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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Pemalite said:


Ryuu96 said:

Will be interesting to know the costs and how Russia intends to fund this... They will likely be more combat effective due to better experience and equipment too.. Could get interesting.

Perhaps.. but didn't US troops wipe out hudreds of these guys during one afternoon in Syria?

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Ryuu96 said:

Just a bunch of Nazi thugs who do Putin's dirty work for him fighting mostly ill-equipped and weaker enemies, have to remember that Ukraine's military is battle hardened too after years and years of constant fighting, we'll see how Wagner fares against a proper military force, they already failed to assassinate Zelenskyy earlier in the war too and got slaughtered.

Also US and NATO have helped training Ukraine's military. This is more important imo than a social media reputation Wanker Group and Azov like to boast with. Although I'm sure Azov are tough fighters, but I'd put my money on US trained troops.

I watched a video of some ukraine soldiers makeing use of what others commented on as a "shoot and scoot" (hit and run), or "kiteing" in gamer terms.
They would lay low, make use of drones to get a birds eye view, get coordinates (lazers? gps?), run in a small team of 4-5 people, carrying parts of a "reuseable laucher", deploy it (its like a little stand, that then gets 4-5 parts added ontop, and loaded with a rocket), and basically as soon as it was fired, they where pulling it apart, carrying their parts (each guy takes care of their part) and then running off, even before the missle even lands (and usually hits).

Apparently, these guys just keep doing things like this, you can hear frustrated russian soldiers fireing at them (their out of range usually) and theres like bush/vegitation in the way (sight issue).

I thought, damn... now I know why the russians are makeing such heavy losses.
These small hit and run teams (with drones, and smart weaponry), and the Guerrilla warfare they make use of, are apparently hard to deal with.... if your soldiers are basically just cannon fodder, just drafted, that are clumped up together in a caravan or such.

JRPGfan said:

I watched a video of some ukraine soldiers makeing use of what others commented on as a "shoot and scoot" (hit and run), or "kiteing" in gamer terms.
They would lay low, make use of drones to get a birds eye view, get coordinates (lazers? gps?), run in a small team of 4-5 people, carrying parts of a "reuseable laucher", deploy it (its like a little stand, that then gets 4-5 parts added ontop, and loaded with a rocket), and basically as soon as it was fired, they where pulling it apart, carrying their parts (each guy takes care of their part) and then running off, even before the missle even lands (and usually hits).

Apparently, these guys just keep doing things like this, you can hear frustrated russian soldiers fireing at them (their out of range usually) and theres like bush/vegitation in the way (sight issue).

I thought, damn... now I know why the russians are makeing such heavy losses.
These small hit and run teams (with drones, and smart weaponry), and the Guerrilla warfare they make use of, are apparently hard to deal with.... if your soldiers are basically just cannon fodder, just drafted, that are clumped up together in a caravan or such.

As long as Russia keeps trying to absorb Ukraine, their people, their assets, and their economy, they will never have the advantage over Ukranian guerilla warfare. But if Putin just throws his hands up and wants the land, not caring about how many people and structures he destroys, then that advantage goes away and he just starts bombing cities like Hitler.

Dulfite said:
JRPGfan said:

I watched a video of some ukraine soldiers makeing use of what others commented on as a "shoot and scoot" (hit and run), or "kiteing" in gamer terms.
They would lay low, make use of drones to get a birds eye view, get coordinates (lazers? gps?), run in a small team of 4-5 people, carrying parts of a "reuseable laucher", deploy it (its like a little stand, that then gets 4-5 parts added ontop, and loaded with a rocket), and basically as soon as it was fired, they where pulling it apart, carrying their parts (each guy takes care of their part) and then running off, even before the missle even lands (and usually hits).

Apparently, these guys just keep doing things like this, you can hear frustrated russian soldiers fireing at them (their out of range usually) and theres like bush/vegitation in the way (sight issue).

I thought, damn... now I know why the russians are makeing such heavy losses.
These small hit and run teams (with drones, and smart weaponry), and the Guerrilla warfare they make use of, are apparently hard to deal with.... if your soldiers are basically just cannon fodder, just drafted, that are clumped up together in a caravan or such.

As long as Russia keeps trying to absorb Ukraine, their people, their assets, and their economy, they will never have the advantage over Ukranian guerilla warfare. But if Putin just throws his hands up and wants the land, not caring about how many people and structures he destroys, then that advantage goes away and he just starts bombing cities like Hitler.

