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Ryuu96 said:
EpicRandy said:

My guess on the issues with BG3 is that the game works great solo but become too taxing on the memory with coop. Either on bandwith or pool size.

It might be that they don't want to create another sets of lower quality assets for the Series S. Using lower quality assets is common in split screen and may even be used with Ps5 and Series X but it might be so that this easy path with Series S push the quality under a thresold to which they are not willing to go for experience sake and as a result scramble to find alternative solutions with various optimisations.
Or something alone this line.

We know the Series S have ample headrooms while targeting 1/4 of series X resolutions (output and assets). But this is the easy and lazy path as those headrooms can be used to create a better experience and that's where normal porting struggle and optimisation hit.

So to me this sound more like Larian is actualy putting in efforts and trying to get the best experience possible on the Series S which they might have underestimated and started too late and just need more time.

All this plus there's no rush to get it on Xbox with Starfield right there, they literally moved it forward on PC to avoid Starfield so it stands to reason that they would have made attempts to avoid Starfield on Xbox as well. So I think they're "happy/fine" with missing the Xbox launch on Starfield week and will take their time, give themselves some distance between it and Starfield and launch it late in 2023 or very early in 2024.

Best case scenario, it launches into Game Pass on Xbox due to the delay as the genre is already niche on consoles, a late port would be even smaller. In the meantime, they're probably enjoying some easy marketing because Baldur's Gate 3 is now dragged into the console wars and a bunch of Sony fans who never had any interest in the game are now interested in it and talking about it because it launches the same date as Starfield, Lol.

Speak for yourself, bitch! I need it now!

Around the Network
WoodenPints said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'd hope they would have a large amount of the original Killer Instinct characters for launch, of course, but I think it'd be awesome if the first guest pack was like one character from each division, a character to represent Xbox Game Studios, a character to represent Bethesda and a character to represent Activision-Blizzard.

It feels fairly obvious to say who would represent each division, so instead maybe, who would you want as a representative of each division? I'm conflicted because I want Chief but Doomguy as well and I feel for the first pack, they'd be too similar to each other (both shooter guys wearing armour hiding their face, Lol).

Lets make it a question.

Killer Instinct Guest Character Pack #1

  • Xbox Game Studios - ?
  • Bethesda Softworks - ?
  • Activision Blizzard - ?

Some purists hate guest characters though, Lol.

I think there needs to be a balance between guest, returning and new characters in any fighter as guests can be cool but they can also eat up the spots of new original characters.

  • Xbox Game Studios - Chief
  • Bethesda Softworks - Todd Howard
  • Activision Blizzard - Sarah Kerrigan

His special move is "It Just Works" and it's a one hit KO which activates completely at random, nobody knows how it works, it just does.

Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:

All this plus there's no rush to get it on Xbox with Starfield right there, they literally moved it forward on PC to avoid Starfield so it stands to reason that they would have made attempts to avoid Starfield on Xbox as well. So I think they're "happy/fine" with missing the Xbox launch on Starfield week and will take their time, give themselves some distance between it and Starfield and launch it late in 2023 or very early in 2024.

Best case scenario, it launches into Game Pass on Xbox due to the delay as the genre is already niche on consoles, a late port would be even smaller. In the meantime, they're probably enjoying some easy marketing because Baldur's Gate 3 is now dragged into the console wars and a bunch of Sony fans who never had any interest in the game are now interested in it and talking about it because it launches the same date as Starfield, Lol.

Speak for yourself, bitch! I need it now!

Yeah, not speaking for everyone, I think just the overall business strategy, I think too close to Starfield and they'll still be too many people busy with Starfield to play BG3, that's why it's smart they got in before Starfield on PC, now people are busy with BG3 before Starfield on PC. I wasn't actually interested in BG3 until recently, I may actually play this one, I'm definitely tempted, but I definitely won't be starting it if I'm still busy with Starfield by the time BG3 launches.

Finished TOEM

A simple puzzle game that reminded me of Chicory only with a camera + 3D element that feels a bit like the Psychonauts first person mind control thing.

Overall a fun game but it is a bit short.


