Ryuu96 said: |
Why would they abstain from voting? May as well say you on Russia's side but to weak to tell people that. Or perhaps they have their own human rights issues, which would make them look like twats if they votes YES.
Ryuu96 said: |
Why would they abstain from voting? May as well say you on Russia's side but to weak to tell people that. Or perhaps they have their own human rights issues, which would make them look like twats if they votes YES.
Hiku said:
How many votes do they need? And I hope no one can veto that. Looks like the only support Russia has is war torn/third worlds countries + China. Maybe they're seeing the writing on the wall, and are trying to align themselves with EU instead of Russia. |
Considering how vocal some of the Serbs have been on facebook about supporting Russia, I too am shocked. That was the vote I looked for lol.
Ryuu96 said:
This is a very good thread, useful to use against those idiots who buy into the 'Nazi Ukraine' stuff. I won't comment on it too much cause it's better to just read it for yourself. There's a lot of useful information but this part specifically is something I somehow didn't connect until now.
Slovak Minister Says Paying in Roubles an Option, Country Needs Gas | Reuters Sigh Scholz Holds up German Tank Deliveries to Ukraine – Politico Sigh Ukraine is about to start their bloodiest and hardest battle of the entire war, the battle for Donbas, they have no time for this shit, if Russia encircles Ukrainian forces in the Donbas then it'll be lost forever, hurry the fuck up with this stuff. |
Yep good thread indeed and it has been articulated very well with many words. As I mentioned in way less words many many pages ago in this thread. Every country has a Nazi problem. In 2022 surely there are better ways to deal with it than war. Just a piss weak excuse to try and gain new territory. well regain the old USSR.
Cobretti2 said:
Yep good thread indeed and it has been articulated very well with many words. As I mentioned in way less words many many pages ago in this thread. Every country has a Nazi problem. In 2022 surely there are better ways to deal with it than war. Just a piss weak excuse to try and gain new territory. well regain the old USSR. |
Exactly. And even if Putin would succeed in taking Kyiv and installing a puppet government, neo-nazis & ultranationalists would become a terrorist organization and gain even more followers. They'd be a bigger problem. This "denazification" is indeed a piss poor excuse.
Ryuu96 said: Scholz Holds up German Tank Deliveries to Ukraine – Politico Sigh Ukraine is about to start their bloodiest and hardest battle of the entire war, the battle for Donbas, they have no time for this shit, if Russia encircles Ukrainian forces in the Donbas then it'll be lost forever, hurry the fuck up with this stuff. |
To be fair, this headline is pretty misleading.
Scholz is waiting for a common European agreement on sending heavy material to Ukraine, so yes, he is delaying this decision. But even if this wouldn't be the case, it would take many months, if not several years, before those could be employed in active combat. In other words, they are probably useless for the current conflict unless it drags on into at least next year and more for re-equipping the Ukrainian army after the war.
This is not to say that I don't agree that time is of the essence and that Scholz shouldn't stop holding off this delivery, as he absolutely should. It's just that when all the logistics are taken into consideration that it will take a long time either way before Ukraine can actually make good use these vehicles, that's all.
The Nintendo eShop rating Thread: http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=237454 List as Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aW2hXQT1TheElVS7z-F3pP-7nbqdrDqWNTxl6JoJWBY/edit?usp=sharing
The Steam/GOG key gifting thread: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/242024/the-steamgog-key-gifting-thread/1/
Free Pc Games thread: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/248138/free-pc-games/1/
20% is some heavy losses! If a battalion suffers around 30% loss it's basically not combat effective anymore. They'll probably need those 60k reservists to get their army up and running again. But are they skilled and motivated at all? Not likely.
Ryuu96 said:
Nobody here is Tbf but it was just a good Twitter thread which expands on the argument to counter it, for anyone still dealing with that shit, unfortunately there is a lot of crazy bastards still parroting the Nazi Ukraine stuff outside of here, especially on Twitter. There's Westerners who hate the West and everything they do and think the West is some secret evil illuminati movement, the West supports Ukraine so Ukraine must be bad. Russia good. There's right wingers who are already Russian shills and left wingers who are so anti-West that they willingly side with brutal dictatorships cause they're so deep in their West hate that they've lost all logic and reason, as a result, both are easily susceptible to Russia's bullshit. Both dumbasses. |
Well perhaps Russia can invade Australia next lol, how do I bring this doco to Putin's attention?
As a migrant it is sad to see this kind of shit happening in modern Australia even agreeing with what Putin is doing. As an immigrant to this country, hell I love Australia, I love the culture it is very laid back and being so isolated from the rest of the world, relatively safe place to live. I am all for maintaining a national identity and pride in the culture, but these guys essentially think they are owed everything without working hard to get it and think everyone is against them. If anything they already have an easy life and all the doors of opportunity are there for themif they get off their arse and do something about them. They even resent migrants who become successful here, but they don't look at how much harder they had to work to get to that point.
