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I think, combine Age's growing popularity, the fact we haven't got a proper Mythology title in years, the excitement of the old fanbase plus new Age of Empires fans and the fanbase it has built up over the years, plus a day one Xbox release, I also think it will appeal to casual players too on the simple basis of it being Gods & Shit, Lol. It just looks more casual friendly, more fun.

I think it'll do better than Age of Empires on Xbox and will be a big hit on PC.

It's actually the one I'm most tempted to play.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 July 2024

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Ryuu96 said:

Xbox needs a xCloud only plan.

None is paying for that.

MS is essentially looking at their Mr. Hyde half and saying "I think this suit fits me for the rest of time." lol

Damn it...what if:

Swen Vincke was only interested in working on two other RPG series if Larian couldn't get Baldur's Gate: Fallout and Ultima...

As I recall, Swen said, when asked if their next game would be in the Divinity series, that he couldn't confirm or deny, but that it would be different from what you think it is, but still familiar. I'm thinking maybe a full 3D action RPG set in the Divinity universe or something, based on that statement of "different but familiar".

I'd be shocked if Xbox managed to convince Larian to make a Fallout game. Even if it were to happen, I would hope that it wouldn't be the only Fallout game in development, a Larian Fallout would likely be more in the Fallout 1 and 2 style, which wouldn't really satisfy the Fallout 3/NV/4 fans. The only way that a new Bethesda style Fallout gets released at any point before probably 2035 is if Obsidian makes one, or if Bethesda finally expands into multiple divisions each focused on one of their 3 IP. A new Fallout 1 and 2 styled game would be great for the fans that have been waiting for a traditional Fallout ever since the Van Buren build of Fallout 3 was cancelled, but it shouldn't be the only Fallout game to release in the next 10-11 years imo. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 13 July 2024

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I think Larian is now working on multiple projects all smaller in scale than BG3 which is understandable.

Will the 360 games on the Xbox Series store stay there after the 29th?

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Will the 360 games on the Xbox Series store stay there after the 29th?

Yes. It’s the store that you access on the 360 itself that’s shutting down. Everything you can access on Xbox Series store will remain since all that is running through the BC program. That’s why you can even still buy original Xbox games like Crimson Skies, Dead or Alive 3, the Otogi games, or Panzer Dragoon Orta.

Apparently the BC program was restarted again recently, so hopefully even more games get readded availability. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Played the Age of Mythology: Retold beta for a couple of hours today and I cannot begin to describe just how gorgeous this game is! Such a huge array of vibrant colors, the animations, the portraits, the effects, and just the attention to detail the devs put into it puts all the other remasters and even AoE 4 to shame.

Some framerate stuttering here and there, but the game is still going through the polishing phase. After this beta, this is still by far my most anticipated game!

The portraits of each of the gods, I just can't get over how amazing they look!

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 13 July 2024

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Leynos said:

Will the 360 games on the Xbox Series store stay there after the 29th?

Yes, its separate from the 360 store.