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They could use Trump's racist shit "black jobs" or Trump's offensive as fuck attempt at using "Palestinian" an insult. Maybe Trump once again saying he'll let Russia slaughter America's allies, that he knew Russia would invade Ukraine and did nothing or him talking proudly about Roe vs Wade being overturned. Fuck there's a lot to pick from, black jobs is being meme'd like hell on Twitter and Reddit though, Lol.

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Ryuu96 said:

God...He's so fucking dumb...Come on America...

The funny but not so funny part is that all of them listening just tune it out and cheer the complete nonsense that comes from his mouth.  Many times, Trump will say things that shows his character, and you just cringe when you hear them cheer as if did you actually here what he just said.  I guess having someone who sounds, and act stupid is a flex for some voters believing that he is one of us when inside you know he cannot stand any of them.

Ryuu96 said:
LurkerJ said:

I am not surprised by the debate perfomance at all, but I am not only surprised, but also shocked how the liberal/left mainstream media reacted to the debate (most independent left-wing media has been in panic mode for a long time now).

Surely you were not expecting a fiery perfomance from Biden? surely you were not expecting a bump-free ride for 90 freaking minutes? are you really surprised or just acting surprised? This is how Biden has been whenever he wasn't reading from a teleprompter for a good while now, I am ok if you think he is fine to run again despite of this but I am really struggling to see where this overblown reaction coming from. I don't even necessarily blame Biden for this as much as I blame the DNC.

@RolStoppable; thanks, useful info to have.

They've been going on about his age for years now, they feel vindicated and are saying "SEE WE WERE RIGHT!" But none of them offer up any solutions, any ideas of who should replace Biden, it's easy to say "CHANGE" without knowing what the change is. It'll be a massive gamble to change at this stage and just make the Dems look like they're in chaos.

I am going to give you guys a hint, when has a debate really changed people's minds that much about a candidate.  It may go up a point here or there but really by this time its not like anyone doesn't know these 2 candidates as we have had 4 years of both.  So I doubt any debate is going to change anything at the moment as most people probably did not even watch it since they already made up their minds.

Ryuu96 said:
LurkerJ said:

I am not surprised by the debate perfomance at all, but I am not only surprised, but also shocked how the liberal/left mainstream media reacted to the debate (most independent left-wing media has been in panic mode for a long time now).

Surely you were not expecting a fiery perfomance from Biden? surely you were not expecting a bump-free ride for 90 freaking minutes? are you really surprised or just acting surprised? This is how Biden has been whenever he wasn't reading from a teleprompter for a good while now, I am ok if you think he is fine to run again despite of this but I am really struggling to see where this overblown reaction coming from. I don't even necessarily blame Biden for this as much as I blame the DNC.

@RolStoppable; thanks, useful info to have.

They've been going on about his age for years now, they feel vindicated and are saying "SEE WE WERE RIGHT!" But none of them offer up any solutions, any ideas of who should replace Biden, it's easy to say "CHANGE" without knowing what the change is. It'll be a massive gamble to change at this stage and just make the Dems look like they're in chaos.

And now Jill Stein is going on about Biden's age. Jill Stein is less than 8 years younger than Biden herself. It's amazing that a bunch of senior citizens are going after other senior citizens about their age. Jill Stein has never been anything but another novelty third-party candidate.

SanAndreasX said:
Ryuu96 said:

They've been going on about his age for years now, they feel vindicated and are saying "SEE WE WERE RIGHT!" But none of them offer up any solutions, any ideas of who should replace Biden, it's easy to say "CHANGE" without knowing what the change is. It'll be a massive gamble to change at this stage and just make the Dems look like they're in chaos.

And now Jill Stein is going on about Biden's age. Jill Stein is less than 8 years younger than Biden herself. It's amazing that a bunch of senior citizens are going after other senior citizens about their age. Jill Stein has never been anything but another novelty third-party candidate.

Now we have NBC tweeting this shit.

Even though it was a pre-planned trip set before the debate, Biden is a Catholic, getting with his family on a Sunday.

And Politico doing this.

This dude is spot on.

