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Has false flag written all over it, only a few weeks ago were the Russian puppets in Transnistria asking for Russia to come "save" them from the evil Moldova, now all of a sudden, over two years into the war, Ukraine decides to attack a helicopter? Not just any helicopter, but one which clearly hasn't been used in a long time, is missing a fucking front panel window and is sitting perfectly in front of CCTV, Lol.

Looks like scrap disposal more than anything.

We should put NATO soldiers into Moldova on the side of Transnistria's border and then just give Ukraine the greenlight to wipe out the Russian soldiers inside of Transnistria if they want to fight Ukraine that badly, finally free up troops for Ukraine to move away from the border and open up Moldova to joining NATO now that the issue of Transnistria is dealt with.

One way or another, the issue will have to be dealt with, otherwise if Russia wins in Ukraine, Moldova will be next and they'll use the excuse of Transnistria to justify an invasion exactly like they did with Ukraine and we won't be able to defend Moldova because of Transnistria, they won't be able to join NATO because of Transnistria, exactly like they did with Ukraine.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 March 2024