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Hiku said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yes, others are at risk at the same thing and that's a good thing, too long have there been one rule for the rich, wealthy and famous but another rule for the "common" people. If anything, the verdict restores my faith in America's justice system a little. The law applies to everyone equally no matter who you are, or at least, it should.

I've seen a lot of people on Twitter throw around this notion that "If they did it to Trump, they can do it to you!".
And regular people believe it applies to them, as if they have access to presidential campaign funds that they can use to pay someone off.

The powerful and wealthy are used to getting away with their "trivial" crimes.

That "if they did it to Trump, they can do it to you!" reveals the huge monarchist streak running through the United States.

What they did to Trump was like a mother's kisses compared to what the government did to Breonna Taylor. And Philandro Castle. And Tamir Rice. Trump got due process. These three people got summary extrajudicial executions.