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We’re getting reports that the UN Security Council vote on the draft resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza will be delayed.

The 15-member body had been due to vote on the resolution on Friday morning in New York but Reuters cited diplomats as saying that it had now been postponed until 5:30pm local time (22:30 GMT).

The council is still due to meet and be addressed by the UN chief about the situation in Gaza at 15:00 GMT.

Around the Network
Torillian said:
Shtinamin_ said:

I dont know if the question was directed to everyone, but ill still throw my hat in.
This increase in mail voting was due to the lack of in-person voting office support. There were, and still are, many places that focused pushed and did everything they could to tell their citizens, community, and state to vote using the mai-in ballots.
That all happened due to Covid-19, fear tactics were implemented (not to say that Covid-19 isn't a serious thing, it most certainly was, and still can be if we aren't careful, biological warfare is on the horizon) and everyone didn't dare go outside, everywhere you went was like a ghost town.
So yes, mail-in ballot had a huge surge, and it will most likely have big percent of this upcoming 2024 US Presidential Election.

Why did the counting of ballots take a pause at midnight of Nov 3 2020 when thats never happened before? I find that disturbing, isn't it election day?
I'm not saying I don't believe in the 2020 election results, I'm just curious looking back and noticing things I hadn't before. Is that wrong? If there is any evidence that the results are bad then they'll show up, if there isn't any then they wont show up. I think that pretty simple.

I can find no information corroborating your claim that vote counting paused at midnight for any significant amount of time. 

Cool, thank you for the information.
Hopefully the states have learned a lesson to sent the mail-ballot early, and receive them in time to finish counting before Californians decide to go asleep. :)

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Torillian said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Yikes, that is a big number.

You can change state boundaries, or at least try to. A couple counties in Oregon are trying to become part of Idaho, to create the State of Greater Idaho.

I do think it's weird that 2020 election was the highest percentage of Voted/VAP, Voted/VEP, and Voted/Registered than in any US Presidential Election.

I don't find it strange at all that the percentage was so much higher in 2020 as it was by far the easiest time I've ever had voting. I was in Michigan at the time and voting was a chore that took an hour or so and I felt like I was only informed on a couple races. In 2020 they opened up the ability for everybody to do voting by mail and it was amazing. So much more convenient and I got to sit there with the ballot and look up every single person to feel truly informed on my votes all the way down the ballot. I was so disappointed to see everything moved backwards after that towards more difficult and restrictive methods that will inevitably lead to more people not bothering. 

Pretty much this.  The ease of voting.  You know in big cities you could be in line for hours waiting for your chance to vote.  Mail in voting made that situation way easier and thus made participation so much easier.  Why do you believe the GOP wants to remove mail in voting.  It has nothing to do with fraud because there are many states that have been doing mail in voting for decades.  Its funny because a lot of the places where the GOP even approved mail in voting for their primary suddenly decided its way to compromised after the general election.

See the GOP knows that most of their constituents are in smaller cities and towns where voting only takes about 30 mins at best.  You only have to look at the maps of places where GOP constituents live to see that.  In bigger cities they usually vote Dems but also they are the places where they have reduced polling places in order to increase the wait time for voting hoping it will deter a lot of voters.

The reason the math does not work is because during 2020, it was very easy for everyone to vote and as a few GOP have even come out and made statements on it, that is not what they want.

Vote on a ceasefire should be soon, but might not be held at all since it's already 99% certain US will veto it. The only question is, will it be put to a vote to show the world it's the US keeping this war going.

Speaking at the Security Council, US envoy Robert Wood referred to the October 7 Hamas attacks as the “worst attack on our people” in decades.

Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara said the statement underscores that Israel is treated as the “51st state” of the US.

“The Biden administration the past two months have been parroting the Israeli lines, sometimes you would think they were basically taking exactly the same words phrases and sentences and using them as their own,” he said.

The statement by Wood, he said, is “actually echoing the thing that people have been saying for the last two months: You don’t know if it’s America speaking for America or it’s America speaking for Israel.”

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi reiterated his call for the passage of a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza "because the message is, if they do not, it is simply an endorsement of what Israel is doing."

"And what Israel has been doing is simply killing people, destroying their livelihoods, denying them food and water, jeopardizing the security of the whole region, undermining the interest of its own allies in our part of the world, hurting its own people by contributing to an environment in which it will deny its own people to live in peace," Safadi told CNN's Jim Sciutto on "CNN Newsroom" on Max. 

Safadi said Israel has not been adhering to the red lines that the US has described for post-war Gaza. 

