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I have an Xbox Series X. A 360. OG Xbox and enjoy them. Hi-Fi Rush is one of my fave games in the last few years and one of the most unique spins on the DMC formula. I like the Gears games a lot. I dislike Phil and what he has done. Much like I disliked Jim Ryan. This isn't about flag waving or hating a brand. It's about what greed has done to destroy an industry. That's my gripe. Not who's logo is on a plastic toy.

Last edited by Leynos - on 14 July 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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DroidKnight said:

Visitors prefer Xbox content 10 to 1 over PS content.

edit: I forget sarcasm doesn't translate in writing /s

Everyone loves watching and laughing at the shit-slinging monkeys.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

Would be 60m if it was on PlayStation. 🙈

Just make Gamepass free for all and it will be at 100m in no time. Companies really don't know how to reach customers 🙃

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Free to entry but every 1hr of gameplay you have to spend £1 to keep playing

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Completed Spongebob Cosmic shake, hope they make more of them :p

konnichiwa said:

Completed Spongebob Cosmic shake, hope they make more of them :p

Nice.  I heard it feels like a non-official sequel to Battle for Bikini Bottom in terms of platforming, moveset, and so on.

Leynos said:

I have an Xbox Series X. A 360. OG Xbox and enjoy them. Hi-Fi Rush is one of my fave games in the last few years and one of the most unique spins on the DMC formula. I like the Gears games a lot. I dislike Phil and what he has done. Much like I disliked Jim Ryan. This isn't about flag waving or hating a brand. It's about what greed has done to destroy an industry. That's my gripe. Not who's logo is on a plastic toy.

You need to chill with your comments then, like the logo on the plastic box in your previous one; this is coming out of nowhere just because we ask you a question.

You keep shitting over and over on Xbox in most of your posts here and repeat the same shit about how bad something is like 20x times per week (Studio closure, Phil Spencer, etc..), hence my question. You are bringing up that console war over and over in all your comments like anyone disagreeing with you or not liking your comment is about console waring... :D 

Good for you if you like Geas, Hi-Fi Rush, and others but it is hard to see based on your contribution to that thread to be honest :) 

crissindahouse said:

Just make Gamepass free for all and it will be at 100m in no time. Companies really don't know how to reach customers 🙃

Right? :) They have no clue what they are doing. I like this idea.

Then after hooking those people in, make them PAY!