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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

the-pi-guy said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

Sorry, this is ridiculous. Wait for the interview to drop. Watch it, then if you like, critique it. No, he is not a traitor for an interview.
I have no idea how truthful this interview will be, but that is up for debate once both sides have spoken. This applies to even the most trivial arguments in life.

If it were some other actual journalist, sure. 

Tucker Carlson has been a propaganda mouthpiece for decades. He has been spreading white supremacist talking points for years. He's been pro-Russia for years.

>“Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine? They’re both foreign countries that don’t care anything about the United States. Kind of strange. It’s all an absurd performance, but it’s all they’ve got in the end.”

This is not a man who is going over there to give Putin a fair shake to get to the bottom of things.

You're absolutely right though, he is not a traitor for an interview. He has been a traitor to decency and a traitor to the American people, long before the interview. And that is the core issue. 

FarleyMcFirefly said:

So many people are ironically saying that people who watch Tucker are brainwashed... I just have to chuckle. Please take a step back and think how honest corporate media is with you. Think about how honest your political leaders actually are with you.

Imagine thinking that Fox News is not corporate media/Tucker Carlson is not corporate media.You're not enlightened for believing in different corporate media outlets, and believing in different political leaders. 

In my experience, people who watch Fox News tend to be a lot less critical of Fox News, than people who watch other things. 

Anecdotally I know far more people who vote Democrat who are critical of Democrat politicians than I know Republicans who are critical of Republican politicians.

Where did I say Fox News wasn't corporate media? Where did I say I watch Fox news? 
Where did I every bring up 'Democrat' or 'Republican'?
This either-or type thinking is why the world has gone mad.


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FarleyMcFirefly said:

Sorry, this is ridiculous. Wait for the interview to drop. Watch it, then if you like, critique it. So many people are ironically saying that people who watch Tucker are brainwashed... I just have to chuckle. Please take a step back and think how honest corporate media is with you. Think about how honest your political leaders actually are with you.
No, he is not a traitor for an interview.
I have no idea how truthful this interview will be, but that is up for debate once both sides have spoken. This applies to even the most trivial arguments in life.

Are you trying to say that corporate media is trustworthy because of Tucker Carlson. Or are you unaware that Tucker Carlson is perhaps the most prominent face of dishonest corporate media across the last 25 years?
Either way you parse it, your post is going to sound ludicrous to just about everyone here who's aware of his history.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Sure, I'm no history buff, I'm just asking questions. I'm pretty skeptical of any news organizations or any politician these days.

But this reminded me of Norm MacDonald's joke “It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?”


Guys, this thread has derailed into the "Tucker Carlson thread" Can we please get back to the war in Ukraine, or special military operation if that's your TC/VP POV.

FarleyMcFirefly said:

Where did I say Fox News wasn't corporate media? Where did I say I watch Fox news? 
Where did I every bring up 'Democrat' or 'Republican'?
This either-or type thinking is why the world has gone mad.

I never said that you said any of these things. 

Tucker Carlson was pushing the same views as Fox News, having been one of the biggest people on the network, that's why I brought up the comparison. 
That's specifically why I said: "You're not enlightened for believing in different corporate media outlets, and believing in different political leaders." as generically as I could.

FarleyMcFirefly said:

Sure, I'm no history buff, I'm just asking questions. I'm pretty skeptical of any news organizations or any politician these days.

But this reminded me of Norm MacDonald's joke “It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?”

Then why aren't you skeptical of the reasons why Tucker Carlson is going there? Why is your skepticism seeming to be so one sided? This is a consistent issue that I have with these kinds of questions. They're so frequently directed one way, while pretending to be unbiased.

There are plenty of instances where the loser wrote history. For example, plenty of people believe false information about the confederacy. 

BFR said:

Guys, this thread has derailed into the "Tucker Carlson thread" Can we please get back to the war in Ukraine, or special military operation if that's your TC/VP POV.

Carlson is a mouthpiece for Russia-Ukraine propaganda. It's fairly relevant. 

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"Carlson is a mouthpiece for Russia-Ukraine propaganda. It's fairly relevant. "

But we don't need to beat it to death. Tucker is a minor distraction to the larger news.

the-pi-guy said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

Where did I say Fox News wasn't corporate media? Where did I say I watch Fox news? 
Where did I every bring up 'Democrat' or 'Republican'?
This either-or type thinking is why the world has gone mad.

I never said that you said any of these things. 

Tucker Carlson was pushing the same views as Fox News, having been one of the biggest people on the network, that's why I brought up the comparison. 
That's specifically why I said: "You're not enlightened for believing in different corporate media outlets, and believing in different political leaders." as generically as I could.

FarleyMcFirefly said:

Sure, I'm no history buff, I'm just asking questions. I'm pretty skeptical of any news organizations or any politician these days.

But this reminded me of Norm MacDonald's joke “It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?â€Â

Then why aren't you skeptical of the reasons why Tucker Carlson is going there? Why is your skepticism seeming to be so one sided? This is a consistent issue that I have with these kinds of questions. They're so frequently directed one way, while pretending to be unbiased.

There are plenty of instances where the loser wrote history. For example, plenty of people believe false information about the confederacy. 

BFR said:

Guys, this thread has derailed into the "Tucker Carlson thread" Can we please get back to the war in Ukraine, or special military operation if that's your TC/VP POV.

Carlson is a mouthpiece for Russia-Ukraine propaganda. It's fairly relevant. 

Never said I wasn't skeptical of Tucker and have no idea if he is doing this for altruistic reasons. All I said was that he wasn't a traitor for doing an interview, and to wait for said interview to drop before we rush to conclusions. 


Can you guys take this argument elsewhere?

When's that interview supposed to drop?

So, in a turn of events no one could have ever foreseen, Putin-opponent Boris Nadezjdin is disallowed to run for president in the next election because too many of the signatures he needed had 'errors'.

Pretend to be shocked.