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Ryuu96 said:

Anyone know what the timer is that ResetEra uses sometimes for their countdowns?

Do you mean GiftBot?

or the timer people post when there's a conference?

If so - not sure the exact site or program but I found this , not sure if its what you want though :

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BasilZero said:
Ryuu96 said:

Anyone know what the timer is that ResetEra uses sometimes for their countdowns?

Do you mean GiftBot?

or the timer people post when there's a conference?

If so - not sure the exact site or program but I found this , not sure if its what you want though :

Nah, not that, they have countdown timers sometimes but everything I've tried fails on VGChartz, I'm assuming they have their own in-built one, thanks anyway.

Someone please leak CMA's papers...Mlex...

Blizzard has finally released some of their post-open beta feedback changes for Diablo 4, more of the beta feedback and changes based on that feedback will be discussed on the upcoming April 20th livestream. Some nice changes coming based on the beta feedback:


In addition to what I posted yesterday about dungeons from Blizzard, that there will be alot more layouts and aesthetic variety than what was shown in the beta, we got some more dungeon details. Dungeons are being streamlined based on beta feedback to minimize backtracking, several of the beta dungeons have been optimized. Small numbers of monsters will constantly seek the player when they have a kill all monsters objective to eliminate the need to backtrack to find monsters. When collecting an animus players will gain some resource and have their active cooldowns reduced by 1 second. Time to rescue is decreased from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds, and all rescue objectives now drop a heath potion upon completion. Dungeon random event chances have been increased from 10% to 60%. The channel times for pedestals as well as placing animus have both been removed completely. Movement speed while carrying ancient statues and similar items has been increased by 25%. There is now a minimap ping for newly opened doors within the dungeon.


Cellars are being improved with an increased chance for a random event to occur, reward chests upon the completion of every cellar, a bug was fixed that prematurely marked cellars as completed, and a bug was fixed which prevented the elite monster from spawning

Class Changes

(these are just some of the class balance changes we will see at launch based on feedback from the open beta)

All classes get double the Crowd control stacking duration on elite enemies before the elite becomes unstoppable to prevent further crowd control stacking. All classes now have skills for reducing crowd control effect duration on them if they didn't have them already. All classes have received buffs to some of their legendary gear effects. 

Barbarian gets a passive 10% damage reduction to make him tankier (though a few skill tree passives have had their damage reduction percentages reduced to compensate), whirlwind deals more damage and costs more fury, and the double swing enhancement now fully refunds all fury spent when the ability is used on a stunned or knocked down enemy.

Druid companions skills have all been buffed to do heavily more damage, druid ultimates have all had their cooldowns reduced, the usability of maul and pulverize has been improved, and using a non-shapeshifting skill will now turn the druid back into a human like it is supposed to.

Necromancer minion health has been nerfed, book of the dead stat increases have been increased (to make playing necromancer without minions more viable), corpse explosion has seen a damage nerf, and the brightness of minions has been decreased to cut down on visual overload.

Rogue subterfuge skills have all had their upgrade bonuses increased, multiple rogue passive skills have been buffed, and imbuement skills have all seen cooldown increases.  

Sorcerer's charged bolts receives both a damage increase and mana cost reduction, chain lightning's damage has been reduced, the cooldown of incinerate's enchantment bonus has been reduced, firewalls enchantment firewalls will spawn under enemies more frequently, and the lucky hit chance for meteors enchantment bonus has been increased. 

Quality of Life improvements

  • The bug that resulted in butcher going dormant sometimes has been fixed
  • Butcher will be more difficult on world tier 3 and 4
  • World bosses were changed to make fighting them with melee builds easier
  • UI improvements are on the way including chat box moving from the right side to the left side of the screen when using the centered action bar, stats will be displayed by default on the materials and stats menu, move and interact can be mapped to a different button from attack now, evade mappable to right stick on controller, abilities mappable to mouse wheel, and the sans serif font has been replaced with new serif font
  • The reset dungeon button has been disabled, presumably to prevent the tactic players were using to power level by repeating only the most animus rich sections of certain dungeons (as animus droppers grant extra XP). I assume now the full dungeon will need to be completed before it can be reset, including the boss fight.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 15 April 2023

Kingdom Hearts Diary Day 13: Just found out Donald Duck has his own sweetheart named Daisy... When Donald Duck can get a boyfriend-free girl/sweetheart, but Chris Chan couldn't.">"><img src="

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r/Halo is going to be ecstatic, Lol.

I don't think he did a good job as Development/Creative Director and it was always baffling to put a blogger in that position. With Frankie gone that makes 343's entire original leadership now gone from the company (Bonnie, Frankie, Kiki & Holmes). We're essentially left with a brand new company, Lol. I'm looking forward to what Pierre can do with full control and rebuilding the team.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 April 2023

Session Name: The Most Important Question in Game Development

Speaker(s): Carrie Patel

Company Name(s): Obsidian Entertainment

GDC Vault - The Most Important Question in Game Development

26:45 - Carrie says here that her team (aka Avowed team) is "about 100 people"

Obsidian's efficiency 🥴

No doubt including outsourcing and partner studios it'll be hundreds - thousand though, like every AAA.

Anyone getting an issue where it says the save data is different from the one on the console and cloud so it makes you pick one? Except that they are both exactly the same time and date...

Ryuu96 said:

Anyone getting an issue where it says the save data is different from the one on the console and cloud so it makes you pick one? Except that they are both exactly the same time and date...

Is there a way to manually resync it?

Ryuu96 said:

Anyone getting an issue where it says the save data is different from the one on the console and cloud so it makes you pick one? Except that they are both exactly the same time and date...

Means someone’s hacked your account through xCloud.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed