WoodenPints said:
Ryuu96 said:
I'd hope they would have a large amount of the original Killer Instinct characters for launch, of course, but I think it'd be awesome if the first guest pack was like one character from each division, a character to represent Xbox Game Studios, a character to represent Bethesda and a character to represent Activision-Blizzard. It feels fairly obvious to say who would represent each division, so instead maybe, who would you want as a representative of each division? I'm conflicted because I want Chief but Doomguy as well and I feel for the first pack, they'd be too similar to each other (both shooter guys wearing armour hiding their face, Lol). Lets make it a question. Killer Instinct Guest Character Pack #1 - Xbox Game Studios - ?
- Bethesda Softworks - ?
- Activision Blizzard - ?
Some purists hate guest characters though, Lol. |
I think there needs to be a balance between guest, returning and new characters in any fighter as guests can be cool but they can also eat up the spots of new original characters. - Xbox Game Studios - Chief
- Bethesda Softworks - Todd Howard
- Activision Blizzard - Sarah Kerrigan
His special move is "It Just Works" and it's a one hit KO which activates completely at random, nobody knows how it works, it just does.
Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:
All this plus there's no rush to get it on Xbox with Starfield right there, they literally moved it forward on PC to avoid Starfield so it stands to reason that they would have made attempts to avoid Starfield on Xbox as well. So I think they're "happy/fine" with missing the Xbox launch on Starfield week and will take their time, give themselves some distance between it and Starfield and launch it late in 2023 or very early in 2024. Best case scenario, it launches into Game Pass on Xbox due to the delay as the genre is already niche on consoles, a late port would be even smaller. In the meantime, they're probably enjoying some easy marketing because Baldur's Gate 3 is now dragged into the console wars and a bunch of Sony fans who never had any interest in the game are now interested in it and talking about it because it launches the same date as Starfield, Lol. |
Speak for yourself, bitch! I need it now! |

Yeah, not speaking for everyone, I think just the overall business strategy, I think too close to Starfield and they'll still be too many people busy with Starfield to play BG3, that's why it's smart they got in before Starfield on PC, now people are busy with BG3 before Starfield on PC. I wasn't actually interested in BG3 until recently, I may actually play this one, I'm definitely tempted, but I definitely won't be starting it if I'm still busy with Starfield by the time BG3 launches.