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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft gives market share against PlayStation

mjk45 said:
Qwark said:

Because the point they are making is we are getting brutally slaughtered and we can't do anything about that unless we can buy Actibliz

The counterpoint then becomes well you were already getting those games so unless you leverage your ownership to benefit you how does it stop the slaughter. 

Because you will get less of those games and we still get them, so that should benefit us. They might not get away with locking COD off Playstation, but the rest is fair game.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

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Bandorr said:

"Microsoft has 58 games already running on PlayStation, Sony only has 2 running on Xbox. We've said that if this acquisition goes through, we're happy to make sure that there's a #59 with Call of Duty and no doubt others."

To get there they are counting the games that were already on the Playstation when they bought out the studio. Yet by that same logic they are forgetting SSO - and hilarious by all nature: Halo 1-3. Oh and destiny etc.

Their PR is just pathetic. It is fake news at its worst. This is stuff I expected to see at the bottom of the barrel fanboy sites.

No, you only think that because you are either unoriginally parroting Sterling, or because you don't understand the situation.  So, for you and everyone else posting similarly I will explain it clearly.

Everything said at any point by anyone at MS from the time they announce the intent to acquire till the time the deal goes through (or is buried) is PR meant entirely for the regulators.  There is nothing to gain by making the company sound like anything other than totally destroyed if the deal doesn't go through.

also, whole yes MS will do more talking than Sony, why do you all bring out the Sony quotes - apparently they are too pathetic and will crumble to dust if the deal goes through, their much vaunted first party means nothing, you see.

Really, i dont know why any does anything other than just move along wrt these quotes, you all know the deal - its a bunch of nonsense that just means "pwease let me buy" or "pwease dont let them buy".

And if you reaction to my post is "no duh, but", well, then explain how its "pathetic"?  Is there some value in either of these companies being more honest to the regulators?  MS should go as "low" as possible and so should Sony.

The only pathetic thing is thinking you are superior to some non human entity over some regulator focused PR that triggers you.

Banned for posts like this.

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 26 February 2023

Xbox is going through some growing pains. Every few years the worst performing company looks to pivot or shake up the market. Think Nintendo with Wii U, Sony with PS3.

Microsoft is a trillion dollar company. Not going anywhere. Nintendo has always been the most fragile of all. Nintendo is so small that if they have a bad product or a bad few years they could be purchased outright by Microsoft. The switch is their ONLY product now. Used to have 3 product lines simultaneously and now reduced to one

Microsoft has made several bloodthirsty and complimentary comments about Nintendo and tbh would be surprised if they lasted the next 10 years

Shadow1980 said:

I'm all for dunking on corporations. I believe we should be preventing mergers between them. There's already too much economic power being concentrated into too few hands (see the video below, which references this merger). I believe that the MS—ABK merger should be blocked as a matter of principle, and I say this as someone who mains on Xbox (though I also own a PS5 & Switch, in case anyone forgot). Just because Xbox's global market share has declined since the days of the 360 is no excuse for approval. Microsoft is an incredibly profitable company, and as an economic entity are far larger than Sony or Nintendo. What they lack in market share they make up for in financial muscle. Any time a profitable company starts pleading poverty about anything for any reason, using it as an excuse to engage in acquisitions of other companies or to have regulations cut or to prevent wages from increasing, a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted. One gaming company buying out other gaming companies, be they large publishers or smaller studios, is just them using their financial power to press their thumbs down on the scale.

But please, let's not turn this into another excuse to engage in platform warring. There's been a couple of comments bordering on it. Remember, game consoles are just electronic toys, nothing more. We don't need to get hostile towards each other over them. Also, the companies that make them aren't your friends. Not one of them needs defending.

This is a great clip that explains some of what’s wrong with corporate centralization and the potential consequences, with examples. Unless I missed it there are some deeper economic implications of giant corporate tech conglomerates just scooping up parts of different industries.

Some people in this thread are actually buying the PR bit of “Microsoft doesn’t even dominate the console market space. So, what’s the problem?” That’s how far down the throat the PR has been shoved. Like they are incapable of understanding that Microsoft is a massive tech conglomerate with a 2 trillion USD valuation. 

And they kind of suck at the video game industry. They even brag about how much they suck at it. It’s not healthy if a company who sucks at the industry, with a lot of outside resources starts swallowing up said industry, especially its important pieces. That’s part of why there are laws against it—and these laws need to be better enforced, and expanded on.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Qwark said:
mjk45 said:

The counterpoint then becomes well you were already getting those games so unless you leverage your ownership to benefit you how does it stop the slaughter. 

Because you will get less of those games and we still get them, so that should benefit us. They might not get away with locking COD off Playstation, but the rest is fair game.

That's my point MS tries to spin this as somehow opening up the market when really it's gathering content for a cloud future and we all know what cloud they want to rule gaming and its not King Monkeys cloud.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 27 February 2023

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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Jumpin said:
Shadow1980 said:

I'm all for dunking on corporations. I believe we should be preventing mergers between them. There's already too much economic power being concentrated into too few hands (see the video below, which references this merger). I believe that the MS—ABK merger should be blocked as a matter of principle, and I say this as someone who mains on Xbox (though I also own a PS5 & Switch, in case anyone forgot). Just because Xbox's global market share has declined since the days of the 360 is no excuse for approval. Microsoft is an incredibly profitable company, and as an economic entity are far larger than Sony or Nintendo. What they lack in market share they make up for in financial muscle. Any time a profitable company starts pleading poverty about anything for any reason, using it as an excuse to engage in acquisitions of other companies or to have regulations cut or to prevent wages from increasing, a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted. One gaming company buying out other gaming companies, be they large publishers or smaller studios, is just them using their financial power to press their thumbs down on the scale.

