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2 days and over 200 posts. Not a bad start to the new Xbox Empire! 

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

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Yup, it's good to see. While it's a shame about the old thread... Sometimes starting a new is a good thing.

gtotheunit91 said:
coolbeans said:

I have, but didn't get very far in it.  The art style is really nice, but mostly played like a basic collect-a-thon.  On a similar level to the recent Kao the Kangaroo imo.

Gotcha. I never was able to get around to but since it was a Microsoft published game, I wondered how good it was to see if it could be an IP that could continue as well. But if it’s a basic collect-a-thon, DK64 turned me off of those

I beat it twice, the OG release and then the New Super Lucky's Tale when it hit gamepass.

It's a solid platformer but definitely can't compete with any Nintendo platformer or Rachet/LBP for that matter. I don't think MS owns the IP but I could be wrong. MS owns doublefine now so I think we will eventually get a truly great exclusive platformer in time.

For me it’s

1. Project Dragon by IOI

2. Project Cobalt by InXile

3. Project Suerte by Certain Affinity

4. New IP by Tango Gameworks (made by Evil Within 2 Director)

5. Project Midnight by Compulsion

6. New IP by The Coalition (if it turns out be a single player game with AAA graphics then it will move up the ranks)

Ryuu96 said:

I have to laugh at this. I wonder how many more people working on the EU case and the CMA are just making sure CoD stays on "Their" PlayStation or "Their" Kids PlayStation.

Last edited by zero129 - on 13 November 2022

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My top 3 unannounced games/projects:

1. inXile's Cobalt
2. Gears 6
3. Project Dragon by IOI

I think the issue with Banjo is that Gregg Mayles has to want to do it and right now he doesn't want to bring it back just for the sake of it.

European Commission spokesperson Adriana Podesta gave us the following response via email:

"As you've correctly pointed out, Mr Cardoso works in the Director General for the Internal Market and not in the Directorate General for Competition.

"Mr Cardoso is not involved in the assessment of this transaction. Furthermore, as indicated clearly in his Twitter profile, he tweets in a personal capacity."

European Commission Responds to Perceived Bias in Microsoft-Activision Merger | TweakTown

Ryuu96 said:

I think the issue with Banjo is that Gregg Mayles has to want to do it and right now he doesn't want to bring it back just for the sake of it.

I had to google this name cause I had no idea who this was lol

But they arent working on it because of one person...that sucks :(

From that list

3. Project Cobalt - inXile developing a AAA game with actual backing is going to be sight to behold, sleeper hit of the generation inbound.

2. Project Dragon - Give me a fantasy RPG with deep character customisation and you got my attention.

1. Dishonored 3 - literally don't need to say anything else.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed