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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Results of Ukraine's drone strikes on Russia's oil business: 10 refineries, 4 storage depots, and 1 terminal damaged.

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RolStoppable said:

This week Germany's social democrats (SPD) have been raising the possibility of freezing the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. What followed the heavy criticism of the party consisted of super lame excuses, just as you'd expect when someone is saying something so incredibly stupid in the first place. What took the cake was the statement by Esken (SPD chairwoman or whatever her title would be in English), because in an attempt at damage control she said that she wants to make it absolutely clear that everyone's stance in the SPD is unlimited/unconditional support for Ukraine. She really said this when she should know that the SPD has tried to block new types of equipment for Ukraine at every step along the way, and when she should know that everyone else knows this too.

I guess the SPD was testing the waters, similar to how Macron has recently pushed in a new direction by not ruling out NATO ground forces in Ukraine; the obvious difference being that Macron acted in a pro-Europe manner while the SPD is moving in a pro-Russia direction.

In other news, some confidential knowledge regarding Taurus was allegedly leaked this week. Apparently Taurus requires a very complex system to work and this would have to be shipped to Ukraine, leaving Germany with next to nothing on their own and therefore compromising their own defense capabilities. I wouldn't be surprised if this was "leaked" by an SPD guy, because the party seems to get cornered more and more by the week and keeps desperately looking for a legitimate reason to not deliver Taurus to Ukraine.

I remember when people kept telling America to send Abrams and America kept creating excuses, at one point they said something to the effect that it wouldn't be effective at all in Ukraine, the Ukrainians won't be able to use it well, anyway, all the excuses for Taurus remind me of the excuses thrown out for every other piece of equipment over the past 2 years, just fake excuses to hide behind.

Once again, South Korea and Spain have Taurus missiles.

Look, at this stage, we all know the real reason is that Germany doesn't trust Ukrainians to operate Taurus independent of the Germans, therefore Germany wants control over them, however, Germany doesn't want to do that, so why don't they just give Ukraine full control? Back to the root of the issue, they don't trust Ukrainians to not use it on Kerch Bridge (or Russian soil).

And it seems they don't even trust Britain, their ally, to take control of operations for them, that way Germany can pretend its hands are clean and its soldiers aren't involved, UK can take the blame but not even that is good enough for Scholz, he doesn't even trust UK not to be like "go on Ukraine, bomb the bridge, we won't tell Germany" Lol.

Bridge should be bombed anyway, as should Russia, stupid redlines that don't make any sense.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 16 March 2024

Ryuu96 said:
RolStoppable said:

This week Germany's social democrats (SPD) have been raising the possibility of freezing the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. What followed the heavy criticism of the party consisted of super lame excuses, just as you'd expect when someone is saying something so incredibly stupid in the first place. What took the cake was the statement by Esken (SPD chairwoman or whatever her title would be in English), because in an attempt at damage control she said that she wants to make it absolutely clear that everyone's stance in the SPD is unlimited/unconditional support for Ukraine. She really said this when she should know that the SPD has tried to block new types of equipment for Ukraine at every step along the way, and when she should know that everyone else knows this too.

I guess the SPD was testing the waters, similar to how Macron has recently pushed in a new direction by not ruling out NATO ground forces in Ukraine; the obvious difference being that Macron acted in a pro-Europe manner while the SPD is moving in a pro-Russia direction.

In other news, some confidential knowledge regarding Taurus was allegedly leaked this week. Apparently Taurus requires a very complex system to work and this would have to be shipped to Ukraine, leaving Germany with next to nothing on their own and therefore compromising their own defense capabilities. I wouldn't be surprised if this was "leaked" by an SPD guy, because the party seems to get cornered more and more by the week and keeps desperately looking for a legitimate reason to not deliver Taurus to Ukraine.

