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Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

Some reactions show that there's truly nothing that Trump could do which would make his fanbase stop supporting him, a pure cult. When MPs have broke laws in the UK, the public wanted their heads, didn't matter if it was left wing Labour or right wing Tories, in America I'm almost convinced Trump could shoot Biden and 90% of his fanbase would not only still support him but cheer him on.

🤣 All of Trumps weirdo fanbase desperate for a civil war too, Tim Pool having a mental breakdown.

Yeah, its funny how a guy can pretty much treat you as if you are stupid and they will still vote for him.  Think about Bill Bar and a few other GOP who basically came out and said the man was unfit but still will vote for him because he has an R next to his name on the ballot.  Its like the trial where Trump defense is trying to convince the Jury he did not have sex with Daniels but somehow agreed to pay her money to keep her trap shut.

Its like he is internally telling his base he believes they are stupid, and it just boggles my mind.  Then again, Trump has realized that the only thing that matters to his base is not what is right in front of them but basically what they are willing to believe from his lips.  It's a very interesting dynamic and you wonder if any other politician could emulate it.

Not to mention he is grifting his dumbass fanbase into paying his legal bills, Lmao.

It'll be tough for someone else to emulate it, it is a cult in every sense of the word and people like that don't come around often, I think any moderate Republican needs to realise that their party is a lost cause for the near future, it's the Party of Trump. Not sure what comes after Trump, Idk if his children can emulate this but for now it's Trump or nothing.

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Oh he's terrified, Lmao. He knows if they convict Trump they sure as shit will have no issue bringing charges against him.

Love that he doesn't even deny Trump committed the crimes, only that a former President shouldn't be held accountable for breaking the law, a former President should be treated differently than how everyone else would be treated under the law. He thinks it's just a trivial matter so we should just forget about it. Your honour, I may have broken the law but like, it wasn't murder so...maybe you should just forget about it?

Yes, others are at risk at the same thing and that's a good thing, too long have there been one rule for the rich, wealthy and famous but another rule for the "common" people. If anything, the verdict restores my faith in America's justice system a little. The law applies to everyone equally no matter who you are, or at least, it should.

Yeah, Musk is pretty much making a statement for all rich people. We can and will be prosecuted and convicted of even misdemeanor crimes. The thing is, this is not just a misdemeanor crime since it was done in relation to another crime which is election interference. It's funny that he says the legal system failed but most would believe that the legal system did its job because it did not discriminate between a person status or previous position. Trump was brought up on charges and tried and convicted by his peers. There are many in jail over such trivial crimes but somehow, we are to believe only the rich deserve a pass.

Shtinamin_ said:
Machiavellian said:

It has nothing to do with what he wants.  The president does not have the power to pardon someone on state criminal convictions so no, he cannot pardon himself.  As for polls, who cares about those until we actually go to the vote.  He was leading the polls in 2020 as well and we saw what happened.  If he gets elected, then so be it but him being bullet proof isn't correct or he would be president now.  He would not have lost all those cases on election fraud.  He would have won both NY cases, the Jean Carole case and he still have GA and the 2 federal criminal trials to get pass.  If anything, his brand is coming unglued and if he loses this election well its not going to be good for him because once your armor is chipped, everyone will want their shot and there are other states lining up like Michigan looking to get their pound of flesh.

Trump never led in the average 2020 poll. Biden was leading on average by 6-8%

Thanks to Cambridge Analytica, the power of social media data mining

Watch The Great Hack, to see how Trump pulled off his election or read here:

It almost worked again but not quite. Probably why Trump was so convinced he had won. No Russian interference, all home brew.

That's why general polls don't work, since micro targeting, profiling those who can be persuaded, is the new thing.

Ryuu96 said:

Yes, others are at risk at the same thing and that's a good thing, too long have there been one rule for the rich, wealthy and famous but another rule for the "common" people. If anything, the verdict restores my faith in America's justice system a little. The law applies to everyone equally no matter who you are, or at least, it should.