Asked if the US is losing its credibility among its Arab allies, Safadi said, "all of us are losing our credibility."

"We are losing credibility in front of our people because our own people are looking at us and saying, 'OK, you're demanding that Israel stop. It's not. The whole international community has failed to act in any meaningful manner to stop the massacre,'" he said. "So, everybody's losing credibility. Moderation is losing credibility. The camp of peace is losing credibility. So, that is a danger with which we were going to have to reckon at some point or the other."


The UAE’s envoy to the UN Mohamed Abushahab said the draft resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza “echoes the call for humanitarian ceasefire made by world leaders, humanitarian organizations, and most recently by the secretary-general” of the UN.

“It is brief, it is simple. It is crucial,” he said.

CNN is so transparent, while other news networks report
"The council is expected to vote on a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza."

CNN instead quickly throws out

Dozens of suspects who were arrested by Israel's forces in Gaza over the past 48 hours have been taken to Israel for interrogation, IDF spokesperson rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Friday.  

“We eliminate many terrorists, and gradually see more terrorists who surrender during the battles, and turn themselves over to our forces," Hagari said during his daily briefing. Over the past 48 hours we have arrested over 200 suspects, dozens of them were taken to Israeli territory for interrogation."

Hagari said the Israeli military is in an “intensive stage” of its ground operation in Gaza.  

“Our troops are operating in the hearts of Hamas’s centers of gravity, in the northern and southern Gaza Strip simultaneously […] We conduct fierce fights against Hamas terrorists who hide underground and come up due to the activity of our forces,” he added.

Softening the stage for

US vetoes Security Council resolution calling for ceasefire

The ceasefire resolution has been vetoed by US envoy to the UN Robert Wood.

The US is supporting terrorism more than ever, legitimizing genocide, ethnic cleansing, countless war crimes.
Biden, Blinken, Kerby, Robert Wood, all war criminals that should be tried in The Hague next to Netanyahoo and Yayha Sinwar.
There is no humanity left in US politics.

After vetoing the draft resolution, US envoy to the UN Robert Wood said the process had been “rushed” and “lacked appropriate consultation”.

“Unfortunately, nearly all of our recommendations were ignored,” he said. “The result of this rush process was an imbalanced resolution that was divorced from reality, that would not move the needle forward on the ground in any concrete way”.

He said the authors “declined to include language condemning Hamas horrific terrorist attack on Israel on October 7”.

Can't even make up a new excuse, still a war on words while the genocide rages on.

The UK abstained btw (rest voted in favor), bunch of cowards.

CNN hasn't brought the news yet, still trying to phrase it with a positive spin I guess.

Ahh next update from CNN

Israeli defense minister claims he sees signs Hamas is at breaking point in Gaza  

From Tamar Michaelis and CNN's Sugam Pokharel  

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant claimed Friday that he sees signs Hamas is at a breaking point in Gaza.  

“Whoever thought a month ago that (they) would extinguish our lights, it is proven day after day what the results are. In the State of Israel, there is light, and in Gaza, there is darkness. This will continue to intensify. I see the signs that indicate (Hamas is) beginning to break inside Gaza,” he told Israeli soldiers during a Hanukkah candle lighting event.  

He didn’t elaborate further and didn’t provide any evidence to support his assessment.  

The defense minister’s remark comes as the Israeli forces intensify attacks in the northern and southern Gaza Strip.  

The Israeli military said earlier Friday that approximately 450 targets in Gaza were struck over the past day – the highest number reported since the end of the truce a week ago.

WTF just ignoring the veto? First more Israeli propaganda.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 08 December 2023

Influencers Boosted Biden in 2020. Now Some Are Turning on Him

In 2020, campaigning at the height of the global pandemic, the Biden campaign leaned heavily on influencers to reach young voters. Republican rivals called it a cop out — they said Biden was “hiding in his basement” — but it was hard to argue with the results of that social media-intensive strategy: Biden won voters under the age of 29 by a 26-point margin.

In 2024, the Biden campaign is doubling down, with plans to add even more than the roughly two dozen staffers who worked on the campaign’s influencer program in 2020. But this time around, there are real questions about whether that strategy will work: handpicked influencers that have been on the receiving end of overtures from the administration are noticing increased criticism of Joe Biden among their followers — particularly as it relates to the president’s handling of the crisis in Gaza — and some influencers courted by the White House are strongly considering backing alternative candidates in 2024. 

