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Defender of US arms transfers to Israel gets prominent State Dept role: Report

US news outlet HuffPost is reporting that Mira Resnick has been appointed to a special Israel-Palestine role at the US State Department, prompting rebuke from critics of the administration’s policy.

Resnick had previously worked in a bureau that oversaw billions in arms shipments to Israel, the report said. A source also told HuffPost that Resnick has more recently been privately defending new arms transfers to Israel to lawmakers and their staff.

The appointment “reflects a doubling down on the administration’s determination to continue to provide unconditional material support for Israel’s genocidal campaign against civilians in Gaza”, former State Department official Annelle Sheline, who quit over the Biden administration’s Israel policy, told the news outlet.

Resnick is set to replace Andrew Miller as deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs in the State Department’s Middle East office. Sheline said Miller was known to be wary of the Biden administration’s approach, and “did his best” to push back.