I've seen a lot of people on Twitter throw around this notion that "If they did it to Trump, they can do it to you!".
And regular people believe it applies to them, as if they have access to presidential campaign funds that they can use to pay someone off.

The powerful and wealthy are used to getting away with their "trivial" crimes.

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Hiku said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yes, others are at risk at the same thing and that's a good thing, too long have there been one rule for the rich, wealthy and famous but another rule for the "common" people. If anything, the verdict restores my faith in America's justice system a little. The law applies to everyone equally no matter who you are, or at least, it should.

I've seen a lot of people on Twitter throw around this notion that "If they did it to Trump, they can do it to you!".
And regular people believe it applies to them, as if they have access to presidential campaign funds that they can use to pay someone off.

The powerful and wealthy are used to getting away with their "trivial" crimes.

If you break the law, you too could be convicted of a crime!

Hiku said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yes, others are at risk at the same thing and that's a good thing, too long have there been one rule for the rich, wealthy and famous but another rule for the "common" people. If anything, the verdict restores my faith in America's justice system a little. The law applies to everyone equally no matter who you are, or at least, it should.

I've seen a lot of people on Twitter throw around this notion that "If they did it to Trump, they can do it to you!".
And regular people believe it applies to them, as if they have access to presidential campaign funds that they can use to pay someone off.

The powerful and wealthy are used to getting away with their "trivial" crimes.

I remember that same line when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago. My boomer coworker said it and I was like “no shit the FBI can search my house if I’m hiding classified documents that relate to national security”.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

Some reactions show that there's truly nothing that Trump could do which would make his fanbase stop supporting him, a pure cult. When MPs have broke laws in the UK, the public wanted their heads, didn't matter if it was left wing Labour or right wing Tories, in America I'm almost convinced Trump could shoot Biden and 90% of his fanbase would not only still support him but cheer him on.

🤣 All of Trumps weirdo fanbase desperate for a civil war too, Tim Pool having a mental breakdown.

Yeah, its funny how a guy can pretty much treat you as if you are stupid and they will still vote for him.  Think about Bill Bar and a few other GOP who basically came out and said the man was unfit but still will vote for him because he has an R next to his name on the ballot.  Its like the trial where Trump defense is trying to convince the Jury he did not have sex with Daniels but somehow agreed to pay her money to keep her trap shut.

Its like he is internally telling his base he believes they are stupid, and it just boggles my mind.  Then again, Trump has realized that the only thing that matters to his base is not what is right in front of them but basically what they are willing to believe from his lips.  It's a very interesting dynamic and you wonder if any other politician could emulate it.

Or Pence, for whom the J6 looney tunes built a gallows for. 

He understands his voter base. They don't vote for him because they want to better the country. They vote for him because they hate their fellow Americans, and he gives them outlets for that hate. He's also given them a Supreme Court that will codify that hate for decades to come. If he gets re-elected, having Alito and Thomas retire would be a disaster. 

Hiku said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yes, others are at risk at the same thing and that's a good thing, too long have there been one rule for the rich, wealthy and famous but another rule for the "common" people. If anything, the verdict restores my faith in America's justice system a little. The law applies to everyone equally no matter who you are, or at least, it should.

I've seen a lot of people on Twitter throw around this notion that "If they did it to Trump, they can do it to you!".
And regular people believe it applies to them, as if they have access to presidential campaign funds that they can use to pay someone off.

The powerful and wealthy are used to getting away with their "trivial" crimes.

That "if they did it to Trump, they can do it to you!" reveals the huge monarchist streak running through the United States.

What they did to Trump was like a mother's kisses compared to what the government did to Breonna Taylor. And Philandro Castle. And Tamir Rice. Trump got due process. These three people got summary extrajudicial executions.

I'm a little late, but just wanted to share my feelings with you on this development tonight:

(Er I mean, I mourn this tragic assault on American democracy. Which is something other than what Trump was just convicted of. And recognize that Jesus was wrongly convicted too. All the conservative talking points and excuses.)

Okay, in all half-seriousness, here are the memes. Enjoy! My personal favorite is "I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote" followed closely by Fox News running a story on Taco Bell while the verdict broke.