Ryuu96 said:
derpysquirtle64 said:
Few months? I won't be surprised if it's getting pushed into next year's holiday season
Now you are being crazy, I can't back you anymore 
I believe that it is content complete, it just needs polishing, but a game of its massive size and a likely target date of May-June could easily slip a few months for just a couple more months of polish. Definitely doesn't need 2 years of polish, Lol.
Yeah I was about to say from Todd Howard interview this week, Starfield could've released on the original date, but they delayed it so we could have the best experience possible. It's definitely content complete at this point, but it had some rough edges from this years E3 showing.
Bethesda will have been officially with Xbox for 2 years by the time Starfield releases, and that'll be 2 years of additional financial and resource support from Xbox to have Starfield be as amazing as possible at release. Otherwise, it would've been the typical buggy mess we love to hate