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Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Trump’s Not ‘Bluffing’: Team MAGA Is Planning an Extreme Second Term

Conservative-Backed Group Creates a List of Federal Workers Suspected of Being Hostile to Trump Plans

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Pro-Israel candidate defeats Jamaal Bowman in US primary after record AIPAC funding

George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist has defeated progressive incumbent Jamaal Bowman in a primary election to select the democratic candidate for New York’s 16th congressional district, the Associated Press is reporting.

Before the election, Bowman’s district was flooded with an unprecedented $12m in attack advertisements and messaging, funded by the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Observers say AIPAC’s record funding to unseat Bowman was a direct result of his vocal criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza.

In a post on social media before results came in Bowman said, “we’re rising up against AIPAC and their right-wing billionaires. Every vote is going to count in ensuring that we defend the voice of the people!”

Jamaal Bowman, has been the representative for New York’s 16th congressional district since 2021

George Latimer won preselection for the safe Democrat seat currently held by Bowman

George Latimer will defeat House ‘squad’ member Jamaal Bowman in historic New York Democratic primary, CNN projects

New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman will lose his Democratic primary to Westchester County Executive George Latimer, CNN projects, marking the first defeat for a member of the House “Squad” of progressive lawmakers.

The result in New York’s 16th Congressional District is also a victory for pro-Israel groups, which backed Latimer with historic levels of spending during the campaign. According to ad tracking firm AdImpact, the race was the most expensive House primary on record.

Bankruptcy trustee plans to shut down and liquidate InfoWars to pay the judgements against Alex Jones.

Let's hope the trustee succeeds. Jones will probably just pick back up with a new show in the end, but I wasn't sure the legal process would even get this far. He deserves nothing but destitution and misery.

It's always the ones who are screaming about protecting the kids who turn out to be the fucking weirdos themselves.

Context: Dr Disrespect sending inappropriate messages to a minor after screaming along with Nickmercs about protecting the kids from LGBTQ+ people. These bigoted fuckers, it's always projection.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 June 2024

Rare Republican With a Spine.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 June 2024

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Ryuu96 said:

Rare Republican With a Spine.

The cult denounces anyone with so much as a single vertebra of spine as a "RINO."

Ryuu96 said:

Rare Republican With a Spine.

I’m from the district he represented!

I disagreed with many of his policies but I can respect him, he was a traditional pro-business/tax cuts Republican while being pretty moderate on social issues.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

It seems American politics should be renamed "contradictions" in action. 


Wild to think that Keir Starmer, Former Director of Public Prosecutions, may end up hosting a convicted Felon (Donald Trump).

I'm not jumping into dooming but my optimism has been hit, all I see is that Biden's debate performance was awful and he looked super old which is disappointing considering his SOTU address only 3 months ago was great and caused Republicans to go into overdrive and change the narrative that Biden is now on drugs because of how good it was. I also read that Trump didn't answer any questions and just spewed a bunch of bullshit lies like a lunatic but we've seen in the past how much "charisma" helps candidates no matter how much nonsense they say.

Scary to think America could elect a dictator wannabe, a trend towards the far-right, France is trending towards the fa-right and the Nazi AFD Party is growing in Germany. The UK will somehow be the most left-leaning parliament of the major powers, although we'd be more centre than anything. I'll be happy to see the Tories wiped out but if Trump wins, JFC.

Can't help but feel disgusted at America if they elect Trump again (and anyone who votes for him). Europe needs to pull its finger out its ass and start moving away from America as Macron told us to do so years ago, this sick fuck straight up said he would encourage Russia to kill America's European allies if they didn't spend 2% on their own military, if America elects Trump then Europe needs to drop America like a bag of rocks.

Democrats have a big issue now, need to ramp up quickly and blast everything they have, no time to waste to undo this damage, for the people who recommend a candidate change though, who would even be a viable alternative? The only one that comes to my mind is Newsom but he still feels too early and would have baggage attached to him just for the simple fact of being from California, Lol. Didn't seem that Trump exactly "won" but just performed better than an awful Biden. I'm not sure though, anyone has a better chance than Biden still.

If I was American this debate wouldn't change my mind on voting Biden over that horrible fucker but damn...

Ryuu96 said:

Wild to think that Keir Starmer, Former Director of Public Prosecutions, may end up hosting a convicted Felon (Donald Trump).

I'm not jumping into dooming but my optimism has been hit, all I see is that Biden's debate performance was awful and he looked super old which is disappointing considering his SOTU address only 3 months ago was great and caused Republicans to go into overdrive and change the narrative that Biden is now on drugs because of how good it was. I also read that Trump didn't answer any questions and just spewed a bunch of bullshit lies like a lunatic but we've seen in the past how much "charisma" helps candidates no matter how much nonsense they say.

Scary to think America could elect a dictator wannabe, a trend towards the far-right, France is trending towards the fa-right and the Nazi AFD Party is growing in Germany. The UK will somehow be the most left-leaning parliament of the major powers, although we'd be more centre than anything. I'll be happy to see the Tories wiped out but if Trump wins, JFC.

Can't help but feel disgusted at America if they elect Trump again (and anyone who votes for him). Europe needs to pull its finger out its ass and start moving away from America as Macron told us to do so years ago, this sick fuck straight up said he would encourage Russia to kill America's European allies if they didn't spend 2% on their own military, if America elects Trump then Europe needs to drop America like a bag of rocks.

Democrats have a big issue now, need to ramp up quickly and blast everything they have, no time to waste to undo this damage, for the people who recommend a candidate change though, who would even be a viable alternative? The only one that comes to my mind is Newsom but he still feels too early and would have baggage attached to him just for the simple fact of being from California, Lol. Didn't seem that Trump exactly "won" but just performed better than an awful Biden. I'm not sure though, anyone has a better chance than Biden still.

If I was American this debate wouldn't change my mind on voting Biden over that horrible fucker but damn...

Don't sweat it to much, if Trump gets elected then that is what America wants and they will get the full Monty of it.  I find that when people make bad decisions only living with those decisions hopefully helps them not make it again.  At the end of the day, I doubt anything of significance will change even if Trump gets reelected.  He will still be the idiot he has always been, probably screw some stuff up and make America look like clowns for 4 years or do something so stupid they really remove him from office.  As for myself, nothing really changed for myself under Trump in my day to day life because that is more state related and not federal.