I remember when people kept telling America to send Abrams and America kept creating excuses, at one point they said something to the effect that it wouldn't be effective at all in Ukraine, the Ukrainians won't be able to use it well, anyway, all the excuses for Taurus remind me of the excuses thrown out for every other piece of equipment over the past 2 years, just fake excuses to hide behind.

Once again, South Korea and Spain have Taurus missiles.

Look, at this stage, we all know the real reason is that Germany doesn't trust Ukrainians to operate Taurus independent of the Germans, therefore Germany wants control over them, however, Germany doesn't want to do that, so why don't they just give Ukraine full control? Back to the root of the issue, they don't trust Ukrainians to not use it on Kerch Bridge (or Russian soil).

And it seems they don't even trust Britain, their ally, to take control of operations for them, that way Germany can pretend its hands are clean and its soldiers aren't involved, UK can take the blame but not even that is good enough for Scholz, he doesn't even trust UK not to be like "go on Ukraine, bomb the bridge, we won't tell Germany" Lol.

Bridge should be bombed anyway, as should Russia, stupid redlines that don't make any sense.

Also if true that the "system is so complex" that there is only ONE of them that would need too be sent to Ukraine that can compromise Germany, then it's a pretty badly built system. what if it was in Germany and was destroyed does it mean the whole thing is fucked lol?



Cobretti2 said:

Also if true that the "system is so complex" that there is only ONE of them that would need too be sent to Ukraine that can compromise Germany, then it's a pretty badly built system. what if it was in Germany and was destroyed does it mean the whole thing is fucked lol?

Eh... the state of Germany's military is that it's undersupplied in pretty much every category you can think of, so the reality is that right now the country wouldn't be able to defend itself all on its own. However, I do think this point is moot for two reasons:

1. Germany is a member of NATO, so they wouldn't be alone anyway.

2. The only country that can be counted as an enemy and threat to Germany is Russia, and Russia can be held at bay if they are fought off in Ukraine where Russia is already stretched thin, bringing in third rate human and material resources because they've run out of their best people and stuff. So the worst thing Russia could realistically do to Germany is fire some non-nuclear missiles on German cities, but Germany still has air defense systems, so not sure if there would be more than a scare for Germany.

I find it interesting that Taurus is talked about as a defensive weapon in that context, because when it comes to Ukraine, it's exclusively talked about as being an offensive weapon that can do major damage to Russia.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

BFR said:

Results of Ukraine's drone strikes on Russia's oil business: 10 refineries, 4 storage depots, and 1 terminal damaged.

I was reading elsewhere that Russia's defense was facing criticism from these milbloggers because the oil refineries weren't being protected by anti aircraft. This immediately got me happy because I realized that these attacks will force the military to pull AA from the front to a degree, which will make the drones more effective. 

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Has false flag written all over it, only a few weeks ago were the Russian puppets in Transnistria asking for Russia to come "save" them from the evil Moldova, now all of a sudden, over two years into the war, Ukraine decides to attack a helicopter? Not just any helicopter, but one which clearly hasn't been used in a long time, is missing a fucking front panel window and is sitting perfectly in front of CCTV, Lol.

Looks like scrap disposal more than anything.

We should put NATO soldiers into Moldova on the side of Transnistria's border and then just give Ukraine the greenlight to wipe out the Russian soldiers inside of Transnistria if they want to fight Ukraine that badly, finally free up troops for Ukraine to move away from the border and open up Moldova to joining NATO now that the issue of Transnistria is dealt with.

One way or another, the issue will have to be dealt with, otherwise if Russia wins in Ukraine, Moldova will be next and they'll use the excuse of Transnistria to justify an invasion exactly like they did with Ukraine and we won't be able to defend Moldova because of Transnistria, they won't be able to join NATO because of Transnistria, exactly like they did with Ukraine.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 March 2024

Despite hitting 38-41% on opinion polls, Putin to be re-elected with 88% of the vote.
What a shocking last minute change in everyone’s opinion. 🙄

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I doubt they'll actually count any of those votes. Why would they?