Eiyuden Chronicle

Did not expect much but I enjoyed the hub element + Metroidvania/Dust an Elysian tale vibe.
Don't really get why people keep emphasizing the 'It is from the Suikoden duded'

Anyway I guess most disliked the game but some of the elements feel made for me so I would give it personally an 7.5/10

chakkra said:
Machiavellian said:

Maybe its just me but it really seems like the CMA is trying to set their careers on this merger and because the rest of the world pretty much said yes, they might act like a stubborn child and say no just to piss everyone off.  Its why I believe they were so cozy with the FTC and their language still leaves a lot to be desired.  If Phil and team pull this off, they should all get a raise.

Like I said before, there is absolutely no way in hell the UK government is gonna let them do that. In fact, I'm quite surprised that they let them get this far (and yes, I'm fully aware that they are supposedly a "fully independent" organization).

We will see.  When an org tries to set an image of independance, that can have a much stronger pull then some government official telling the CMA conform or be punished.  You get a couple idealistic people in that seat and you can never predict how they will act.  I would not but to much stock on the UK government as you never really know what is being played behind the scenes.  Power play all across the board could be in play, different factions you name it.  One thing you can count on is the unpredictable nature of government, especially when you do not know who all the players are.

Around the Network
VersusEvil said:
Shaunodon said:

Microsoft should buy Larian and Remedy and force them to take daily lessons on how to code for Series S.

The laziest developers are always the most vocal about “it’s the hardwares fault” .. they’ll probably release the game on switch at some point and you won’t hear a peep from these clowns. At least when BG3 does release the PC community and PS “gamers” would have bug tested this :)

I highly doubt Larian is even close to being "Lazy Developers".  I know this is usually the go to saying for gamers when something does not meet their standard but in business, its just a case of time, experience and resources.  All three are not infinite and as a business, every developer has to make a decision financially where they put those 3 at.  PC which is the main platform for the game you definitely put all your resources on that platform. PS5, you definitely support that system, the install base cannot be ignored. XBox, which is the third platform that has 2 SKUs which you have to have parity with both, well if one of those SKUs is hold up getting your game to market, its going to be the one getting the least support.

As a business, Larian just released the PC version, they need to put their full focus on getting the PS5 to market and at some point when resources are available they can put more effort to the Xbox versions. If BG3 is big enough for MS, they should be shipping engineers to Larian to get them up to speed on the Series S to help get the game ship but then again MS has their own big RPG coming so its probably not a priority for them.

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 05 August 2023

Machiavellian said:
VersusEvil said:

The laziest developers are always the most vocal about “it’s the hardwares fault” .. they’ll probably release the game on switch at some point and you won’t hear a peep from these clowns. At least when BG3 does release the PC community and PS “gamers” would have bug tested this :)

I highly doubt Larian is even close to being "Lazy Developers".  I know this is usually the go to saying for gamers when something does not meet their standard but in business, its just a case of time, experience and resources.  All three are not infinite and as a business, every developer has to make a decision financially where they put those 3 at.  PC which is the main platform for the game you definitely put all your resources on that platform. PS5, you definitely support that system, the install base cannot be ignored. XBox, which is the third platform that has 2 SKUs which you have to have parity with both, well if one of those SKUs is hold up getting your game to market, its going to be the one getting the least support.

As a business, Larian just released the PC version, they need to put their full focus on getting the PS5 to market and at some support when resources are avaliable they can put more effort to the Xbox versions. If BG3 is big enough for MS, they should be shipping engineers to Larian to get them up to speed on the Series S if they the game to ship but then again MS has they own big RPG coming so its probably not a priority for them.

They sended engineers at the end of June and they still havn't fixed the 'issue'. 

konnichiwa said:
Machiavellian said:

I highly doubt Larian is even close to being "Lazy Developers".  I know this is usually the go to saying for gamers when something does not meet their standard but in business, its just a case of time, experience and resources.  All three are not infinite and as a business, every developer has to make a decision financially where they put those 3 at.  PC which is the main platform for the game you definitely put all your resources on that platform. PS5, you definitely support that system, the install base cannot be ignored. XBox, which is the third platform that has 2 SKUs which you have to have parity with both, well if one of those SKUs is hold up getting your game to market, its going to be the one getting the least support.

