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SanAndreasX said:

So Bobby Kennedy Jr. has officially endorsed Trump.

RFK Jr. is the Kennedy version of Alveda King. They both embraced right-wing ideology as scions of left-leaning families and famous civil rights figures. They both appointed themselves the official spokespersons for their families. They both intentionally misrepresent the views of the famous relatives on whose coattails they are trying to ride, often trying to impose their own views on MLK/JFK/RFK Senior.. They've both been disavowed by the other members of their families for engaging in such deliberate misrepresentations.

It's such a weird half-assed endorsement, he is only being removed from the ballot in some states, endorses Trump, but still tells people to vote for either him or Trump, then he went on an insane ramble for most of it filled with Russian propaganda, antivax nonsense, etc. Really showcasing how much of a fucking weirdo he is, I'm not sure if this will even have much effect on the polls and most poll pundits seem to think it won't either.

Trump-Vance-RFK Jr is the most anti-Democracy, Pro-Russian, Weirdo trio in quite some time. JFK would be rolling in his grave.