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Considering I didn’t even get a notification it shipped. My brain melted getting the package.. genuinely couldn’t think wth I had even ordered lol

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

Around the Network avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Activision Blizzard CEO Says AI Will Have "Profound Impact" On Games, And Here's How

Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has commented on the future of artificial intelligence and how it could impact game development in the future. During a company meeting recently, Kotick said he believes in the future of AI while also noting that it might not all be sunshine and rainbows. He also remarked that he's known OpenAI founder Sam Altman "for a long time."

Kotaku, which obtained a record of Kotick's remarks, reported that the executive said he has a similar feeling now about AI to what he did when he saw the first Macintosh years ago. The executive said he believes AI has the power to have a "meaningful impact" on society in both a positive and negative sense.

"I think one of the things that I’ve experienced over the last year is that same feeling that I had when I saw that first Macintosh, about how meaningful the impact of AI would be on society both positive and negative."

For gaming, Kotick said AI will have a "profound positive impact."

"It will enable us to do things that we haven't been able to do for a long time," Kotick said. As an example, Kotick said AI technology could deliver Kotick's "vision for what a new Guitar Hero" game could be. He didn't share specifics on what this new AI-powered Guitar Hero game might look like, but said, "We've never been in a place where AI is going to have a practical reality and applicability for games until now."

The executive went on to say that AI could help make some of Activision's more involved games, like Call of Duty, become easier for people to pick up and get comfortable with.

"If you look at games like Call of Duty we have people playing a fraction of what they can play because there's a lot there and it's complex to learn," Kotick said.

In the next 5-7 years, AI will have an "extraordinary" impact on gaming, Kotick said. He did not, however, discuss any potential impact on teams or personnel. Many are wondering if the rise of AI could lead to layoffs.

No, I don't think that there is a 0% chance of the deal going forward. But there is a low to very low chance of this going forward because lots of things have to happen and they need 12-18 extra months:

- The EC and SAMR have to approve it (likely).

- Everyone else has to approve it (very likely, but Australia could be a wild card).

- ABK and MS need to renegotiate the merger agreement (my guess is that they will set a new outside date + 2 possible extensions, a new break up fee up to 5-6B and maybe even some ticking fees to compensate shareholders with the per-share merger price increased by fractions of a penny-per-day for each additional day, for example).

- They'll have to find a way to accelerate the case with the FTC (or they will have to deal with the administrative process for a very long time) and win them in court.

- CAT has to rule in their favor (I think that the stats are around 25-30%; very hard but not impossible and they have quite a unique case).

- The CMA has to review the case again and issue a new final report (at least they would have a new chance to offer remedies).

So, no 0% chance but not an easy task and we could be here forever :p xD


Sorry I know some are sick of hearing about this....  

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 12 May 2023

Xbox E3 leaks are coming out already, nothing about what will be shown but more the format and teases, from who you'd expect to leak parts of it It's over ResetEra's Xbox OT so I'm just saying in case anyone wants to avoid it. Nothing major leaked so far though, it's all very minor stuff but Jez is claiming to know a few games already.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 May 2023

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Jez better shut his mouth.

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

I'm starting to think Game Rant is NOT looking forward to Starfield. Just a hunch

All I ask is use spoiler tags for showcase spoilers... Or better yet, don't post them at all. Some people do still like to be surprised.">"><img src="

VersusEvil said:

Considering I didn’t even get a notification it shipped. My brain melted getting the package.. genuinely couldn’t think wth I had even ordered lol

That's incredibly close to the one I was checking out on Design Labs.  Still somewhat tempted to check out, but we'll see.

This was back in 2021 anything ever come of it?

Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive director Tomonobu Itagaki has formed a new studio and says he'd be "honoured" to re-partner with Xbox.