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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

"Putin is checking the reaction of the West ... And I believe that after all these reactions, Putin will decide and increase the contingent ... The reaction that is there today is nothing, it is zero," Zelenskiy said.

Zelenskiy Blasts Allies For 'Zero' Response to North Korean Deployment | Reuters

Notice how confident Russia is lately? They're right to be, they could bring in the entire North Korean army and The West would do nothing. Biden's a useless sack of shit, as is Keir, Scholz and Macron. I'd mention Italy and Spain but they've always been irrelevant. I'm 99% sure that Western Europe will abandon Ukraine if Trump wins and Eastern Europe will be forced to follow. Zero lessons learnt from WW2, I hate them all. Maybe at this rate NATO will go back to the 1997 borders because they're scared of escalation (That last part is a joke).

If I was a sicko like Putin, at this rate, I don't know why he hasn't just convinced North Korea and Belarus to send their whole armies into Ukraine, not like the West will do anything about it, Belarus would be easy too, Putin can just promise Orban that his army will slaughter the citizens who try to object, the West will once again do nothing and wag their finger in disapproval. Fico and Orban are traitors leaching off EU and NATO as well, they should be kicked out of both.

Absolute Fucking Cowardice.

Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck Olaf Scholz.
Fuck Keir Starmer.
Fuck Emmanuel Macron.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 November 2024

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Don't worry though! Russia is desperate!

I'm sure it's a comfort to the Ukrainian soldiers having thousands of vermin charging at them that the West's response to all this is to say that Russia is "desperate" while Ukrainians die, lose territory and ultimately get overwhelmed. "Good luck Ukraine, and don't worry, Russia is desperate by bringing another country into the war! What? You want more support? That's escalation buddy"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 November 2024

"Ukraine should strike back if North Korean troops cross into its territory, Biden says"

Like I said some days ago, really nice of the West to allow Ukraine to fight on their own ground...this is truly a damn joke. Fucking North Korea is going to attack Europe and Europe's and USA's leaders will just watch. Putin could gift North Korea parts of Ukraine and it wouldn't Change anything...NORTH KOREA...I just can't get that in my head

Even if North Korea doesn't enter Ukraine itself, them being in Russia frees up Russian soldiers to attack inside of Ukraine either way, meanwhile Ukraine has to keep soldiers along the Belarusian border in fear of Belarus invading and along the Transnistria border in fear of a Russian attack from there too, we can't even do the bare minimum in response which is to protect our own airspace. And if North Korea helps Russia push Ukraine out of Kursk there goes Ukraine's only win in the past year and once again puts Ukraine at a disadvantaged negotiating position.

SvennoJ said:

I was looking at how Russia is able to keep sustaining these kind of losses. The answers just make me more sad.


Before the war, such casualties would have seemed unimaginable. Now, it appears that the generals hardly care as long as they meet Putin’s demands.” Despite the losses, Russia is able to replenish its ranks by recruiting up to 30,000 new soldiers a month – roughly as many as are leaving the battlefield. This has allowed the military to consistently deploy wave after wave of troops against Ukrainian defences.

The key role is played by financial incentives, which have raised Russian military salaries to unprecedented levels, said Denis Volkov, the director of the Levada Center, a polling and sociological research company in Moscow.

In some regions, Russians who sign a contract with the army will receive an upfront payment of up to 3m roubles (£23,800), on top of the monthly minimum wage of £1,757 – about four times the average salary in Russia.

So that's over 4x the average yearly salary as sign-up bonus.


Volkov believes that one of the main reasons behind Russian society’s apparent indifference to the rising death toll lies in the composition of the army.

Statistics show that most of those who are fighting and dying are either volunteers from impoverished Russian regions or former convicts, rather than mobilised soldiers forced to fight or those who signed a contract before the war.

Despite pressure from his generals, Vladimir Putin has reportedly resisted declaring a new mobilisation – a deeply unpopular move that would forcibly pull hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens from their everyday lives.

“The bulk of the men currently fighting do so voluntarily for substantial financial incentives. Society views it as their choice, leading to a relatively calm reaction to their deaths,” Volkov said.

“The wives of those who die receive significant compensation, while their children are granted free university education. As a result, the families believe that the government is looking after their interests.

