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Good thing AOC won by a massive margin, they ain't unseating her so they can waste their money trying.

She has soared lately, she's shrewd as fuck and I don't mean that in a bad way, she's a very, very, smart politician.

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Ryuu96 said:

Good thing AOC won by a massive margin, they ain't unseating her so they can waste their money trying.

She has soared lately, she's shrewd as fuck and I don't mean that in a bad way, she's a very, very, smart politician.

AIPAC also didn't bother spending any money trying to oust Ilhan Omar. She won her primary solidly and is all but guaranteed to win reelection in November, barring some massive shock. 

So Bobby Kennedy Jr. has officially endorsed Trump.

RFK Jr. is the Kennedy version of Alveda King. They both embraced right-wing ideology as scions of left-leaning families and famous civil rights figures. They both appointed themselves the official spokespersons for their families. They both intentionally misrepresent the views of the famous relatives on whose coattails they are trying to ride, often trying to impose their own views on MLK/JFK/RFK Senior.. They've both been disavowed by the other members of their families for engaging in such deliberate misrepresentations.

SanAndreasX said:

So Bobby Kennedy Jr. has officially endorsed Trump.

RFK Jr. is the Kennedy version of Alveda King. They both embraced right-wing ideology as scions of left-leaning families and famous civil rights figures. They both appointed themselves the official spokespersons for their families. They both intentionally misrepresent the views of the famous relatives on whose coattails they are trying to ride, often trying to impose their own views on MLK/JFK/RFK Senior.. They've both been disavowed by the other members of their families for engaging in such deliberate misrepresentations.

It's such a weird half-assed endorsement, he is only being removed from the ballot in some states, endorses Trump, but still tells people to vote for either him or Trump, then he went on an insane ramble for most of it filled with Russian propaganda, antivax nonsense, etc. Really showcasing how much of a fucking weirdo he is, I'm not sure if this will even have much effect on the polls and most poll pundits seem to think it won't either.

Trump-Vance-RFK Jr is the most anti-Democracy, Pro-Russian, Weirdo trio in quite some time. JFK would be rolling in his grave.

Renamed said:
LurkerJ said:

Netanyahu propped up Hamas and made sure they last as much as they did, it's reported on numerous outlets.

The horrific 7th of October, as tragic as it is, is being shamelessly and publicly milked by Netanyahu on both sides of Palestine, the West Bank and Gaza. The rhetoric from this truly far right government exposes their desires for everyone to see, they will never stop finding excuses to steal more lands and terrorise more innocents in the West Bank and Gaza. It's a shame Biden can't see Netanyahu is working hard to put him and his entire party in a tough spot that only Trump can benefit from. 

November can't come sooner. Harris signalling can be interpreted in many ways, I remain hopeful she'll do the right thing. AIPAC is just too powerful to upset at this stage, it might be the correct political choice for now, again, as tragic as it is (maybe Rachel Maddow will develop some journalistic integrity and dedicate her show to explain to us proper election interferences and not just chase silly stories of twitter bots). 

What exactly could they do?  They only remain influential because we keep calling them influential. There has been a lot of push from the left to distance themselves away from AIPAC since 2021.  Especially since they funded dozens of senators that voted to overturn the 2020 election and have aligned themselves more with Trump than the bipartisan approach they used to have.  

Rapsuperstar mentioned the 8 million dollars they spent against Cori Bush, which is a lot of money but they also dropped 17 million against Jamaal Bowman; 25 million in total against these alone in the span of a month? scandalous. 

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
SanAndreasX said:

So Bobby Kennedy Jr. has officially endorsed Trump.

RFK Jr. is the Kennedy version of Alveda King. They both embraced right-wing ideology as scions of left-leaning families and famous civil rights figures. They both appointed themselves the official spokespersons for their families. They both intentionally misrepresent the views of the famous relatives on whose coattails they are trying to ride, often trying to impose their own views on MLK/JFK/RFK Senior.. They've both been disavowed by the other members of their families for engaging in such deliberate misrepresentations.

It's such a weird half-assed endorsement, he is only being removed from the ballot in some states, endorses Trump, but still tells people to vote for either him or Trump, then he went on an insane ramble for most of it filled with Russian propaganda, antivax nonsense, etc. Really showcasing how much of a fucking weirdo he is, I'm not sure if this will even have much effect on the polls and most poll pundits seem to think it won't either.

Trump-Vance-RFK Jr is the most anti-Democracy, Pro-Russian, Weirdo trio in quite some time. JFK would be rolling in his grave.

It will have very little effect, if any.

