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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

The answer to any and all of those 'questions' is simply that if Russia hadn't fired a bullet, nothing would have happened and everything would be fine and dandy even for they themselves, so that was a useless post if I ever seen one. Trying to be clever but actually not really.

Anyway, I'm just now reading that after the US greenlight, my country (Netherlands) is going to supply F16 fighter jets (number unknown) to Ukraine at least together with Denmark.

I guess we can expect a Russian threat of dropping a nuclear bomb on Amsterdam or the Rotterdam port anytime now.

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S.Peelman said:

The answer to any and all of those 'questions' is simply that if Russia hadn't fired a bullet, nothing would have happened and everything would be fine and dandy even for they themselves, so that was a useless post if I ever seen one. Trying to be clever but actually not really.

Anyway, I'm just now reading that after the US greenlight, my country (Netherlands) is going to supply F16 fighter jets (number unknown) to Ukraine at least together with Denmark.

I guess we can expect a Russian threat of dropping a nuclear bomb on Amsterdam or the Rotterdam port anytime now.

You'll join the club of "Countries Russia Has Threatened to Nuke"

It's basically a medal at this stage that your country is doing something right.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 August 2023

Ukraine took Urozhaine so Urozhaine "area" likely means the next village down.

Russian Forces Shortages

Ryuu96 said:

Ukraine took Urozhaine so Urozhaine "area" likely means the next village down.

Russian Forces Shortages

So the drivers in the Russian army will soon literally work tireless

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As I’ve previously said there’s a reason why Russia refers to their currency as “the rubble”

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

padib said:

I have a few questions for this thread:
- Does this thread foster discourse and open discussion towards constructivism and critical exchange of ideas?
- Do you truly care about Ukrainians and their lives? If so, how much do you care inside?
- What are you hoping for Ukraine to achieve through this conflict? Does the goal justify the cost?
- Is Russia being threatened by NATO and if not explain.
- What would have happened if Ukraine had stayed neutral and refused America's influence? Speak cost of life please.
- Why do you trust the west (USA, European countries)? Do they have a track-record of being clean in the past 50 years geopolitically?
- Is hatred towards Russians during this war at this moment racism in your view, or is it somehow exempt? What is your justification for hatred, and can hatred be justified? Is it acceptable to despise a person for the country they are born in and are loyal to without knowing anything about them?
- How does this conflict lead us towards a better world?
- Are you proud of the current social fabric of the USA, Canada and European countries, the degradation of traditionally Christian values such as the traditional family, proliferation of sexual promiscuity, pornography, and media that encourages greed, egocentrism, hate, fear, deceit and blasphemy? Do you think this is a good direction for modern civilization? Is this a societal model you would like to see a traditionally orthodox Christian country like Ukraine follow? What are the implications for Ukraine's moral structure?

Please answer responsibly, millions of Ukrainians and Russians are dead due to this conflict. This means husbands leaving widows and orphans behind, lives meant for engineering, law, dentistry, medicine, business, and any other way of serving society being erased, dreams, hopes, loves, desires of bonding, wiped between a clash of superpowers.
Thank you for your time and thought.

Hello padib, I have enough time to respond to your post and answer your questions.

1. Yes, it does, despite a seemingly biased moderator running the show here. Most importantly, you have to understand that a war of this kind where's one clear aggressor and one clear victim does not allow for discussions where both parties in this war are treated equally, for the simple reason that they are absolutely not equal to begin with. Denying or downplaying Russia's role as the clear aggressor in this war is comparable to denying or downplaying the holocaust in World War II, which has long been an offense treated as big enough on this website to issue straight permabans without giving second chances. When you consider this, many of the people here who got thread-banned, including you, have been treated with kids gloves, because their (and your) views are appalling.

2. Personally, I don't care about any Ukrainian individual. I only care about Ukraine as a collective people who should be allowed to make their own choices and live peaceful lives. As history has shown time and time again, if an oppressor is allowed to reign freely, they'll never stop and also encourage other oppressors to follow in the same footsteps. That's why Russia should and must be stopped.

3. What I am hoping for is that Ukraine gets their whole land back and at least gets security guarantees by NATO if they aren't allowed to join NATO. The goal is longlasting peace in Europe and that can only be achieved by Ukraine coming under the umbrella of the most powerful defensive collaboration on this planet. The goal justifies the cost; a lot of people who live in free countries, including you, seemingly don't comprehend how blessed they are to live in a free country with no warzones. Europe used to be constantly at war with each other, so it was totally normal that any given person would have to live through at least one war, if not multiple ones.

4. The only way in which Russia is threatened by NATO is if they throw the first stone by attacking a NATO country or an ally, because NATO's entire purpose is defense. So if Russia had followed one of the most basic Christian values (Don't do to others what you don't want to have done to yourself.), they would have never gotten into a conflict with NATO.

5. Ukraine would have become like Belarus is today. People who don't agree with the regime and its crimes get imprisoned or killed. Ukraine would have drifted towards becoming a puppet state of Russia. For Ukraine it has essentially been a "pick your poison" situation all along, they had no good options available where nobody would have died. The option that Ukraine chose may cost more lives than any other, but at the same time it's the only one that provides the country with a chance for independence and freedom.

6. The West has not been clean in the past 50 years, past 100 years or whatever timeframe you want to pick. Virtually everybody knows this. But the thing is that it's clear that among all the less than ideal options we have, the USA and the EU are preferable because they've done and will do much less harm than anybody else.

7. Hatred towards Russian is not racism, because the hatred is not rooted in Russians being white, caucasians or whatever other traits they were born with and cannot be changed. The justification for hatred is that Russia started a completely unprovoked war and violates general rules of war by deliberately attacking and killing civilians. And yes, it's acceptable to despise a person for the country they were born in and are loyal to, because by your given definition the person is supportive of killing women and children for completely unjustified reasons.

8. How does this conflict lead us to a better world, that's what you should have been asking Russia. There was no good reason to start this war, no justification whatsoever.

9. Nowadays more people can live happy lives than in the past, so our civilization in North America and Europe is moving the right direction. Your Christian values are incredibly overrated, especially because they've driven people into suicide and have not only enabled pedophilia, but actively protected perpetrators. This is why people have been turning away from the Church, because the leadership of Christians is rotten to the core. Our society must finally move to the stage where members of the Church aren't exempt from laws by being allowed to handle prosecution and judgment internally within their own circles. Society has no need for Christian values, because basic human decency can cover everything concerning morals without the need for any institution that claims moral superiority all for itself.

Closing comments: A responsible answer demands that we face the truth without beating around the bush. You are a terrible person, padib. You support all the wrong people. You should be ashamed of yourself. You should think long and hard about your life and how you can stop to be such a tool. Because if you are a decent human being, there's only one answer and demand regarding this war: Russia must withdraw all of their troops from Ukrainian land and never attack or threaten again.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

S.Peelman said:

The answer to any and all of those 'questions' is simply that if Russia hadn't fired a bullet, nothing would have happened and everything would be fine and dandy even for they themselves, so that was a useless post if I ever seen one. Trying to be clever but actually not really.


Yup, that's the perfect way to sum it up.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.