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Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%

“The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters”

This cringeworthy post isn’t from a 13 year old kid or a half-witted bumpkin, but from 50 year old billionaire Elon Musk.
I’m wondering if he has a drug problem?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network
Renamed said:
Renamed said:

What guilt trip?  

 No response?

Read my post again. Thats your response. If you cant see it or understand it well thats not my problem. Anyways this will also be my last response in this thread good bye.

Jumpin said:

“The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters”

This cringeworthy post isn’t from a 13 year old kid or a half-witted bumpkin, but from 50 year old billionaire Elon Musk.
I’m wondering if he has a drug problem?

Lol, Its funny that when Dave Chappelle introduced him at his show he got booed and it affected him.  I believe Musk lives in this bubble where he thinks everything he does turns to gold but now he is finding out when you wade into the political waters, you will find out that their will be many haters.  He probably thought that anyone going to a Dave Chappelle show probably is not woke or something like that so getting booed must have hit him to the core.  There is probably a reason why figure heads and CEOs try to remain off social media with their opinions because no matter how you swing, it affects the profitability of your corporations.  As Muck continue to post more and more he continue to alienate certain parts of his customer base.  Will be interesting in a year how that will affect Tesla as more and more competition products come and customers have more alternatives.

As for Musk, I just believe he loves attention no matter if its good or bad.  

the-pi-guy said:

No surprise here.

It should become obvious to more and more people that Musk is a right-wing nutjob that (at least to me) has signs of Trumpism all over his behaviour.

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:

B-but he committed to allowing that account! He said he's going to allow it to stay in the name of freedom of speech!

Machiavellian said:

That sounds great but this bullet point, is it something from your opinion or are these actual facts.  Most of it seems like a wish list more than things actually getting done.  Lets take each one at a time.

  • Aim: Move civilization towards truth and transparency. Make twitter competitive and lead to competitors fighting for who will manage with most accountability, as a value of the service offered.
    • What exactly does this even mean.  Its not like Twitter is the only Social network site so what exactly is transparent today then before.  It would be different if Elon showed all documents not curated documents that would be transparent including his own decisions.  When you control the truth, then is it really truth or what you try to paint it.
  • Defeat bots and agencies, exposing the agencies which steer public discourse.
    • This is still debatable since we do not have enough data to know, if anything really has been done with bots, I still get spammed just as much now then I did before the buyout.
  • Focus on making twitter healthy and setting high traction on engineering and delivery of new features.
    • When we see new features you let us all know.  If the new feature is the blue check mark which was a total crap feast, I am waiting to see something of real substance.
  • Thanks made to Elon for stopping child pornography on twitter in only 30 days vs many years problem under the last lead.
    • I know this one isn't true, because I have seen so much pornography on Twitter without even trying and getting spammed by it.
  • Mainstream media not giving props to Elon about the Twitter files, exposing the higher-ups of the original twitter team and how they managed the Hunter Biden laptop story and covered it up. Gaslighting Matt Taibbi.
    • Yeah, only let 2 select people see the files if that is what you call transparency, I believe you need to check the definition again.  This is what we call control.  You control who sees it, who reports on it and thus you control the narration of the information.  These are the tactics MSM have done for years and now you are champion it from Elon.
  • Questions about what will come in episode 2 of the Twitter Files. What other hidden files can be looked at? 6Gen, Covid.
    • Selective narration as I stated.  He is picking and choosing the topics instead of just opening everything up.  I would give Elon props if he opened it up for all decisions so we get a complete context of how Twitter managed information.  Only distilling info on select topics just give the feeling of pander to a certain base and control of the narration.
  • Advertisers stopped advertising on twitter, Apple resumes and others too when realizing that there was no problem with how Musk was managing Twitter. Ad expenditures drop, need alternative sources of revenue. Advertisers were scared by certain lobbyists, then returned after realizing that values are aligned & waters are safe. Advertisers can tailor ads to non-ad content that they are comfortable associating with.
    • Actually I believe advertisers were iffy because of Elon jumping in saying a lot of stuff but then having to run those statements back once the money got short.  If Elon wanted to make Twitter like Gab, he found out real quick, that is a one way street to losing 44 billion dollars.
  • Make Twitter more fun and welcoming, suited to various tastes & free of bots.
    • I will take this as pure opinion because nothing really changed with Twitter as of today.  Not sure what has changed that has made twitter more fun can you elaborate on that one.
  • Label Mainstream Media state media. If biased, it should be clear.
    • So only MSM is state media or are you saying only MSM are bias not sure what this really mean because media in general is pretty much bias since the majority of them give mostly opinions instead of just stating the facts of the items they report.
  • Let ppl know when government is targeting people. Post should show what the events around it are (government asks to remove, etc.)
    • Hmm, exactly what government asked for any post to be removed.  Could you elaborate on this one.  From Matt Taibbi, even he said the Government was not involved with Hunter Laptop story.  Cannot say Biden because at the time he was not in the Government.

Why are you so upvoted? This community is strange.

The bullet points are notes from the Twitter live, none of it is my opinion.

I'm not going to elaborate on anything, I don't owe you anything. Neither do you owe me anything, relax. I already spent enough time making this breakdown for this community. If you want my opinion, it wasn't worth it.

Last edited by padib - on 14 December 2022

padib said:

Why are you so upvoted? This community is strange.

