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BLUE WALLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(That laugh was a laugh of excitement).


LurkerJ said:

We got young Bernie as VP. 🥲

It's a beautiful sight.

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I assume that Harris is confident in winning PA without Shapiro, she has ran a brilliant campaign so far and I have absolute faith in her decisions because of that. Walz continues the good vibes we have, you can't help but love him, unlike Shapiro he has very little voter baggage. Walz also represented a largely rural red district so he can speak to those folk better than some. He's a brilliant speaker, the whole campaign's attack angle which has been so effective came directly from Walz. I think he'll appeal to people and being a former teacher, in a farmers union, a former coach and a high ranking military officer will earn him credit. He's a fantastic communication who can actually connect with people.

He's going to destroy Vance in a debate, it'll be like talking down to a misbehaving pupil.

Ryuu96 said:

I assume that Harris is confident in winning PA without Shapiro, she has ran a brilliant campaign so far and I have absolute faith in her decisions because of that. Walz continues the good vibes we have, you can't help but love him, unlike Shapiro he has very little voter baggage. Walz also represented a largely rural red district so he can speak to those folk better than some. He's a brilliant speaker, the whole campaign's attack angle which has been so effective came directly from Walz. I think he'll appeal to people and being a former teacher, in a farmers union, a former coach and a high ranking military officer will earn him credit. He's a fantastic communication who can actually connect with people.

He's going to destroy Vance in a debate, it'll be like talking down to a misbehaving pupil.

LOL, you believe there will be a VP debate. I doubt Trump campaign will do any debates as there is nothing to gain and a lot to lose.

Is Pelosi the most influential person in Washington to Democrats?

She convinced Biden to step down, she was in favour of Walz.

Renamed said:

And I'll post my periodic reminder that all of these polls use "likely voters". That means people that have already voted in the previous election. They do not include new voters or previously disinterested voters.

And I'll let you guess which candidate has static voters and which one is gaining new or reinvigorated voters.

Quick correction: Some of the polls use "likely voters", not all. If you head over to 538, you'll see they post "LV", "RV" or "A" next to the poll's sample size to indicate whether it was conducted with Adults, Registered Voters or Likely Voters. This is actually why 538's forecast is more left leaning than RCP's for example. The likely voter population in this cycle is expected to be more blue than the registered voter population, so they adjust for that. That also means that as we get closer to the election day and more polls switch from RV to LV, we are expected to see Kamala getting a small boost in polling numbers. 

You're right though that they don't just ask who is a likely-voter, they make a determination based on several questions they ask. Here are some example questions I found from Pew Research: 

• How much thought have you given to the coming presidential election?
• How closely have you been following news about the candidates?
• Do you plan to vote in the presidential election? How certain are you that you will vote?
• Rate your chance of voting in November on a scale of 10 to 1, with 10 being “definitely will vote” and 1 “definitely will not vote.”
• How often do you follow what’s going on in government and public affairs?
• Have you ever voted in your precinct or election district?
• How often would you say you vote?
• Do you happen to know where people in your neighborhood go to vote?
• In the last election, did things come up that kept you from voting or did you vote?
