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Hellblade 2 has made it to #4 on Steam Global Top sellers on launch day (#3 among games, as one of the 3 above it is Steam Deck, and #2 among paid games, because the free Counter Strike 2 is above it as well). Let us hope it legs well and stays high for awhile.

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shikamaru317 said:

Hellblade 2 has made it to #4 on Steam Global Top sellers on launch day (#3 among games, as one of the 3 above it is Steam Deck, and #2 among paid games, because the free Counter Strike 2 is above it as well). Let us hope it legs well and stays high for awhile.

Not a super great start player number wise. It currently has just half of Hi-Fi Rush's peak concurrent player count. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:
shikamaru317 said:

Hellblade 2 has made it to #4 on Steam Global Top sellers on launch day (#3 among games, as one of the 3 above it is Steam Deck, and #2 among paid games, because the free Counter Strike 2 is above it as well). Let us hope it legs well and stays high for awhile.

Not a super great start player number wise. It currently has just half of Hi-Fi Rush's peak concurrent player count. 

Yeah, that doesn't sound good. Asking people to pay $50 for an 8 hour game was always going to be a tough sell. HiFi Rush by comparison has an 11 hour main story on HowLongToBeat and it was sold for $30, $20 less. 

I just hope the supposed Gamepass safety net doesn't fail Ninja Theory like it failed Tango and Arkane Austin.

Guys, it's a Tuesday...At 4pm people are just getting off work in the UK and people are getting into work in the USA, Lol. CCU's for SP aren't really that telling either, most who play it today will finish it by tomorrow

Stop worrying and go enjoy the game

Started it and it's absolutely stunning, the sound and atmosphere are amazing, first boss felt like a gritty battle for survival, the story is interesting so far, curious to see where it goes but the combat is admittedly very basic thus far.

Ryuu96 said:

Guys, it's a Tuesday...At 4pm people are just getting off work in the UK and people are getting into work in the USA, Lol. CCU's for SP aren't really that telling either, most who play it today will finish it by tomorrow

Stop worrying and go enjoy the game

Started it and it's absolutely stunning, the sound and atmosphere are amazing, first boss felt like a gritty battle for survival, the story is interesting so far, curious to see where it goes but the combat is admittedly very basic thus far.

What Ryuu said. Lets see how it does by the end of the weekend. People are at work and school in the US right now. Or are just getting up as it isn't even 9am on the west coast.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Guys, it's a Tuesday...At 4pm people are just getting off work in the UK and people are getting into work in the USA, Lol. CCU's for SP aren't really that telling either, most who play it today will finish it by tomorrow

Stop worrying and go enjoy the game

Started it and it's absolutely stunning, the sound and atmosphere are amazing, first boss felt like a gritty battle for survival, the story is interesting so far, curious to see where it goes but the combat is admittedly very basic thus far.

I agree with this, stop worry about things you cannot control nor should even care.  What will make or break any game is not how many hours it take to complete its whether or not it's worth the experience.  This game was never going to be something that sold a lot because it was always a niche game that caters to a certain audience.  I hope that NT is going to move on to something else and not a 3rd game because this one is not going to move consoles or users to MS platform so there is no need to put that kind of pressure on this game or expect it.

VersusEvil said:

Yeaaah … I don’t see how Xbox is gonna magically make a come back next gen by releasing games earlier. I think people forget that it’s not a lack of games why XS failed …. It’s because it’s Xbox.

Certainly a big part the reason why series fails and x360 succeeded.

Edit: Store is clearly not working well or maybe they do it on purpose,  games like the Neptuna/System shock don't show in the new games section,  I can't search for them but the Neptuna game does not let me buy it,  it says unavailable

Last edited by konnichiwa - on 21 May 2024

Yea these CCU numbers rn arent the best indicator. People are still at work/ school.

Not IGN becoming Embracer Group but also attempting to monopolise the videogame media industry. 💀

What the fuck, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 May 2024

Who's left? Polygon, Kotaku, Gamespot and GameInformer?

Hope IGN doesn't destroy Digital Foundry.