The bullet points are notes from the Twitter live, none of it is my opinion.

Why does it matter?
You're posting claims. It doesn't matter if they are yours or Elon Musk's or anyone else's.  

Claims can be debunked or provided evidence for.

padib said:

I'm not going to elaborate on anything, I don't owe you anything. Neither do you owe me anything, relax.

This is a discussion board. Elaborating and discussing things is kind of the entire point.  

padib said:

I already spent enough time making this breakdown for this community. If you want my opinion, it wasn't worth it.

What exactly are you expecting? That no one will comment on your summary? That no one will disagree with it?

If you don't want to talk about it, why did you bring it up in the first place?

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 14 December 2022

padib said:
Machiavellian said:

That sounds great but this bullet point, is it something from your opinion or are these actual facts.  Most of it seems like a wish list more than things actually getting done.  Lets take each one at a time.

  • Aim: Move civilization towards truth and transparency. Make twitter competitive and lead to competitors fighting for who will manage with most accountability, as a value of the service offered.
    • What exactly does this even mean.  Its not like Twitter is the only Social network site so what exactly is transparent today then before.  It would be different if Elon showed all documents not curated documents that would be transparent including his own decisions.  When you control the truth, then is it really truth or what you try to paint it.
  • Defeat bots and agencies, exposing the agencies which steer public discourse.
    • This is still debatable since we do not have enough data to know, if anything really has been done with bots, I still get spammed just as much now then I did before the buyout.
  • Focus on making twitter healthy and setting high traction on engineering and delivery of new features.
    • When we see new features you let us all know.  If the new feature is the blue check mark which was a total crap feast, I am waiting to see something of real substance.
  • Thanks made to Elon for stopping child pornography on twitter in only 30 days vs many years problem under the last lead.
    • I know this one isn't true, because I have seen so much pornography on Twitter without even trying and getting spammed by it.
  • Mainstream media not giving props to Elon about the Twitter files, exposing the higher-ups of the original twitter team and how they managed the Hunter Biden laptop story and covered it up. Gaslighting Matt Taibbi.
    • Yeah, only let 2 select people see the files if that is what you call transparency, I believe you need to check the definition again.  This is what we call control.  You control who sees it, who reports on it and thus you control the narration of the information.  These are the tactics MSM have done for years and now you are champion it from Elon.
  • Questions about what will come in episode 2 of the Twitter Files. What other hidden files can be looked at? 6Gen, Covid.
    • Selective narration as I stated.  He is picking and choosing the topics instead of just opening everything up.  I would give Elon props if he opened it up for all decisions so we get a complete context of how Twitter managed information.  Only distilling info on select topics just give the feeling of pander to a certain base and control of the narration.
  • Advertisers stopped advertising on twitter, Apple resumes and others too when realizing that there was no problem with how Musk was managing Twitter. Ad expenditures drop, need alternative sources of revenue. Advertisers were scared by certain lobbyists, then returned after realizing that values are aligned & waters are safe. Advertisers can tailor ads to non-ad content that they are comfortable associating with.
    • Actually I believe advertisers were iffy because of Elon jumping in saying a lot of stuff but then having to run those statements back once the money got short.  If Elon wanted to make Twitter like Gab, he found out real quick, that is a one way street to losing 44 billion dollars.
  • Make Twitter more fun and welcoming, suited to various tastes & free of bots.
    • I will take this as pure opinion because nothing really changed with Twitter as of today.  Not sure what has changed that has made twitter more fun can you elaborate on that one.
  • Label Mainstream Media state media. If biased, it should be clear.
    • So only MSM is state media or are you saying only MSM are bias not sure what this really mean because media in general is pretty much bias since the majority of them give mostly opinions instead of just stating the facts of the items they report.
  • Let ppl know when government is targeting people. Post should show what the events around it are (government asks to remove, etc.)
    • Hmm, exactly what government asked for any post to be removed.  Could you elaborate on this one.  From Matt Taibbi, even he said the Government was not involved with Hunter Laptop story.  Cannot say Biden because at the time he was not in the Government.

Why are you so upvoted? This community is strange.

The bullet points are notes from the Twitter live, none of it is my opinion.

I'm not going to elaborate on anything, I don't owe you anything. Neither do you owe me anything, relax. I already spent enough time making this breakdown for this community. If you want my opinion, it wasn't worth it.

Didn't you create alts and upvote yourself WITH supporter status too?">"><img src="

the-pi-guy said:
padib said:

Why are you so upvoted? This community is strange.

The bullet points are notes from the Twitter live, none of it is my opinion.

Why does it matter?
You're posting claims. It doesn't matter if they are yours or Elon Musk's or anyone else's.  

Claims can be debunked or provided evidence for.

padib said:

I'm not going to elaborate on anything, I don't owe you anything. Neither do you owe me anything, relax.

This is a discussion board. Elaborating and discussing things is kind of the entire point.  

padib said:

I already spent enough time making this breakdown for this community. If you want my opinion, it wasn't worth it.

What exactly are you expecting? That no one will comment on your summary? That no one will disagree with it?

If you don't want to talk about it, why did you bring it up in the first place?

It's clear that he assumed that it's my opinion and that I must defend it. He's free to discuss it, but let him understand very clearly that I made an effort to post a report to inform people, I don't have any duty to defend it at all.
