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As a Consumer Would You Rather?

Traditional Console + Everything Exclusive 20 42.55%
Xbox/PC Hybrid + Access t... 27 57.45%
Spade said:

Ideally, this is what MS should do if they were serious, but well.. we know they aren't sadly. :/

This probably a lot easier said than done. Sure, in theory you'd think it's not a big ask, but in practice, what are the needs of Xbox vs the needs of the developers over there? 

Fund a game: Ok...what are we funding? MS may be willing to be on smaller projects, but it can't be entirely too small or niche either in order for them to get the kind of exposure they'd want in that market. What about the devs? Can they get their funding from elsewhere? From a source that won't bind them to a platform that will see THEIR exposure limited beyond what they could perhaps otherwise expect on Nintendo or PS? No need to even get into bigger projects that will definitely be seeing it as a major downside, unless their idea is rejected by literally everyone else.

Establish a new studio: Nice idea...but who's running and overseeing this studio? Whoever it is will need to be a very trusted and experienced person in that Japanese game dev scene, because good look recruiting people to this potential new studio when the rest of the devs over there are looking at you with raised eyebrows, knowing you've never ran a Japanese studio, have close to non-existent presence in the market there, and will ultimately be answering to a corporate structure that operates under an entirely different culture. If you're a talented developer, with options on where they want to work, is a potential Xbox Japan an attractive option? Even when all these things AREN'T working against you, founding a successful new studio is hard work.

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Zippy6 said:
Spade said:

Ideally, this is what MS should do if they were serious, but well.. we know they aren't sadly. :/

Or even just create a new IP with one of their western studios that caters to a Japanese audience. Just look at Ghost of Tsushima. Made by an American Studio but was very popular in Japan. The 4th most popular ps4 game in Japan from a western developer beaten only by GTAV, Minecraft and Blackops 4. Catering to a Japanese audience also doesn't necessarily hurt sales elsewhere, again using ghosts as an example it sold over 10m worldwide.

The question is who knows if MS has attempted this and got little result.  As far as MS having one of their studios make games that cater to the Japanese market, I would rather they just make games they have a good understanding on how to make instead.  Forcing something along these lines never work and the product would usually come out subpar.  Instead if a developer has a ideal for a game and they are confident they can realize their vision is a much better approach.

KiigelHeart said:
Machiavellian said:

But Sony pretty much bought every studio they own.  Interesting that your only take is to fine one sentence you have a question with and then paint the whole post as satire.

Yes I know they did. What exactly are you confused about? 

No confusion, just wonder why you labeled his post as Satire. Maybe you could elaborate on that one.

Machiavellian said:
KiigelHeart said:

Yes I know they did. What exactly are you confused about? 

No confusion, just wonder why you labeled his post as Satire. Maybe you could elaborate on that one.

He's being sarcastic about it being satire

Xbox Empire - Microsoft Declares War on Japan.

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I really loved MS push for Japanese's content in early 360 life, Tales of Vesperia remain my favorite Tales of to date. Every game released under this tentative showed very noticeable and measurable impact however limited so.
I remember thinking back then MS had 2 things left to do to be successful in Japan and with Japanese content fan all around

  1. Doubling down on the investment to develop big Japanese's Ips, not just for more exclusive but for more multiplate to come to Xbox day and date
  2. Increase their stance with smaller Japanese dev for them not to ignore Xbox and concede exclusivity by default to Sony and/or Nintendo and especially those that make game that don't normally make it outside Japan. 

but then Mattrick came along and literally shat in a fan ending all initiative there.

Is the build quality of these things still shit?

Ryuu96 said:
Machiavellian said:

No confusion, just wonder why you labeled his post as Satire. Maybe you could elaborate on that one.

He's being sarcastic about it being satire

I was never good at reading sarcasm, not one of my strengths.

Machiavellian said:
KiigelHeart said:

Yes I know they did. What exactly are you confused about? 

No confusion, just wonder why you labeled his post as Satire. Maybe you could elaborate on that one.

Eh.. allright? It seemed like someone coming up with a collection of exaggerated hot takes and talking points a Sony fan would write. And it was posted in Xbox thread you know.

Shika already addressed some of those claims so I picked up one I found particularly funny/dumb.

Ryuu96 said:

Is the build quality of these things still shit?

I have a few and they are still going strong.  Why do you believe they are bad.  I did have a drift issue with the first Elite but open it up and fixed it.