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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

That video of Bucha is horrible, the streets are littered with dead civilians, many had their hands tied, they were no threat at all to the Russians, absolute monsters.

The one thats like 42 secs long? and theres like 20+ bodies as they drive through the roadside?

Those are likely ones that wanted to flee, and where captured and executed, or just shot while fleeing.
Some of these bodies are boobytraped as well, so you gotta be carefull handleing the dead over there.

Stories of them rapeing young women, shooting them, and trying to get rid of evidence by setting their bodies on fire afterwards.

Theres stories of them basically killing any males, that are of fighting age.

Tweet says: 
@IntelCrab - "Seems every war-aged male was executed. Easily 500+ fatalities. Would not be surprised to see final figure much higher than that even."

@Worldonalter, @MarQs_ , @IntelCrab, have some pictures from twitter showcaseing the results of this war.... yeah should not be posted here.

Stuff like this:

"Russian military set up bazaar to sell looted goods in Belarus."

Like wtf.... Military basically condone looting and plundering, same with rape, and the slaughter of civlians.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 03 April 2022

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Theres also this:

(the source to prove claims)

What the tweets state:

"- Russia planned to easy-take Kyiv within 3 days, following by capitulation of Ukraine; - Russian army units were followed by thousands of riot police; - Russian army purchased 45,000 body bags and brought mobile crematories; - I am sure they planned mass executions for Ukraine."

"In September 2021, Russia has adopted a state technical standard for digging and maintaining mass graves amid wartime. It took effect on Feb 1st 2022."

"According to experts, the size of mass graves foreseen by this new Russian technical standard, "are thinkable only for a nuclear war or a pandemic". Looks like these graves were also foreseen for Ukrainians, as Russians published on 26th Feb their official article on "victory"."

"The standard foresaw digging of isolated mass graves for up to 1,000 dead bodies each grave within 3 days. A team of 16 soldiers was responsible for every grave."

"it looks like Russia planned a fast victory over Ukrainian army, full occupation of Ukraine and a genocide, including mass executions of Ukrainian civil society leaders, politicians, cultural leaders, clerics, etc. The scale of planned genocide was unseen since WWII."

"details from the Russian State technical standard for mass graves, it describes with plans and pictures, how the grave should be dug+isolated, how corpses should be covered with chemicals and how the full grave should be trumped by a heavy bulldozer."

"Ukrainian may not know all the details of Putin's plans, but they have all the experience of what Putin and Russia bring."

Follow the logic.

They buy 45,000+ additional body bags, just before the war starts.
Along with a some mobile crematories.
They change laws, to allow for a new state technical standard, for digging and maintaining mass graves amid wartimes (right before war).
Mass graves, able to hold 1,000+ bodies, and the technique to do so within 3 days, useing only 16 soldiers.

Now, remember how their plans was a quick war, and ukraine would fall over and surrender, and the civilians would welcome them with open arms?

Sergej Sumlenny, thinks the plan was to "mass executions of Ukrainian civil society leaders, politicians, cultural leaders, clerics, etc."
His point, is their not useing these mobile crematories for their own dead, or seemingly for the bodies left behinde when they retreated.
They where ment to be used, after a flash war, to get rid of unwanted elements in society (leaders and anyone apposeing them).

This aftewards placeing russian puppets, on their place, and basically be in total controll.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 03 April 2022

JRPGfan said:
Ryuu96 said:

When word of this spreads to Ukrainian soldiers, oh boy, any Russian soldier about to be encircled by Ukraine better drop their gun and run.

I've listened to videos with interveiwers, claiming russian soldiers are "acting out" and in weird ways too (likely drunk/high on drugs).
Like disguiseing themselves in womens clothes, looting things, random acts of viloence.
(women's husband had his foot blown off, seemingly because of a soldier for "sh*ts and giggles" used a shotgun they had found, on him)

If theres really videos of that stuff out there (decapitating civilians, burning them alive ect).... any and all good-will still left, will be gone.

At work... A colleague showed me a video where a Russian used a very powerful weapon to shoot a civilians head into unrecognizable chunky giblets while they were sitting in a car.
Not much bothers me as you can imagine with the shit I deal with, but that was fucked and turned even my stomach.
...But the fact that crap is being recorded and propagated on social media by people is even more worrying... The effect that can have on some peoples mental health cannot be understated.

I am hoping international law takes Russia and it's leadership through the ringer.

I think an entire collapse and restructuring of Russia wouldn't be a bad thing at this point.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Witnesses in Bucha are reporting that Russian soldiers placed children on tanks to protect their vehicles when moving: Source

Last edited by NyanNyanNekoChan - on 03 April 2022

Well hopefully those who were calling Ukraine to surrender 2 weeks ago now realise just what it would haven meant if they did. No it would not mean peace and staying alive like some sort of wishful thinking.

Those murders and rapes and looting would have happened at a far greater rate for far greater number years under russian control. People would have lived in fear not knowing who was next.



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Cobretti2 said:

Well hopefully those who were calling Ukraine to surrender 2 weeks ago now realise just what it would haven meant if they did. No it would not mean peace and staying alive like some sort of wishful thinking.

Those murders and rapes and looting would have happened at a far greater rate for far greater number years under russian control. People would have lived in fear not knowing who was next.

Says it all imo.

If tweet doesnt show up, it says:

"Everyone who now calls for Zelensky to make "territorial concessions' in exchange for a cease fire should remember what this will actually mean: tens or hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians will die." - Anne Applebaum (reporter from TheAtlantic).

Russians.... its like their trying to come off looking like villians, in this war.

At this point just negotiating a lasting peace isn't enough. Russia has gone full Nazi and the only things they're missing are the concentration camps and a competent military. The entire regime needs to collapse but I don't know how realistic that is without rolling tanks into Moscow (which probably won't/can't happen). Do we just permanently cut them off from the rest of the world until they have some sort of revolution?

If this is still not enough to give Ukraine some damn tanks and even helis to defend their own population I don't know what else has to happen.

And I'm not even surprised. Soldiers always did some horrible stuff in wars If they had the chance to (Kandahar massacre, Maywand district murders and so on). The mass looting probably happens more with soldiers who can just take it in their truck and drive back, though.

Too bad politicians always act as if this is something nobody could Imagine. Yes, you can since it happens in every damn war. In some more and in some less but nothing to be surprised about

At this point. Nato needs to get involved. Or at least individual countries need to get involved. I know these countries don't want to get invaded, but we need to stop the next coming of Hitler and the Nazis desperately.

War is the last resort, but it is an option. And when it is the only option to stop something like this...

TallSilhouette said:

At this point just negotiating a lasting peace isn't enough. Russia has gone full Nazi and the only things they're missing are the concentration camps and a competent military. The entire regime needs to collapse but I don't know how realistic that is without rolling tanks into Moscow (which probably won't/can't happen). Do we just permanently cut them off from the rest of the world until they have some sort of revolution?

Some parts, upwards of 75% of more speak russian.
I'm guessing part of those cities taken over by russians, would simply ask "do you speak russian?".
Answearing No, could have bad consequences. (Pep, this Urkainian is a nazi too, time to de-nazify Ukraine!)

Theres a reason why they bought so many "mobile Crematories", and are planning for Mass graves, of over 1,000 bodies.
it was to dump in unwanted elements (ei. Ukraines that didnt bow down and kiss the ring).