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Spade said:
VersusEvil said:

WAIT you two are not taking about the final mission for Ryuujin? And you’re struggling now? LOL RIP my peeps RIP.


Tips for final mission? 

Go and buy some juice and snacks coz ya gonna be save scumming awhile.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Starfield gonna be rank #3 in my most played after tomorrow I think, back in work so I can’t put much time into it :(

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 12 September 2023

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Starfield should overtake Cyberpunk's number of players in 1-2 days on True Achievements and after next weekend it should be in front of games like The Outer Worlds, Fallout New Vegas and many Assassin's Creed games which have 300-350k players. It's definitely big on Gamepass and end of the year it will be maybe in the Top 5 on True Achievements or at least Top 10. Pretty good for a singleplayer only game.

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VersusEvil said:

WAIT you two are not taking about the final mission for Ryuujin? And you’re struggling now? LOL RIP my peeps RIP.

Yeah, I was talking about the one where you have to go in and use the hacker's computer program. I was doing just fine up until the last floor, but then I reached a spot where there is multiple enemies patrolling including robots, and I was getting spotted every damn time, no matter how slowly I moved, even going still with the chameleon suit when I started to get noticed they would eventually get close enough to find me even while chameleon. Eventually I just gave up and ran to the end office with the computer target and Chameleoned in there until the enemies went off alert. If there is another mission like this later in the chain, I will definitely wait until I'm at 4/4 stealth skill to attempt it.