George Lee Jr., who has 2.4 million followers as The Conscious Lee on TikTok, was invited to a State of the Union watch party at the White House last year. “It was a lovely experience — I’m a first generation college student from a small town in Texas, so the fact that I was able to get invited and have my work be recognized on such a platform was definitely good.” He spoke with Joe Biden, and even asked Jill Biden to dance. 

But the invite didn’t buy enough goodwill to guarantee his support next November. “I would imagine I probably will never get invited again — especially with the way I’ve been so unapologetic with this Palestinian genocide that’s happening. Joe Biden is really shooting himself in the foot,” Lee tells Rolling Stone. “When we start talking about the lesser of two evils, a lot of my followers — all 3 million of them — are literally asking the question, like, ‘Damn, so the lesser of the two evils is the one that is supporting genocide? Noted, noted, noted.’”

“How I talk to my followers about it is like — and excuse my language, I’m gonna cuss — ‘Goddamn, Biden. Your weak ass is gonna rally the entire of America to be against right-wing governments? Meanwhile, you are being unrelentless, unconditional in giving support to a right-wing government?’ That’s funny.”

Lee says he would never sit an election out — “Shit, my life is impacted by policy. I’m gonna be voting” — but Joe Biden has not locked his vote in for 2024. He’s seriously considering throwing his support behind the academic and activist Cornel West, who is running an independent bid. “He’s very critical of American imperialism,” Lee says.

Polls, of course, have started to pick up on that sentiment: The latest New York Times/Siena College poll showed Biden leading Trump among registered voters under the age of 30 by a single percentage point. Surveys generally show younger voters disapprove of the way that the president is responding to the war between Israel and Hamas at a higher rate than older voters. (Not all polls agree, though: one recent YouGov survey found support for Biden’s handling of the was was higher among 18-to-29 year olds than any other age group.)

Biden deserves to lose (and arrested). However the republicans are even more pro war.

By a 61%-30% margin, respondents said their sympathies lie more with Israelis than Palestinians, but that's driven by Republicans (79%) and independents (67%), who overwhelmingly support Israel.

Democrats are split, 45%-45%.

That was November 15th, November 30th: (Nov 1-21st poll period)

  • Solid majorities of Republicans (71%), men (59%), adults 55 and older (63%) and White adults (61%) approve of Israel’s military actions in Gaza.
  • Conversely, more than six in 10 Democrats (63%), adults younger than 35 (67%), and people of color (64%) disapprove, as do the slight majority of women (52%).

I thought it would have gone down considering the situation has only been escalating, however the propaganda is working

Working to keep people divided enough...

At least the younger generation is better informed

The fuck do people want that think it's not going far enough???

Around the Network
SvennoJ said:

The **** do people want that think it's not going far enough???

Curious questions: lets say you think they are going too far. What could Israel to do take it down a couple notches?

If they aren't going far enough what could they do to go farther?

I'm asking cause I don't know enough of the facts of what happening exactly. So I do appreciate your effort to explain your thoughts to these two questions. :)

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

SvennoJ said:

Influencers Boosted Biden in 2020. Now Some Are Turning on Him

In 2020, campaigning at the height of the global pandemic, the Biden campaign leaned heavily on influencers to reach young voters. Republican rivals called it a cop out — they said Biden was “hiding in his basement” — but it was hard to argue with the results of that social media-intensive strategy: Biden won voters under the age of 29 by a 26-point margin.

In 2024, the Biden campaign is doubling down, with plans to add even more than the roughly two dozen staffers who worked on the campaign’s influencer program in 2020. But this time around, there are real questions about whether that strategy will work: handpicked influencers that have been on the receiving end of overtures from the administration are noticing increased criticism of Joe Biden among their followers — particularly as it relates to the president’s handling of the crisis in Gaza — and some influencers courted by the White House are strongly considering backing alternative candidates in 2024. 

George Lee Jr., who has 2.4 million followers as The Conscious Lee on TikTok, was invited to a State of the Union watch party at the White House last year. “It was a lovely experience — I’m a first generation college student from a small town in Texas, so the fact that I was able to get invited and have my work be recognized on such a platform was definitely good.” He spoke with Joe Biden, and even asked Jill Biden to dance. 

But the invite didn’t buy enough goodwill to guarantee his support next November. “I would imagine I probably will never get invited again — especially with the way I’ve been so unapologetic with this Palestinian genocide that’s happening. Joe Biden is really shooting himself in the foot,” Lee tells Rolling Stone. “When we start talking about the lesser of two evils, a lot of my followers — all 3 million of them — are literally asking the question, like, ‘Damn, so the lesser of the two evils is the one that is supporting genocide? Noted, noted, noted.’”

