

Greatest understatement all time. That's the US response to the war now, remember Oct 7, condemn Hamas, civilians are just unfortunate collateral damage, just move to safe zones.

Any allegations of sexual abuse, beatings, humiliation and the 6 confirmed deaths in Israeli prisons since Oct 7 are of course entirely ignored.

The report cited another freed female prisoner as saying that “over 15 Palestinian women were sexually assaulted” by Israeli forces who sought to force a confession out of them. The occupying regime's forces even keep videotapes of the raping to blackmail the abductees following their release, according to the report.

‘It would’ve been better if they shot us’: Palestinians recount prison abuse
Newly released inmates detail cases of humiliation, torture, rape threats, and a prisoner beaten to death by Israeli forces in the weeks since October 7.

Qatar, despite not daring to call Israel and the US by name, calls it

Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani opened the Doha Forum on Sunday condemning the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. 

"We meet today with great sadness as the world suffers continuous crises. The Gaza Strip is witnessing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster which makes the free people of the world ask some legitimate questions about the nature of the International systems and the efficiency of the legal instruments and its principles," the Prime Minister told audiences. 

Without mentioning Israel, he went on to condemned the targeting of civilians, including women and children, as a violation of international law and said the crisis has "highlighted the great gap between East and West and between the various generations and highlighted the double standards and the international community."

"The world actually is split between some who called for putting an end to this war and putting an end to the war machine, and some who are hesitating to call even for a ceasefire," he said. "Some people are trying to reshape this conflict as a religious war. However, this conflict was and still a matter of occupation, and a matter of people whose right to self determination was taken away over decades."

He went on to say, "Here we must ask, who is the party who continuously put obstacles in front of all attempts to secure peace? If we were indeed truthful and working together towards a shared future, we must start by recognizing the deficiencies in our global order in our world order. These deficiencies will allow the conflicts to continue and prevent us from reaching a solution."

Unfortunately it looks unlikely another humanitarian pause will happen from Hamas nor Israel

The Gulf state continues its efforts with partners to facilitate negotiations to resolve the Israel-Hamas war, he said, but "we are not seeing the same willingness" as in prior weeks. "It always takes two parties to be willing to such an engagement. Unfortunately, we are not seeing the same willingness that we had seen in the weeks before," he said.

When asked by which party, he responded: "Both parties."

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 10 December 2023