As a business, Larian just released the PC version, they need to put their full focus on getting the PS5 to market and at some support when resources are avaliable they can put more effort to the Xbox versions. If BG3 is big enough for MS, they should be shipping engineers to Larian to get them up to speed on the Series S if they the game to ship but then again MS has they own big RPG coming so its probably not a priority for them.

They sended engineers at the end of June and they still havn't fixed the 'issue'. 

We do not know if they have not fix that particular bug.  There could be more issues but usually it takes about a good 2 to 3 months just for a senior dev to get a good handle on someone else code especially if there are thousands of lines of codes and multiple projects that are dependent on each other.  Its not a fast process trust me because if it take writing new code and integrating within an existing engine without introducing a crap ton of bugs would be a miracle.

Idk but I think CAT would be pretty pissed off at the CMA if they went ahead and blocked the deal again, CAT were pretty annoyed at having their time wasted already and didn't want to delay proceedings unless CMA proves to them they had an actually good reason to delay proceedings and the CAT judge was leaning a bit on assumption that CMA would end up approving the deal without saying it outright.

In addition, CAT doesn't usually allow new evidence into trial, they only assess based on the evidence provided throughout the investigation at that period in time, but since the CMA has re-opened the case, Microsoft can and already has submitted new evidence, from EU's approval/commitments, to the Sony contract, to FTC's loss, they even submitted Google/Nvidia saying that Stadia/GeForce competed with Consoles (I.E. Same Market).

So if the CMA intended to simply block the deal again, they've just let Microsoft strengthen their case, Lol. If they always intended to block it, then it would make more sense to carry on with the original CAT trial than allowing Microsoft to submit a bunch of new facts and evidence. I also think they may be some political pressure, gov can't do anything legally to them but they could pass legislation in the future to curb their powers.

Ryuu96 said:

Honestly I think this is all overblown, I think what happened is more likely this. Yes, they have encountered an issue with split-screen on Series S but it's not a major deal like everyone is making, it's likely just a typical development difficulty, Larian themselves have said it's not an "issue" per se, it will simply just take a little bit more time and work.

I think they had a release date in mind (August 31st - original date) but they knew Starfield would release around the same time and thus focused on PC/PS. Once they knew Starfield's release date (Sep 1st - Sep 6th) they (an extremely rare move) brought forward their PC release date by almost a month to avoid Starfield on PC and release before it (smart move).

Course the Xbox version can't be ready due to the issue but I think they've simply prioritised PC/PS because it makes the most sense, they won't be in a major rush to launch BG3 on Xbox until they get some distance from Starfield, the date is irrelevant for PS as PS doesn't have Starfield, I think Sony just saw an opportunity to have a PR moment and asked them to move it back a week, same date as Starfield.

Vast majority will play it on PC as well, so ideally the focus is on launching before Starfield on PC, let Sony market boost BG3 on PS through the console wars, release BG3 a bit after Starfield on Xbox (possibly via Game Pass...) and they've staggered it out fairly well, avoiding potential competition and also had extra boosted marketing for consoles cause the console wars.

So there is an issue, but I think they've also prioritised PS/PC due to Starfield's date, they might as well avoid it and take their time with Xbox.

I started playing the game on PC and trust me them console warriors who are hyping up the game for no reason other than console warrior brownies are going to be in for a shock when they see how this game sells on consoles compared to how Starfield will sell on xbox.

I love this game it really is one of my greatest "CRPG's" this year. But its a genre that imo is way over the heads of what most console player rpg fans are used too.

This game was clearly made for PC and CRPG fans first and anything else 2nd. This game is in no way gimped down to fit the console space it is going to be overwhelming for many a console player who doesnt know what to expect from this genre. and thats the main reason why this genre doesnt sell too well on consoles.

So why some fans are trying to use this game for console war nonsense beyond me (Well no not really sense i know why he is doing it, bet he would love to play starfield)..

Last edited by zero129 - on 06 August 2023