“How I talk to my followers about it is like — and excuse my language, I’m gonna cuss — ‘Goddamn, Biden. Your weak ass is gonna rally the entire of America to be against right-wing governments? Meanwhile, you are being unrelentless, unconditional in giving support to a right-wing government?’ That’s funny.”

Lee says he would never sit an election out — “Shit, my life is impacted by policy. I’m gonna be voting” — but Joe Biden has not locked his vote in for 2024. He’s seriously considering throwing his support behind the academic and activist Cornel West, who is running an independent bid. “He’s very critical of American imperialism,” Lee says.

Polls, of course, have started to pick up on that sentiment: The latest New York Times/Siena College poll showed Biden leading Trump among registered voters under the age of 30 by a single percentage point. Surveys generally show younger voters disapprove of the way that the president is responding to the war between Israel and Hamas at a higher rate than older voters. (Not all polls agree, though: one recent YouGov survey found support for Biden’s handling of the was was higher among 18-to-29 year olds than any other age group.)

Biden deserves to lose (and arrested). However the republicans are even more pro war.

By a 61%-30% margin, respondents said their sympathies lie more with Israelis than Palestinians, but that's driven by Republicans (79%) and independents (67%), who overwhelmingly support Israel.

Democrats are split, 45%-45%.

That was November 15th, November 30th: (Nov 1-21st poll period)

  • Solid majorities of Republicans (71%), men (59%), adults 55 and older (63%) and White adults (61%) approve of Israel’s military actions in Gaza.
  • Conversely, more than six in 10 Democrats (63%), adults younger than 35 (67%), and people of color (64%) disapprove, as do the slight majority of women (52%).

I thought it would have gone down considering the situation has only been escalating, however the propaganda is working

Working to keep people divided enough...

At least the younger generation is better informed

The fuck do people want that think it's not going far enough???

Insane man it's like they want to spread hate and wars, killing 11,000 children in 2 months is not enough. This is a genocide on defenseless woman and children. 

Middling middling. 

Abstain? why abstain? can't you let the USA take the heat? how stupid do you have to be to abstain? who are you representing? 

How childish, go play GTA if this brings you any joy. Fucking apes. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 09 December 2023

Shtinamin_ said:
SvennoJ said:

The **** do people want that think it's not going far enough???

Curious questions: lets say you think they are going too far. What could Israel to do take it down a couple notches?

If they aren't going far enough what could they do to go farther?

I'm asking cause I don't know enough of the facts of what happening exactly. So I do appreciate your effort to explain your thoughts to these two questions. :)

What's happening exactly is Israel relaxed all restraints and is using AI to bomb anything that even has a hint it might be tied to Hamas.

Which is a lot of course since Hamas is the entire government. It's the equivalent of attacking the US government by bombing the homes of US soldiers and their family, all US infrastructure, hospitals, schools, universities, libraries, museums, shelters, fuel depots, water sanitation, food supplies, bakeries, internet infrastructure.
In addition Israel has also laid complete siege on Gaza, preventing water, electricity, fuel, medication and food from coming in (or in very minimal quantities now, about 10% of what's needed to survive, through one entry point which can't reach most of Gaza due to bombing and most major roads having been destroyed) razing farmland, basically making it impossible for civilized life to exist in Gaza.
Hospitals and aid can't operate anymore in Gaza. Families bombed in their homes are trapped under the rubble with no way to rescue them or retrieve the bodies. There is no fuel to operate rescue machinery. Pregnant women have no where to go to give birth, hospitals are either bombed or out of service. No electricity nor medical supplies left. Doctors have to perform amputations on children without any anesthesia nor the correct medical tools and have to watch children die from pain, shock and blood loss.
In some places 500 people have to share 1 toilet while sewage pumps aren't working anyway. Disease outbreaks are getting worse, due to overcrowded shelters (1.8 million people chased out of their homes with nowhere to go) lack of sanitation, lack of water, malnutrition, hypothermia due to lack of clothes, blankets.

There are endless ways Israel could take it down a lot of notches. Unrestricted aid access through multiple entry points. Respect UNWRA shelters, stop bombing shelters, stop targeting ambulances, stop bombing/shelling hospitals and schools where many refugees are sheltering. Allow water, food, fuel and electricity back into Gaza, restore basic needs for survival. Protect civilians. (That's all required from an occupying force by law, respect international laws)

It has gone so far already that a complete ceasefire is desperately needed now or many more people will start dying from the medieval like siege on Gaza. And where are the humanitarian pauses?