I can kind of see some of their views and agree with them, but not their behaviours. The biggest one is how people from other cultures that flood the country as refugees are disrupting the way of life here. But instead of being all aggressive poor me, fuck them, this is our country, why not look at the root cause of the problem and if there is a way to solve it?
When I come here it was very hard to get anyone to help you. My parents had to work multiple jobs below their education level because they were foreigners and even got paid under minimum wage at times. Things in the last 30 years have improved with immigration to this country so at least we are somewhat on the right track, just shady business breaking laws still. People say Australia is one of the most multicultural places on earth, probably true, but in essence we are just pockets of other cultures in our own little bubbles. this to me is a problem, we should all be integrated better from the moment we arrive.
At the moment we have a Sudanese problem is some of the states, but in some of the other states they are wonderful people. So the question is why are they so vastly different?
This is because when Australia accepts refugees they basically do so and we don't really go beyond the initial settlement and help these people integrating into society (I mean the general public not so much the government services they have access to). We allow them to move freely all to live in the same area so they have no reason to be part of society and when people attack them they retract further and further into their own little bubble. The first few generations always cause problems from any culture as they bring their "bad values/resentments" that they have sadly brought back here from conflicts/wars at home. So the point being, why hate on these people? why not help them? make them feel apart of Australia and then they will feel safe. Some states/communities actually do a better job at helping these refugees integrate and it is evident when you see the vast differences that I mentioned with the Sudanese. When I moved to Melbourne, had all these people telling me be careful of them lol. I am like but I have them as friends already what am I meant to be afraid off lol? It soon become very clear that they were almost like two sets of different people and made me sad to realise how poorly they have been integrated here.
Sorry for the long side rant, but the point I am making is that poor governments give rise to these far right wing Nazi nutters in any country, even a place like Australia where you would not expect it. Starting wars to eliminate them isn't going to work because it will cause more of them to rise, or just another branch to rise later. In reality if humans were not so destructive by nature and greedy and learnt from the mistakes of the past, we would be 400 years future ahead in technological/social/medical advancements already. In essence all our borders are imaginary lines and we are one race. Those lines have change 1000s of times throughout history, so isn't it about time we all just learn to get along? Accepting other cultures does not mean you loose the site of yours. How much better would everyone's life be now if that was the case?
Here is one for the right wing that are scared of the one world order lol. Perhaps some aspects of a one world order wouldn't be so bad if it was for the benefit of all human kind equally? This being education, worldwide curriculum in ethics and acceptance of everyone in the human race to our children. Countries that do not teach these values should all be sanctioned and cut of from trade. Then in about 100 years from now we would have had enough generations leanings this stuff that hopefully we no longer hate people for the sake of hating people because our ancestors hated them people and tight us to hate them.
The problem with Azov Regiment and Russia isn't that they are Nazis but that Russia could use them over years to tell Russians how Ukrainans are a danger for Russians.
Sure, they are only a small group but how are people in Russia supposed to know that? Russia was probably pretty happy to have Azov giving them a lot of material for their state wide propaganda.
Just show your population photos and videos of Azov and act as If this is how the whole of Ukraine is and how this is something Russia has to do against or millions of Russians in Ukraine are in danger.
It's only Russian propaganda but I think accepting Azov in Ukraine was a huge win for Russia's daily propaganda on TV and in newspapers
It's the main argument from Russians I know at my company and if even they believe that bullshit it's clear how propaganda in Russia works with everything around Azov
Ryuu96 said:
I think I saw what you're talking about and I wasn't even attempting to find it, I saw it in replies to a Tweet, I felt sick to my stomach and closed it immediately, to anyone who is curious, please don't look for it, you will regret it, I've seen a lot during this war; dead children, charred bodies, etc. But this is too much and it goes without saying but I'll say it anyway that I don't want anyone linking to it in any way. Thankfully, one of the guys I use for news (an ambassador for Ukraine) has deleted the video, I don't think it should be shared on Twitter, the courts can have that type of evidence and it would be illegal to share no matter what their intentions are. Reading between the lines and you'll know what it is without having to look for it, anyone browsing Ukraine news on Twitter should avoid looking at replies to Tweets for a few days I think. |
I don’t really use Twitter so thankfully haven’t come across it. There’s enough in your post to guess though - if I’m guessing right its illegal to view it, let alone share it. Possibly necessary to call the police as the digital footprint such a thing leaves on your PC could otherwise come back to bite you.
Deleted post.
As its twitter, don’t currently want to risk it.