“For many in large cities like Moscow and St Petersburg, the war still feels very distant,” Volkov said, noting that most enlisted soldiers come from smaller regional towns and cities in parts of Russia where stable, well-paying jobs are difficult to find.

Simultaneously, the Kremlin and its propaganda machine have launched a campaign that sociologists refer to as an effort to “glorify” the deaths, portraying fallen soldiers as heroes.


“Under Putin, the value of life has further diminished, while he simultaneously cultivated a cult of death,” said Dina Khapaeva, a Russian professor at Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, who focuses her research on historical memory.

Khapaeva highlighted a speech by Putin delivered in front of the mothers of fallen soldiers, in which he seemingly praised their children’s deaths. “Your son lived, and his goal has been achieved,” Putin said. “And that means he did not leave life in vain.”

Vladimir Solovyov, a popular Russian propagandist, further reinforced the idea that sacrifices made for the state were rewarded in the afterlife, telling his viewers there was no need to fear death because “we will go to heaven”.

Putin is offering Russians “the joy of death”, said Khapaeva.

“Instead of a meaningless, hopeless, impoverished life, a Russian is offered the chance to die ‘for the motherland’.”

Sickening, preying on the impoverished with money incentives and WW2 plus religious propaganda to send them to their death while committing genocide in Ukraine.

In 2023, 13.5 million Russians lived below the poverty line, which is about 9.3% of the population.

With 30,000 recruits a month Putin can drag this out :( Please vote for Harris.

The downside of sanctions, or rather the cynical sadistic retort to sanctions. Create more poverty, create more recruits. Of course blaming the West for the economic woes.



Putin is bankrupting the country, both financially and in terms of manpower.

Financially, because those sign-up bonuses simply aren't sustainable and keep rising higher and higher, indicating that it's getting harder to find people ready to die for their country even when given millions for doing so. The salary of the soldiers also are rising, though not nearly at the same rate. Still, a russian soldier now makes about twice as much as he did before the invasion.

In terms of manpower because of a double whammy: On one hand, like detailed above, it's getting harder and harder for Russia to find enough recruits and it's slowly bankrupting them. But also on the other hand, Russia is seriously running low on men of reproductive age. They already had a sizeable deficit before the hostilities started but now this is even worse.

In short, Russia is sitting on two time bombs, and the longer the war drags on the higher the chances of them going off. Russia is heavily scarred and even if they should win the conflict it will be a Phyrric victory at best. The war is not just keeping the army well fed but literally holding the entire country together.

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^On its own, the war is going to be at best a pyrrhic victory for Russia. But depending on how things go from there - if they ever win it in the first place - it could pave the way for a proper strategic victory of some sort. Our clear unwillingness to wage war here in the West is certainly encouraging Putin, and sadly there's no clear indicators of that changing even if Russia swallows up Ukraine. I can understand why we didn't arm Ukraine more strongly before the war even started, but if another similar situation ever arises, we should very promptly and strongly support whatever ally is threatened. I'm just not confident we've understood that.

Last edited by Zkuq - on 03 November 2024

Zkuq said:

^On its own, the war is going to be at best a pyrrhic victory for Russia. But depending on how things go from there - if they ever win it in the first place - it could pave the way for a proper strategic victory of some sort. Our clear willingness to wage war here in the West is certainly encouraging Putin, and sadly there's no clear indicators of that changing even if Russia swallows up Ukraine. I can understand why we didn't arm Ukraine more strongly before the war even started, but if another similar situation ever arises, we should very promptly and strongly support whatever ally is threatened. I'm just not confident we've understood that.

Within a few sentences you go from downplaying what is in it for Russia to explaining how much they have to gain from it. Russia can win because the West lets them.

We can only hope that the West shifts gears once Harris is elected to be the next president, because for the past few months the West has just been sitting on their thumbs fearing a Trump victory.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Ok after reading some of the replies on those X posts, Europe is doomed lol.

People arguing who is donating more, base on GDP, based on $$$ value, base on GDP and refugee support in their countries.

To top it off, AMERICANs who don't understand how NATO works a that members in Europe can't just march into Ukraine unless America says so lol.

Hopefully the US election goes the right way and then we may see America not tiptoeing around this war and giving some freedoms to get this war ended.



"For the grace, for the might of our lord
For the home of the holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly"

Ukraine won't lose.  They got this.