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Dear VGC community, when SoT first came out I didn't know what to expect, years later and over 2,000 hours of in-game time, I can say it's been one hell of a ride. Nothing comes close to the risk vs reward thrill of SoT, so many great battles and some losses each creating so many memories I will cherish forever. However it has come to my attention that Rare is removing the risk portion in order to produce a safe space for pirates that don't wish to engage in fighting. This doesn't align with my core values and i'll be stepping down and hanging my hat and jacket once and for all. A big thank you to everyone who has been keeping up with my SoT journey but alas this voyage has now been completed. 


JK I'll still be playing this bullshit


Around the Network

In Microsoft's files about acquiring Sega they listed other "alternative acquisition opportunities" and Microsoft's valuations of said companies as of September 2020, so the data is fairly old now. An interesting thing to note is that Activision-Blizzard isn't listed at all! Guess that goes to show that Xbox back then didn't think for a second that they'd be able to acquire Activision-Blizzard anytime soon, it really did fall into their laps.

Here is Microsoft comparing the valuations of some companies.

THEY CALLED VALVE STALE!???!?? that’s it!


Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Around the Network


“In November, with our first big update, Yas Marina is going to be coming into the game,” reveals Greenawalt. “It’s going to come in just as Chris described. Free, and it’s going to come into career seamlessly; if you started playing the day after it came in, you’d never even know it was never there.”

The team confirms another unrevealed track is due in December, and reiterated that the Nurburgring Nordschleife is still coming into the game in “spring”, but “that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”


Greenawalt confirms that Forza Motorsport's future as a platform going forward has seen the team change the way it needs to think about licensing, "and that forced us to double down on having a very agile game."

"A game that we can move things around, we can showcase or spotlight, and we can move things in and out," he says.

Moving anything out, of course, is a thorny subject, but Greenawalt states Turn 10's "ultimate goal is to not have that happen."

"So working and changing our licensing agreements, and how we work with licensors so that we have the ability to update them over time and not have it be so binary," he says. "So is that a promise? It can't be, because there are over a thousand licenses in our game. But we've tried to shift towards language that makes this more than just licensing, but into a bit more of a partnership where they are part of this game and they want to continue to be part of it."

"But it's going to take continuous tending. We had a rhythm of doing licenses and releasing, and now it needs to be a constant garden. That we're just tending all of these [licenses] over time and keeping them alive. We don't want to lose anything! We're gamers too. So we want to play all that, and we want all that stuff to just grow over time."

Forza Tech + Fable

"So I would say the first thing that's changed the most is our level of professionalism and excellence in our jobs!" he laughs. "The team has gotten smarter, and I would say when you look at Forza Tech and what we're delivering with this incredible graphical engine that's now powering Motorsport, Horizon – as well as working on Fable – that has allowed us to draw in a level of talent that is not about racing or about RPGs; it's just about great game making. I mean, truly world-class talent."

ice said:

New Safer Seas is a classic case of liberals ruining gaming, here's an idea, get good and fight pussies

I expect more from an xbox ambassador, do better.">"><img src="

ice said:

Dear VGC community, when SoT first came out I didn't know what to expect, years later and over 2,000 hours of in-game time, I can say it's been one hell of a ride. Nothing comes close to the risk vs reward thrill of SoT, so many great battles and some losses each creating so many memories I will cherish forever. However it has come to my attention that Rare is removing the risk portion in order to produce a safe space for pirates that don't wish to engage in fighting. This doesn't align with my core values and i'll be stepping down and hanging my hat and jacket once and for all. A big thank you to everyone who has been keeping up with my SoT journey but alas this voyage has now been completed. 


JK I'll still be playing this bullshit


ice said:

New Safer Seas is a classic case of liberals ruining gaming, here's an idea, get good and fight pussies

Limp-wristed libtards don' 'no the firs' 'ting 'bout piratin'!!!

Ryuu96 said:

And another track will be added in December.  Interlagos Circuit has currently the most votes in the track wish list tread on makes sense since the Motorsports games are actually pretty popular in Brazil.