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Forums - Politics Discussion - The Free Speech thread


Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%

Time to sell, before he does.
When he bought in, his fame kickstarted a rave and probably made the thing shoot into the air.
I'd wait a week or so, and dump them (if I had any invested in it).

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JRPGfan said:

Time to sell, before he does.
When he bought in, his fame kickstarted a rave and probably made the thing shoot into the air.
I'd wait a week or so, and dump them (if I had any invested in it).

I think it could go multiple directions, Elon may hold onto his shares and the stock may rise and fall like all the meme stocks tend to do whenever someone tweets something positive about it.  Elon could sell all of his shares and the stock could tank, or Elon could try a hostile takeover and try to buy Twitter outright in which case the shares could jump.

rapsuperstar31 said:
JRPGfan said:

Time to sell, before he does.
When he bought in, his fame kickstarted a rave and probably made the thing shoot into the air.
I'd wait a week or so, and dump them (if I had any invested in it).

I think it could go multiple directions, Elon may hold onto his shares and the stock may rise and fall like all the meme stocks tend to do whenever someone tweets something positive about it.  Elon could sell all of his shares and the stock could tank, or Elon could try a hostile takeover and try to buy Twitter outright in which case the shares could jump.

I just feel like this has happended alot.
He uses his fame and PR, and a tweet or something, and a stock goes up, and then a week or so lateron, he tweets something else and it drops.
Its like he enjoys messing around with the stocks, based on his say so.

Hes also, done this before, where he boughts something, it goes up, and then he sells.
Knowing full well his "makeing a big hoo-ha, about buying stocks, forces it up".

People that follow trends, usually do so late, and end up burnt.
Like if you follow musk, I'd be nervous about keeping stocks that got a bump out of him, for long.

ei. dont buy stocks because of musk, do it if you believe in it yourself.
because Musk enjoys messing around too much lol.

But to each their own.

Like a month ago, it was at 33$.
Now after Musk PR effect, its at 47-50$ or so.
If Musk leaves or dumps his stocks, be ready to have it go under 33$
(I guess if your patient enough, for long term investing into it, its fine though (its bound to eventually go higher), but if your just rideing the wave shortterm...)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 11 April 2022

rapsuperstar31 said:
JRPGfan said:

Time to sell, before he does.
When he bought in, his fame kickstarted a rave and probably made the thing shoot into the air.
I'd wait a week or so, and dump them (if I had any invested in it).

I think it could go multiple directions, Elon may hold onto his shares and the stock may rise and fall like all the meme stocks tend to do whenever someone tweets something positive about it.  Elon could sell all of his shares and the stock could tank, or Elon could try a hostile takeover and try to buy Twitter outright in which case the shares could jump.

If Elon truly thought a board seat would help, he would accept. That's likely why he's not joining the board. He strongly feels it wouldn't make much difference.

It would also become much more of a liability if he joined the board. If the board ever decided, or has already decided, they'd want him out, it would be too much of a headache and risk for Elon.

It's much easier to do what he wants with Twitter as a mass shareholder from the outside, assuming that's the plan, big changes, his way, the easy way.

Maybe Elon knew this already, maybe he wanted to test the waters first, but this looks to me that Elon's plan is to simply become the majority shareholder, sooner than later.

Then Elon doesn't need a board seat because he becomes the board himself. (Not really, but he'd call the shots in the end, period).

sethnintendo said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

Agree he is definitely not a conservative person in the "old" sense of what conservative is. He is more of a 90's 00's democrat yes, but you need to remember the left has gone way to the left in the last one or two decades to the point that liberal people like Tim Pool and Joe Rogan are almost alt-right Nazis. Anyway I really like him. His story with Tesla and Space X are really amazing.

My expectation for twitter with him on board is that at least it allows certain things to be discussed, for people to be able to show their opinions when it is not the far left mainstream opinion. Also to end this thing of burying some news and facts under a rock, not allowing them to be discussed under the excuse of "fake news", "debunked" by "independent" fact checkers. There will be elections in a few months in US, let's see if something will change.

Also, consistency when deciding who gets banned.

What's far left to you?  That trump actually lost the election?   Give me a fucking break.

Considering such a, let's say, less than bright take of "that trump actually lost the election" I guess you dont want neither need my answer. 

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100% acquisition offer on the table now. The madman strikes again. Like him or not, at least he brings some fun to the table.
I suppose the offer will be refused though. To be honest, I think he knows it will be refused and it is doing it just for show and to use as an excuse to get rid of his whole position.

If he gets it, I may actually make a Twitter account and get on there! He is no conservative, but he isn't a liberal either, and Big Tech is very liberal nowadays, so having it controlled by someone who is a moderate is appealing to me. I'm completely fine with moderates, and even liberals who are tolerant of conservatives, but it's the ones who just call us bigots and want to purge us from existence just for having harmless views based on deeply held beliefs that have been around for thousands of years and will be around for eternity that I don't want running Big Tech, though I have gotten used to it.

FYI I won't be baited, as I try not to have "foolish and stupid arguments" so just know if you respond to this with cancellation-level words and hate I won't respond.

I have some stock in Twitter so I’ll be voting yes on the acquisition. Elon is right the way Twitter is managed is so bad. They could be making way more than they are now.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Dulfite said:

Musk isn't a right winger. He is a moderate, a 90's Democrat, basically, just with a bit more patriotism (about the West in general, not just America) dashed on top. For him to turn Twitter into a right wing echo chamber would mean he'd start banning left wingers, which he has given no intention to do. Again, he's a moderate, not a right winger.

All conservatives expect him to do is put in place policies that protect their freedom of speech on issues such as abortion, crt, religious freedom, lower taxes for all not just the poorest, working to be successful rather than expecting government handouts which are paid for by the overtaxed middle class, right to arm and protect ourselves from would be aggressors, and many other conservative views. It seems like every couple years a legitimate conservative viewpoint shared by tens of millions of Americans, sometimes even 100+ million, is suddenly ostracized as a Nazi view that should be banned from everywhere by an extremely vocal minority of online forum warriors and extremely influencial big Tech companies controlled by the far left.

I actually considered him a Reaganite, not a modern right winger, but still a conservative rather than any modern democrat.

His recent support of the ridiculous action by the truckers in Canada makes feel the same way about him. In the past, I thought he was more in a kind of a middle ground, but not anymore.

Dulfite said:

If he gets it, I may actually make a Twitter account and get on there! He is no conservative, but he isn't a liberal either, and Big Tech is very liberal nowadays, so having it controlled by someone who is a moderate is appealing to me. I'm completely fine with moderates, and even liberals who are tolerant of conservatives, but it's the ones who just call us bigots and want to purge us from existence just for having harmless views based on deeply held beliefs that have been around for thousands of years and will be around for eternity that I don't want running Big Tech, though I have gotten used to it.

FYI I won't be baited, as I try not to have "foolish and stupid arguments" so just know if you respond to this with cancellation-level words and hate I won't respond.

That's quite the victim complex you've got. I don't recall the left trying to make it illegal to be Christian. Meanwhile the right as we speak is trying to force the LGBT community back in the closet with every law they can get away with. I also see nothing harmless about driving said community to suicide or locking up their allies for supporting them.