Whether people think Biden should step down or not, the American media is utter garbage and not on your side, the majority of them want Trump to win, Trump is better for business, as simple as that. Trump says shit like he'd let Russia slaughter innocent citizens of America's allies if they "don't pay up", that he spoke to Putin before the invasion and he was told it was his dream to invade Ukraine, he says racist shit like "Black jobs/Hispanic jobs" and proudly talks about being responsible for killing Roe v Wade, oh and his 30+ felonies but all the media can do is focus on Biden's age (before and after this debate).

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 2 days ago

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This guy speaks a lot better on the subject than I've seen any media shouting to replace Biden without a plan.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 2 days ago

As long as Biden insists that he will be the candidate, there's no realistic way around him. I just find it strange how stark the difference between his good and his bad days is. Maybe the preparation camp for the debate was really exhausting.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

It's a train wreck either way.

Biden is failing to unite his user base, over his age and over his stance on Israel. The problem is, his age and his stumbling leaves him open to attacks from the Republican side and media. It's a great distraction from what the USA is doing in the ME as well.

Netanyahu has chosen Trump for president and is holding out until November to get free reign from Trump to 'finish the job'. Aipac has their backs covered on both sides, but I don't doubt they're also steering the media towards Trump whenever they can.

When CNN doesn't even back Biden (not calling out Trump for his racist remarks, fact checking after the fact at 1 AM when no one's watching anymore) it's going to be an difficult uphill battle. The younger generation sees all the destruction and daily atrocities Biden is endorsing in the ME, the ones following the mainstream media see a weak president that's being questioned whether he can be president for another 4 years.

Now Biden want to go on attack on foreign policy

Biden aims to paint Trump as a man whose foreign policy makes him too dangerous to be in the Oval Office

Yet I doubt it will help

“President Biden stands up to dictators and defends freedom – Trump is a loser who is too dangerous and reckless to ever be anywhere close to the Oval Office again,” the official said.

That falls hollow on those that follow what's going on in Gaza. It would only make them more angry at Biden, strengthening the #NeverBiden and uncommitted campaign.

Over 700 thousand uncommitted votes, that's a lot of swing votes.

Plus as CNN goes on, it will be hard to pin Trump down on anything as he cleverly remains vague on what he'll actually do, just keeps spouting lies that it would never have gotten this far on his watch. Biden can't offer solutions, Trump says he can. Young voters won't fall for that, yet the mainstream media loves those kind of soundbites :/

We've seen what Israel's impunity has led to, Trump's impunity can do the same to the USA. Biden blew his chance at the debate to counter all Trump's lies. As long as the mainstream media refuses to do their job to keep exposing the truth about Trump, exposing the gap between what he says and does, I'm only getting more worried.

Come on now, criticism of Biden's cognitive decline is absolutely valid and has nothing to do with disrespect towards the elderly, you can argue that there is no one to replace him and this is an unhelpful conversation, and I can sympathise with that, especially if you're talking to TV hosts and pundits, but you can't argue against the criticism being invalid or unwarranted or try to shut it down, blame the DNC for not being prepared for this type of criticism, not the people who are raising it.

No one is talking about Bernie's age, even though Bernie is older than Biden, for example. This isn't about ageism.

LurkerJ said:

Come on now, criticism of Biden's cognitive decline is absolutely valid and has nothing to do with disrespect towards the elderly, you can argue that there is no one to replace him and this is an unhelpful conversation, and I can sympathise with that, especially if you're talking to TV hosts and pundits, but you can't argue against the criticism being invalid or unwarranted or try to shut it down, blame the DNC for not being prepared for this type of criticism, not the people who are raising it.

No one is talking about Bernie's age, even though Bernie is older than Biden, for example. This isn't about ageism.

Lets be honest, this election has nothing to do with either candidate cognitive ability.  If that was the case neither would have won their primary.  Its basically if you want Trump government or you want Biden government because as far as cognitive ability neither would be anyone's pick.  So America will still pick on party lines as far as Dems and Republicans goes and independants as always will decided who gets into the office based on which government they want.