Here is life for the 'lucky' ones that still have a place to stay inside an UNWRA facility

To go farther? Simply extending the bombing campaign while preventing even the minimum amount of aid getting in is taking it further day after day. But there are also voices to wipe out everything and drive the people into the Sinai desert in Egypt. Leave or die.

The West has been complicit in the oppression and occupation for decades. Stories like this don't gain any traction in Western media

Illegal detention (admistrative detention and military courts for civilians and children in the West Bank and East Jerusalem) has been going on for decades.
That's just the numbers up to September. Since Oct 7 thousands more have been put in jail without any access to representation, nor even getting charged, simply put under administrative detention for indefinite length of time. Or put before military 'justice' courts (only for Palestinians, apartheid regime) with a 99% conviction rate.
In total, an estimated 7,000 Palestinians are in prison, including many minors and activists. Nearly 2,900 of those detainees are held without trial.

Just speaking out against the occupation or having any pro Palestine materials in your web browser can get you arrested, your home raided at night and dragged off to jail. There are multiple daily raids occurring in the west bank. More people were arrested during the ceasefire than released as part of the hostage negotiations.

That amidst the ongoing settler violence which has further escalated since Oct 7
Israel arms the settlers and provides military cover for them, shooting and arresting Palestinians that resist.
You don't have the order to stop violent settlers. What you do have orders for is to protect the Jewish community. We don't have orders as soldiers to protect everyone in the area. We have hundreds of testifiers. None of them said that they received an order to detain a settler attacking a Palestinian, even though it's the most simple order.

And it goes on and on, has been since 1967, or rather started in 1948 with the Nakba.

If you want to learn more, listen to Chris Hedges

The USA is losing all its goodwill it had slowly build up in the Middle East, yet still think they can push 'normalization' between Arab countries and Israel. Meanwhile sending more troops to try to contain the conflict from spreading further into surrounding countries.

As long as there is still oil and gas in the ground, the middle east will stay a battleground :/ The USA needs Israel to keep the Arab countries under control and has been doing so by giving Israel unrestricted military aid. (Basically paying itself through Israel to send avg $3.9 billion in weapons a year to Israel under the title of aid) Right wing Zionist have been taking this as an opportunity to keep oppressing Palestinians while slowly taking more and more land and sustaining the apartheid regime, against international law.
In addition to financial and military aid, the United States also provides large-scale political support to Israel, having used its United Nations Security Council veto power 42 times against resolutions condemning Israel, out of a total 83 times in which its veto has ever been used.

This is one of the latest expulsions back on the table (never left, but being pushed through again)

Cutting East Jerusalem further off from the West Bank. Further fragmenting the little land Palestinians have left.
This particular expulsion has been on the agenda for years, now pushed through under the cloak of war.
“Israel’s transfer of its own population into the occupied territory confirms a deliberate intention to colonise the territory it occupies – a practice strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law,” they said, reiterating their past statement. “It amounts to a prima facie war crime.”

What we're seeing now is the sped up endgame in a 75 year colonial war to settle all of Palestine.
This is not about Hamas. It's a 75-year colonial war
The ethnic cleansing of Palestine is inseparable from the racialised structures of Zionism, which receives unbridled support from Europe and the US

The ICC has been investigating war crimes by Israel for the past 9 years, yet keeps stalling.

Focus: Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court that are alleged to have been committed in the Situation since 13 June 2014, the date to which reference is made in the Referral of the Situation to the Office of the Prosecutor.

On 3 March 2021, the Prosecutor announced the opening of the investigation into the Situation in the State of Palestine. This followed Pre-Trial Chamber I's decision on 5 February 2021 that the Court could exercise its criminal jurisdiction in the Situation and, by majority, that the territorial scope of this jurisdiction extends to Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. 

It took them 7 years to even determine jurisdiction...
Reports from the 2014 Gaza war

Will it ever end?

Btw the USA also backed apartheid in South Africa.
It took a change in public opinion to finally get the US to see reason.

In 1986 Congress overrode a presidential veto on major foreign policy. During the 1980s, the American public increasingly resented the South African system of apartheid and urged the United States government to take major action. This led to bipartisan Congressional action to override President Reagan’s veto of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act [CAAA] of 1986. This act imposed broad economic sanctions against South Africa to pressure the government to end the system of apartheid.

The Israeli lobby has too much influence on US politics for congress to do anything meaningful

Propaganda through major news outlets and social media disinformation campaigns keep the public distracted and divided. Preventing the end of apartheid as it eventually happened in South Africa.

What is the way out?