Hasn't Nato said, they wouldn't accept him useing like vaccume bombs, or tactical nukes and such? Chemical weaponry?

With traditional bombs, missiles, what gains are there to just takeing down random buildings? like say a apartment building? If theres basically no combatants liveing there? is it just about causeing as much suffering as possible amoung the civilians?

Those big missles (ones that can take down a building) arn't cheap, and you dont typically just have near unlimited numbers of them.
I'd assume, you would rather make use of those for strategic senseable targets? like army bases, weapon chaches, fuel, stuff like that.

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So with trees starting to grow leaves again (at least in Germany, maybe some more weeks in Ukraine), will this help Ukraine or Russia more? Ukraine seems to have an advantage with drones so that Russians could hide better but it might also help Ukraine more to defend cities already in the woods around them?

Ryuu96 said:

Can they not decide what looks worse? Russian incompetence or Ukraine having the ability to strike their soil? Lol.

Can never get a straight answer out of Russia.

Fair play if Ukraine did it but Russia accidentally blowing themselves up looks equally as bad, one says that our anti-air defence is shit and Ukraine can strike us and the other says we're fucking idiots.

I wondered if Ukraine would eventually do this - on the one hand it's very easy for Russia to spin as propaganda and maybe the resources to do were needed elsewhere but on the other sometimes the cost of not doing anything is worse than the propaganda and at this stage in the conflict it very well feels like it. Wondering if the missiles or whatever used for the attack were one coming from Nato.

Ryuu96 said:

Why would you ever have 65 TB of data without a backup... When you have the funds to process that much data, surely backing it up is a no-brainer?

Zkuq said:
Ryuu96 said:

Why would you ever have 65 TB of data without a backup... When you have the funds to process that much data, surely backing it up is a no-brainer?

This war is a real eye opener on how much of a mess Putin's regime really is.

Ryuu96 said:
Dulfite said:

As long as Russia keeps trying to absorb Ukraine, their people, their assets, and their economy, they will never have the advantage over Ukranian guerilla warfare. But if Putin just throws his hands up and wants the land, not caring about how many people and structures he destroys, then that advantage goes away and he just starts bombing cities like Hitler.

Genuinely wonder if they even have the artillery to do that, we've already had reports they're running low on certain missiles and their aiming has been pretty awful, it's awful what is happening in Mariupol but it is one of the smaller cities, Kyiv is huge as is others, Idk though. Another issue is that type of bombing kills civilians far more than soldiers so that doesn't really help Russia when the tanks and such have to roll in afterwards and Ukraine starts blasting them with rockets from the streets, from buildings, etc.

With the state of their equipment, I do wonder what the state of their bombs and missiles are in reserve too, seems Russia doesn't understand maintenance.

JRPGfan said:

Hasn't Nato said, they wouldn't accept him useing like vaccume bombs, or tactical nukes and such? Chemical weaponry?

With traditional bombs, missiles, what gains are there to just takeing down random buildings? like say a apartment building? If theres basically no combatants liveing there? is it just about causeing as much suffering as possible amoung the civilians?

Those big missles (ones that can take down a building) arn't cheap, and you dont typically just have near unlimited numbers of them.
I'd assume, you would rather make use of those for strategic senseable targets? like army bases, weapon chaches, fuel, stuff like that.

Nukes and chemical weapons, yeah, also China has a pact with Ukraine to come to their defence if they were nuclear struck so ain't no chance Russia does that type of attack.

It is exactly that, it's not about defeating the military, killing civilians which is what Russia purposely does is all about breaking spirit and morale, they purposely target the innocents, the women and children to crush the enemies spirit and make them surrender, it's sickening but it doesn't help Russia that much if the enemy doesn't surrender. Look at how after everything, Mariupol is still standing and fighting strong, despite the constant bombardment Russia is still struggling to take it and Mariupol is a smaller port city, the 11th largest city in Ukraine, completely cut off from any support and yet has tied Russia's southern forces down for weeks now.

You have to go all out if you go that route..... halfways attempts will just piss off the ukraines more than they already are.
If you want to crush spirit, and will, through acts of killing civilians...  They would have to be in the millions.

It gets to that point,... I really hope that isnt Putins goal.