The Kennedy name isn't what it used to be. JFK has been dead for 61 years, Bobby Senior for 56. JFK Jr. has been gone for 25 years now, though the right has bizarre fantasies about him being secretly alive and helping Trump behind the scenes. . Ted Kennedy, the last sibling of JFK and RFK, has been dead for 15 years.  William Kennedy Smith did a lot of damage to the family name as well, and dealing with his legal problems left Uncle Ted unable to grapple with the nomination of Clarence Thomas.  The younger Kennedys don't seem to be interested in politics anymore, and given all the tragedy that has befallen their family in the political ring, I don't blame them. They are disappearing from the public eye. The only Kennedy in Congress these days is John Neely Kennedy, a Southern Republican Senator from Louisiana who is completely unrelated to the Massachusetts Kennedys, though God knows RFK Jr. certainly acts more like John N. Kennedy than his uncle Jack. The last of the Massachusetts Kennedys to be in Congress was Joe Kennedy III, who served as Representative for RI-1, who left in 2022 to become a government envoy for Northern Ireland. Rhode Island is strong blue, so RFK Jr. isn't going to sway them in November.

Supposedly, he originally asked Tulsi Gabbard to be his running mate, but she shot him down because she thought she was in the running to be Trump's VP.

Only conspiracy-obsessed right wingers will care. Democrats are smart enough to know the difference, and RFK hasn't done himself any favors over the past four years.

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 23 August 2024

Defender of US arms transfers to Israel gets prominent State Dept role: Report

US news outlet HuffPost is reporting that Mira Resnick has been appointed to a special Israel-Palestine role at the US State Department, prompting rebuke from critics of the administration’s policy.

Resnick had previously worked in a bureau that oversaw billions in arms shipments to Israel, the report said. A source also told HuffPost that Resnick has more recently been privately defending new arms transfers to Israel to lawmakers and their staff.

The appointment “reflects a doubling down on the administration’s determination to continue to provide unconditional material support for Israel’s genocidal campaign against civilians in Gaza”, former State Department official Annelle Sheline, who quit over the Biden administration’s Israel policy, told the news outlet.

Resnick is set to replace Andrew Miller as deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs in the State Department’s Middle East office. Sheline said Miller was known to be wary of the Biden administration’s approach, and “did his best” to push back.

This is a snapshot of all the latest polling on 538 (General Election), Harris is leading Trump in all but 1 (tie) including 2 Republican-funded polls. 

Trump says – as president – US colleges could lose accreditation over ‘anti-Semitic propaganda’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has told Jewish donors to this election bid that US universities could lose accreditation and federal government support over what he described as “anti-Semitic propaganda” if he is elected president again.

Trump also said he would ban refugees resettling in the US from “terror-infested” areas, naming Gaza as one such location, and that he would arrest “pro-Hamas thugs” who engage in vandalism, an apparent reference to student protesters at US universities against Israel’s war on Gaza.

“Colleges will and must end the anti-Semitic propaganda or they will lose their accreditation and federal support,” Trump said on Thursday, speaking remotely to a crowd of more than 1,000 Republican Jewish Coalition donors in Las Vegas, the AP reports.

Trump’s comments appear focused on pro-Palestinian protests that erupted across US college campuses earlier this year, with students setting up encampments to express opposition to US support for Israel’s war on Gaza and to demand educational institutions sever ties with Israeli firms and government entities that support the war.

Trump being "anti-war" is complete nonsense, I made a post on this a few months back when a user was trying to make this claim.

  1. The assassination of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani which almost spiralled out of control.
  2. He threatened Iraq with sanctions if they forced American troops to leave their own country.
  3. In 2000 he argued in favour of a military strike on Iraq.
  4. In 2002 he was in favour of the Iraq invasion and only started criticising it a year later when he saw how messy it was.
  5. Troop numbers in warzone were increased during his presidency.
  6. In 2019, air strikes from the US/Allies in Afghanistan killed more civilians than in any other year since the war began.
  7. The US alone dropped more bombs on Afghanistan in 2019 than any other year since tallies began in 2006.
  8. He vetoed measures to force an end to US Involvement in Yemen War.
  9. He vetoed bills intended to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

But he's apparently "anti-war" to some because technically no new wars were started by him, Lol.

Oh and being an isolationist doesn't mean "anti-war" cause the fact is a lot of people and countries rely on America's protection to keep them safe and once that is removed, others take advantage, Trump abandoned the Kurds, US Allies for years, to be slaughtered. Saying that Russia can "do whatever the hell it wants" to America's allies is not being anti-war, it's if anything encouraging war. He will let Israel absolutely slaughter Gaza and throw Ukraine to their deaths against Russia but oh he's such a peace loving president, Lol.

It does feel like some Americans aren't taught a thing about WW2 and how well isolationism worked out for them last time around.

Trump's anti war because he's going to cut aid off to Ukraine and let hundreds of thousands be slaughtered 🤡

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 September 2024