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It's so funny reading Vivek's post. At least I wish it were funny. 

"A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers."

"because they promoted mediocrity…and their kids went on to become wildly successful STEM graduates)."

"Trump’s election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America, but only if our culture fully wakes up"

Republicans have spent the past couple decades cultivating that culture. Education has been vilified as indoctrination. Science is a lie to prop up businesses. Medical science is a lie, they're just propping up big pharma. Climate science is a lie, it's just propping up green companies or something. We don't want nerds, we want toxic masculine jocks. 

As someone with a huge passion for STEM, the hypocrisy is so painful.