But please, let's not turn this into another excuse to engage in platform warring. There's been a couple of comments bordering on it. Remember, game consoles are just electronic toys, nothing more. We don't need to get hostile towards each other over them. Also, the companies that make them aren't your friends. Not one of them needs defending.

This is a great clip that explains some of what’s wrong with corporate centralization and the potential consequences, with examples. Unless I missed it there are some deeper economic implications of giant corporate tech conglomerates just scooping up parts of different industries.

Some people in this thread are actually buying the PR bit of “Microsoft doesn’t even dominate the console market space. So, what’s the problem?” That’s how far down the throat the PR has been shoved. Like they are incapable of understanding that Microsoft is a massive tech conglomerate with a 2 trillion USD valuation. 

And they kind of suck at the video game industry. They even brag about how much they suck at it. It’s not healthy if a company who sucks at the industry, with a lot of outside resources starts swallowing up said industry, especially its important pieces. That’s part of why there are laws against it—and these laws need to be better enforced, and expanded on.

And they're hardly trying, honestly. They're pushing the unwanted Series S and doing their best making sure the more desired X is in very limited quantity, and they're putting all of their stuff on PC and PC GamePass day and date, effectively turning their platform redundant for a large segment of gamers. Phil literally stated before that if the plan was to sell more Series XS consoles, they simply wouldn't go broader. So they aren't as inherently weak as they make themselves out to be atm. Besides, the Zenimax acquisition hasn't come into play yet. It just gets more laughable the more you think about it.

If the ABK deal goes through and they continue to put their high profile games on PC and PS5, little will change and they can play the exact same victim game as they gobble up more publishers/healthy developers.


Last edited by Kyuu - on 26 February 2023

That's the problem: if everything remains the same availability-wise, using the market share argument doesn't work.

"Our current market share is low, so if we buy companies that will keep releasing games on PS5, our market share will be better"

Don't see how

LurkerJ said:

In other words, "we suck at what we do, let us buy our way into victory". I have never seen an executive working hard to prove they've been horrible at their job

I mean, there's always the other option: MS could use those $70b to outbid Sony on every single exclusivity deal that is out there. I mean, let's be real, the only reason Playstation is getting FFXVI and FFVIIRE as exclusives (which, btw, make up half of the Playstation's games for the near future) is because MS never made a better offer to SE; don't ever think for a second that Square Enix (or any other publisher) would reject a good offer.  I mean, I suppose you wouldn't have a problem with that since apparently we have already established that paying for exclusivity doesn't count as "buying their way into victory" and is a sign that "they don't suck at what they do".

To be honest with you, I actually want this deal to get blocked; just to see MS going full force on this alternative (which we have already established that it is fair play, right?).

chakkra said:
LurkerJ said:

In other words, "we suck at what we do, let us buy our way into victory". I have never seen an executive working hard to prove they've been horrible at their job

I mean, there's always the other option: MS could use those $70b to outbid Sony on every single exclusivity deal that is out there. I mean, let's be real, the only reason Playstation is getting FFXVI and FFVIIRE as exclusives (which, btw, make up half of the Playstation's games for the near future) is because MS never made a better offer to SE; don't ever think for a second that Square Enix (or any other publisher) would reject a good offer.  I mean, I suppose you wouldn't have a problem with that since apparently we have already established that paying for exclusivity doesn't count as "buying their way into victory" and is a sign that "they don't suck at what they do".

To be honest with you, I actually want this deal to get blocked; just to see MS going full force on this alternative (which we have already established that it is fair play, right?).

What they need to do is invest in the studios they already have. Take that $70B and actually invest in their studios rather than trying to "outbid" Sony at anything. All that money means nothing if you can't manage your business and Nintendo and PlayStation continuously beat them because they know how to work with what they have. 

The problem with your view on this is it's based on emotion, which is not how business works (or should work). The last thing you should be cheering for is any more industry consolidation, particularly of this magnitude. 


chakkra said:
LurkerJ said:

In other words, "we suck at what we do, let us buy our way into victory". I have never seen an executive working hard to prove they've been horrible at their job

I mean, there's always the other option: MS could use those $70b to outbid Sony on every single exclusivity deal that is out there. I mean, let's be real, the only reason Playstation is getting FFXVI and FFVIIRE as exclusives (which, btw, make up half of the Playstation's games for the near future) is because MS never made a better offer to SE; don't ever think for a second that Square Enix (or any other publisher) would reject a good offer.  I mean, I suppose you wouldn't have a problem with that since apparently we have already established that paying for exclusivity doesn't count as "buying their way into victory" and is a sign that "they don't suck at what they do".

To be honest with you, I actually want this deal to get blocked; just to see MS going full force on this alternative (which we have already established that it is fair play, right?).

MS would have to pay a whole lot more than Sony if they want to make similar deals. A lot more for a small reward. We've seen that with Shadow of the Tomb Raider and other examples (Which was what likely led MS to stop aggressively securing big exclusives. They paid a $100 million for a single year Tomb Raider exclusivity lol). Japanese publishers in particular would not take MS's money for a short term benefit that could risk the IP's strength. Not to mention Xbox marketing isn't great.

Sony aren't "buying their way to victory", as A) the majority of the few high profile exclusives they secured started caming out late in the PS4 generation, and B) all exclusives pale in comparison to their own bigger 1st party titles. Playstation's exclusives are mostly unpaid. Those which are paid still aren't nearly as big as Sony's own titles. On the other hand... Minecraft, CoD, WoW, and TES are several tiers above the level of Microsoft's older IP's.