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I don't know. I don't think Microsoft will give up their cloud rights in the UK. I have the feeling it is more subtle that than.
While Microsoft is saying that they are not making a lot of money (aka: losing money :D) with it, they (as well the CMA, EU, FTC) have no idea about how this can be in the future and I do not see Microsoft giving up on that and taking the risk to give up something that may become huge even if it is just in the UK.

Time will tell, but I do not believe the divestiture is as drastic as giving up cloud rights in the UK.

Around the Network

Has Bethesda said anything about Starfield mods on console?

jason1637 said:

Has Bethesda said anything about Starfield mods on console?

They have not. I was honestly surprised it wasn’t mentioned once during the Starfield.

Todd mentioned before Creation Engine 2 would be just as mod friendly as their previous games, but it’s been forever since mods were mentioned. I have a feeling Creation Club is on its way again. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Around the Network

I still think MS did an incredible stupid job by increasing console prices here in Europe, especially now with all those PS5 discounts. Difference is almost 100 euro. Will we see discounts on hardware when Starfield launches?

Inactive. Bye!

Just finished Bramble The Mountain King. Loved it! Great music, graphics and atmosphere. Also relatively short which is a positive for me. Only downside are the controls when aiming. They feel off. Game is available on Gamepass.

Inactive. Bye!

Machiavellian said:

I believe the next collaboration that Rare and Sea of Thieves should do is One Piece. If ever MS wanted a game to penetrate the Japanese market, doing a One Piece colab and nailing it could be the ticket to MS gaining some decent sales in the land of the rising sun.

That would be amazing.

It'll be a good time to do it since the anime is about to reach a major turning point with Luffy and the current arc is almost done.

Also the live action Netflix series is coming out next month.

PixelPirate said:

Just finished Bramble The Mountain King. Loved it! Great music, graphics and atmosphere. Also relatively short which is a positive for me. Only downside are the controls when aiming. They feel off. Game is available on Gamepass.

Good to hear! I have it downloaded but haven't gotten to it yet.