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When *Bethesda release a game it’s a once in a generation type event. No other studio brings the same level of energy as Bethesda do when they drop a game.

* and that’s the Bethesda that made the mainline TES/Fallout games ok Blake?

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 20 April 2023

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Ryuu96 said:

Two whole gens without an Elder Scrolls.

Please Bethesda...Give Fallout to someone else, fuck that IP. 👀

Or remaster something other than Skyrim in the meantime

Give it to Obsidian, they've already proven they can make a good Fallout game. (granted I know that was like 14 years ago or so at this point )

NobleTeam360 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Two whole gens without an Elder Scrolls.

Please Bethesda...Give Fallout to someone else, fuck that IP. 👀

Or remaster something other than Skyrim in the meantime

Give it to Obsidian, they've already proven they can make a good Fallout game. (granted I know that was like 14 years ago or so at this point )

Obsidian can do ARPG Fallout and InXile can do Isometric Fallout.

Ryuu96 said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Give it to Obsidian, they've already proven they can make a good Fallout game. (granted I know that was like 14 years ago or so at this point )

Obsidian can do ARPG Fallout and InXile can do Isometric Fallout.

OMG yes. InXile coming with a new Fallout Tactics would be so amazing...
Wasteland 3 was one of my most played game last year.

Ryuu96 said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Give it to Obsidian, they've already proven they can make a good Fallout game. (granted I know that was like 14 years ago or so at this point )

Obsidian can do ARPG Fallout and InXile can do Isometric Fallout.

Indeed, but we all know it ain't happening. Todd will insist on Bethesda being the only studio who can touch TES and Fallout. (JK JK.... hopefully...)

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NobleTeam360 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Obsidian can do ARPG Fallout and InXile can do Isometric Fallout.

Indeed, but we all know it ain't happening. Todd will insist on Bethesda being the only studio who can touch TES and Fallout. (JK JK.... hopefully...)

Ever since Fallout 3, the franchise has always been treated like the adopted child to Bethesda

Whether it's outsourcing the IP to a third-party (New Vegas) forcing your support studio to front a multiplayer only title despite not specializing in it whatsoever, Fallout has always seemed like second place.

Compare that to Elder Scrolls, only Bethesda's best teams have made the mainline games, and Zenimax opened up an entirely brand new studio to exclusively make an Elder Scrolls multiplayer game that specializes in MMO's lol. 

It's pretty clear where the loyalties are lol.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Makes sense. With Starfield releasing in September, that would be 5 years of full development for ESVI.

At that stage you might as well just prepare it for next gen launch, like Oblivion.

Hell it might naturally line-up anyway, 2028 sounds about right for next gen.

Could be a longer generation due to the slow start caused by Covid as well as the consoles having a more balanced design this gen compared to last gen. But it might be 2028 for next gen. 

NobleTeam360 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Obsidian can do ARPG Fallout and InXile can do Isometric Fallout.

Indeed, but we all know it ain't happening. Todd will insist on Bethesda being the only studio who can touch TES and Fallout. (JK JK.... hopefully...)

Worth noting that we got some new details about the 2nd inXile game they have had in development for 2 years now, from a developer's LinkedIn. It is apparently AAA just like the first game (the Steampunk one), but it based on an established IP whereas the Steampunk one is a new IP. We have heard that it might actually be a new Fallout game. 

Imaginedvl said:
Ryuu96 said:

Obsidian can do ARPG Fallout and InXile can do Isometric Fallout.

OMG yes. InXile coming with a new Fallout Tactics would be so amazing...
Wasteland 3 was one of my most played game last year.

Both myself and inXile themselves would 100% agree with you on how amazing Wasteland 3 is

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

shikamaru317 said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Indeed, but we all know it ain't happening. Todd will insist on Bethesda being the only studio who can touch TES and Fallout. (JK JK.... hopefully...)

Worth noting that we got some new details about the 2nd inXile game they have had in development for 2 years now, from a developer's LinkedIn. It is apparently AAA just like the first game (the Steampunk one), but it based on an established IP whereas the Steampunk one is a new IP. We have heard that it might actually be a new Fallout game. 

The developer on LinkedIn that this all started from removed the "established IP" part of his profile after it started gaining traction, leading more to speculate that it is indeed a Fallout game. Probably isometric since that's inXile's specialty! 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind