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There is plenty of evidence of global warming but as we all know, when people put convenience and money over everything else what will win out. It will be just like any slow moving disease. People do not pay attention until its way to late. They will ignore the signs until they cannot ignore it anymore and then when things go bad, they will still blame the people who continued to tell them the issue because that is just how such people mind work.

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SanAndreasX said:
Pemalite said:

If Hawaii on fire isn't enough to wake conservatives up that there is something "off" about the climate, then nothing will.

They are simply anti-science and out of touch.

It won't be. Hawaii is A) 2400 miles from the west coast of the mainland, and B) a blue state. 

Texas or Florida would have to be on fire for them to care.

Even then, "fires happen sometimes" seems to be the prevailing narrative from the right. 

sundin13 said:
SanAndreasX said:

It won't be. Hawaii is A) 2400 miles from the west coast of the mainland, and B) a blue state. 

Texas or Florida would have to be on fire for them to care.

Even then, "fires happen sometimes" seems to be the prevailing narrative from the right. 

They do sometimes happen, hence why firefighters exist.

But the workload is getting to the point where I am saving a town/city every year rather than once every 10+ years, even during a cooler/wetter year due to La-Nina. - Which shows that even when you have climate influencers that reduce fire-potential, shit will still go wrong.

Just a few weeks ago, despite being winter we had a running grassfire... In winter. That's a rare occurrence.
And it's a cold and wet winter not a hot and dry one.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

sundin13 said:
SanAndreasX said:

It won't be. Hawaii is A) 2400 miles from the west coast of the mainland, and B) a blue state. 

Texas or Florida would have to be on fire for them to care.

Even then, "fires happen sometimes" seems to be the prevailing narrative from the right. 

Just saw an article today about fires in Greece and how affected people blame everything except global warming. It was even insulting to them to suggest the possibility. A bit disheartening, really.

Of course, fires do happen and the obvious thermodynamical effect of increased temperatures is increased rainfall, but some places *will* get drier, even if only in relative terms (evaporation increases more than rainfall).






Number Four!

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Its good that Trump can use these indictments to finance his campaign but it would be very interesting if he was foolish enough to use the money to pay for all the lawyers he needs to defend himself. Anyway,everytime Trump gets indicted an angle gets their wings. Man the Presidential election is going to be hella interesting if Trump face any one of these indictments. It will definitely be very interesting to see if Trump wins the GOP primary and then have to campaign from jail.

the-pi-guy said:

Wind and solar power pollute the Earth and make life miserable. Recent global and local heat records reflect natural temperature cycles. These are some of the themes of children’s videos produced by an influential conservative advocacy group. Now, the videos could soon be used in Florida’s classrooms. Florida’s Department of Education has approved the classroom use of material from the Prager University Foundation, a conservative group that produces videos that distort science, history, gender and other topics.

Nice, convenient edit from "No Lie" Brian. I'm sure such condensation will lead to no loss of information.

The full version is a lot more complicated. One thing edited out by clip above is Columbus praising modern-day condemnation of slavery.

Around 9:24 or so but anyone who has more patience in their system, the full video is worthy of a watch...

^ This really isn't the hill you wanna die on, dude.

PragerU is well known propaganda and has no business being used in classrooms as anything but examples of disinformation and how to spot them.

TallSilhouette said:

^ This really isn't the hill you wanna die on, dude.

PragerU is well known propaganda and has no business being used in classrooms as anything but examples of disinformation and how to spot them.

TS, you have nothing to worry about. I know to be careful with PragerU content hence I watched their video in full and straight from the source rather than a BTC lens. I even linked it here so that others may watch it for themselves.

Just the same, I know to be careful with Shaun (whom I've watched extensively before) and BTC (who I have not to the same extent).

PragerU's shit can certainly stink. Likewise, BTC and Shaun's shit can stink too at times. I can now say I've had smelly run ins with all three in the past.

KLAMarine said:

The full version is a lot more complicated. One thing edited out by clip above is Columbus praising modern-day condemnation of slavery.

You say that like it makes any of it better. In fact, it makes it worse. Christopher Columbus enslaved native Americans. To portray it as if he would have been glad that we moved on from slavery, would be like having Hitler say that it's so good that we've moved on from hating Jews. It is a disgusting and dishonest portrayal, and there's absolutely nothing positive about it. 

I watched the video.

One minute in, and the side against Christopher Columbus spread things like disease and slavery; while the side for was that he was courageous and inspired people to think differently. Such a fascinating comparison, because it just doesn't work. One side is talking about real tangible problems, and the other side is largely talking about intangible benefits. 

Prager U is incredibly consistent at:

1.) Giving half truths

2.) Giving lies.

3.) Leading you from A to B without justification. They will claim that A implies B, even if it clearly doesn't.

And perhaps more importantly, they package these lies in such a way as if they are obvious truths. Like someone would have to be an idiot not to come to the same conclusion.