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Someone on Reddit did a text version of the Twitter space.


Administration hasn't even started.

How will President Musk worm out of this one.

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Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

Traditional (We Hate Immigrants) MAGA vs Tech Bro (We Need Immigrants) MAGA.

Let them fight, I hate them both, I love this, it's hilarious.

I guess we already knew that Elon Musk declaration that X was for free speech was a sham but damn, I thought he would at least try to hide it a lot better.  I mean using the platform to retaliate against people who disagree with him is seriously going to hurt his presidency.  Lets see how this all plays out.  I always thought Musk and the right really was not a great fit since he definitely is probably more middle.

Agreed except with where Musk is, I firmly stand by he is far-right as well but he's more like a dystopian Cyberpunk CEO or at least, that is what he wants to be, a more modern example would be a Russian Oligarch but Russian Oligarchs ultimately bow down to their Emperor Putin even if it hurts them financially, but America is an extremely capitalist country where CEOs rule so lets see how it plays out. Musk is a businessman who wants to exploit the world first and foremost for his own benefit but he is simply pointing out facts that businesses heavily rely on immigration. It's basically CEO Tech Bro Far-Right vs Traditional Nationalist Far Right and the businessmen care more about their business than the plebs at the bottom.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 December 2024

BFR said:
Machiavellian said:

Again, you just do not understand how budgets work and your lack of understanding is why we keep circling this topic.  A budget is a budget, have you never made a budget for yourself.  My wife and I do it for every month and for the entire year.  We know how much money we bring in, we know all of our expenses and we budget for family events we know we need to save for.  Then there is personal budget, we put money into where each of us spend that money on whatever we like.  Meaning I do not care how she spends her personal budget and she doesn't care how I spend mine.  All of the money is budgeted to go somewhere.

For a company or federal agency its pretty much the same thing.  All of the money they are budgeted for is allocated for something but there is also allocation within the budget for things like Christmas parties, trips and so forth.  You call it wasteful spending because you have no clue the money allocated for these personal events which funded the tables.  The thing is, if it was within budget, then they had the money to pay for it.  While it may not be what YOU would spend it for, you do not work for the CDC so you have no clue if that is something the employees decided they wanted.  Either way, if they did it within budget then it wasn't wasteful.

And Yes, every agency just like every company usually have discretionary accounts.  Funny enough, I am sure if we looked at the discretionary accounts for congress it probably would blow you mind.  I hope we see how much this DODGE employees will be paid for their work since we already have an agency doing the job.  That in itself could be considered wasteful money.  Paying a company to do the exact same job as one we already have a budget for whose is made up of people who have no clue how the government works.

Do you agree that budgets, at any level, can be "excessive?" ...and if they are, isn't that a bad thing?

Of course.  Anything can be excessive.  The key is that without full understanding of any situation just drawing a conclusion that its wasteful on limited knowledge is just feeding your own bias.  I know in a number of situations within the company I worked for we moved money around within the department I worked to do certain things.  Sometimes we allocated more money than we needed because we had a number of projects lined up which included travel for a lot of people but those projects fell through.  During COVID this was especially evident because instead of going on site, we did video conferences.  This of course saved a lot of money so where does that money goes.  It does not go back to the main company so our department spent it on high-end equipment.  If you have a budget for a year, a good budget will spend all the money.

Trying to use this singular event during COVID which as I stated may have gave the department a surplus in their budget probably isn't what you would use to say the department itself waste money.  You would need to show years of wasteful spending and then put that against what the budget is set for the department and make adjustment for the next budget on that.

BFR said:

Do you agree that budgets, at any level, can be "excessive?" ...and if they are, isn't that a bad thing?

When we talking about billions of dollar budget there is a balance between not wasting money and the cost to prevent waste being greater than the saving amount.

For example my company use to give us a max $80 a day on food when we was on travel.  We had to keep all receipts and submit them and then we got a check for the amount of money we spent.  They changed the rule to just giving us $80 a day and if you spend less basically we get to keep the money. The reason is they figured out that the cost to collect receipts and then write checks for the correct amount cost more then they was saving from not just giving us $80 a day and letting us spend it on food or not at all.

My point is doing a audit on every agency would cost 100's millions of dollars so doing it every year would probably cost more then you save at a certain point.  The question then become how often do you audit budgets that the amount of money you save from waste is greater then the audits themselves which where things start to get tricky.  Especially when you get lobbyist and people in congress that benefits from local businesses in there state getting big contracts with government vs other companies that would be cheaper.  The question then become will congress listen to the audit results because at the end of the day it congress that set budgets.

Remember DODGE is an advisory committee not a government agency. They have no real power other then having Trump ear.  All they can do is make recommendation to Trump and congress but at end of day they have no real power.  Even Trump can make some changes but there is still limits without congress acting.  

DODGE is no different than Roosevelt Keep Commision or Regan Grace Commission and none of them had any lasting effect on government spending despite it goals.

Post Clinton every president have spent more than the previous weather it Democratic or Republican and I betting Trump will keep this streak going.  He did not almost get our government shutdown on wanting to get rid of the debt ceiling for the next 4 years in order to spend less money. 

BFR said:

So, Pi are the CDC picnic tables " a waste sure" or are they justified?

I've been pretty clear that I view them as an inefficient government spending item. 

That doesn't mean that they were an "$8,000 waste". There might have been some good justifications to get something well beyond a $130 table. Maybe they could have done something equally good with $4,000. 

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:

It's so funny reading Vivek's post. At least I wish it were funny. 

"A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers."

"because they promoted mediocrity…and their kids went on to become wildly successful STEM graduates)."

"Trump’s election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America, but only if our culture fully wakes up"

Republicans have spent the past couple decades cultivating that culture. Education has been vilified as indoctrination. Science is a lie to prop up businesses. Medical science is a lie, they're just propping up big pharma. Climate science is a lie, it's just propping up green companies or something. We don't want nerds, we want toxic masculine jocks. 

As someone with a huge passion for STEM, the hypocrisy is so painful. 

High school and college football are huge in the evangelical South. The highest paid public employees in most states are the head football coaches of the flagship state universities. Some wealthier Texas school districts have high school stadiums that look like miniature NFL venues. The evangelicals have cultivated this jock worship. 

The far-right has a habit of ripping itself apart, so I am not surprised. Elon using a sockpuppet account to join conversations isn't unexpected either, because sockpuppet accounts are the sign of weak men.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Here's another option, ban smart phones from public parks, like smoking :p
Much cheaper, safer, more relaxing. People actually paying attention to each other and their kids!

Lmfao. I hate this woman but can't say she doesn't have a point about Ian Miles Cheong

Musk Suspended Loomer.


This dude is a fucking baby.

Trump sure is quiet during all this drama unless I've missed it.