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Dammit Greenberg.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Gregg Mayles: If I can't make Viva Pinata 3, I'll just turn Everwild into it.

Hype! Lol. Viva Pinata is one of Rare's best titles.

This all sounding very good. Bring on the show. Can't wait to finally see Fable

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You can’t just go name dropping Viva Piñata like that, what’s wrong with these people.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Ryuu96 said:

Do you think I can get Sarah Bond to sing happy birthday to me after the showcase.  I am going to go on her twitter and ask.  Now how do I let the wife know and it not appear suspect????

Ryuu96 said:

If this is more than "next 12 months" for 1st party and it's all in-engine footage at minimum, no CG, then Microsoft bringing the 🔥

2 hour long could also mean a lot ore time giving to MS bigger first party games like Sony did with Spiderman 2.  That would be fire if all the gameplay for the games are at that level.  I would say a good 5 mins for each major first party showing and if they hit it out of the park with a annoucement of a Starfield special addition console with controller for 550 with the game, then just maybe MS has been stockpiling all those consoles with away just for the rush for this console.  Hell, I may give my Series X to my son and purchase this one.

So what y'all ordering for the two hour movie?

@Spade Knows what I'm getting

Ryuu96 said:

So what y'all ordering for the two hour movie?

@Spade Knows what I'm getting

After a weekend of fat assing, I'm going to have to pass and just make something at home. Going to go to eating a turkey and cheese sammy, 2.5 pieces of meat, 2 pieces of havarti cheese, mayo, mustard, pickles, maybe some raw onions. Side of chips and maybe something else

Enjoy those kebabs pimp.">"><img src="