NobleTeam360 said:
Ryuu96 said:
Obsidian can do ARPG Fallout and InXile can do Isometric Fallout. |
Indeed, but we all know it ain't happening. Todd will insist on Bethesda being the only studio who can touch TES and Fallout. (JK JK.... hopefully...) |
Ever since Fallout 3, the franchise has always been treated like the adopted child to Bethesda 
Whether it's outsourcing the IP to a third-party (New Vegas) forcing your support studio to front a multiplayer only title despite not specializing in it whatsoever, Fallout has always seemed like second place.
Compare that to Elder Scrolls, only Bethesda's best teams have made the mainline games, and Zenimax opened up an entirely brand new studio to exclusively make an Elder Scrolls multiplayer game that specializes in MMO's lol.
It's pretty clear where the loyalties are lol.