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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Are we gonna have to kill Russians, Austrians AND Hungarians? -_-

Dude! For the love of God!

Take like 1 minute to calm down and actually think to yourself before making a post and think deeply "is this a good thing to say?"

RolStoppable is f*cking Austrian.

You can take issue with how some countries are conducting themselves, you can insult their government, you can demand some sort of consequences for their actions without having to jump to violence all the dang time. STOP DOING THAT.


I really don't want to thread ban someone who is cheering on Ukraine's fight for survival but you're really really pushing your luck.

I can see why certain people like CaptainExplosion act that way, mainly because they haven't been exposed to it first hand and can't see not everything is black and white. Canada is a relatively safe place with a somewhat mentally stable government. Australia is relatively similar, lots of people have had an easy life here (well by what I am used in under communism), and the do don't understand the situation.

In Russia's case we got a perfect storm of manipulation, communism + poverty + decades of propaganda with promise of money to your family if you go fight for the cause is an easy signup. Then you got those who are so poor that don't want to go to war but on the flipside are happy to go to die thinking their families will get paid for their death and be able to live easier. Then you got the fear of ending up in a Gulag if you speak your mind so the ones who are against the war are a silent majority living in fear. 

Your bolded comment is the most truth in it all.

I will give an example. My Grandfather during WW2 was taken to Germany when he was young. They basically made them work on farms whilst the husband and children of the farmers who were able bodied went to war to fight for Hitler. Now these people did not have a choice, they did as they were told.

My grandfather was lucky that the lady who owned the farm was real nice. She took care of him and treated him like he was her own son. She lost her sons during the war and hated Hitler for the way he was running the country with the war. When the war ended the lady offered my grandfather to stay and said he would inherit the farm once she passed away. He told her that he respected her for how he was treated during that time however told here he could not stay in the country that invade his and destroyed it. He moved back when they were freed. The only people he ever talked about hating was Hitler and the soldiers that caused the war, he never spoke in generic terms of hating Germans.

I have no idea what is happening in Austria and Hungry as I mentioned don't understand their views, but it's sad to see even their own citizens not liking what they see. It just shows that with any change in power of leadership, how things can quickly prosper or quickly decay into chaos for a country.

Look at Iran for example, in the 50s women had more right then they do now, all because the wrong people jumped into power and went back to the stone age rules.

As for Serbia, I saw it was mentioned in the thread. I see a lot of Serbians in Australia always fighting with Albanians, and the generally hate NATO for what happened in the 90s, and before the Ukrainian war, would always talk about how the USSR was so wonderful for them and they wish it was like that again. So there is a lo of programmed history in there which makes hem think the way they do. It's sad seeing them fight, and now the South Sudanese bring their tribal hate into the country. I always tell people you come to this country to make a better life for your family, leave your wars behind, or you may as well go back home and fight them if that is how you feel.

So for places like Canada, Australia and maybe to a degree the USA, and Western Europe perhaps, I hope none of them ever see what a dictatorship government can quickly do to a country and how quickly it can change the mindset of a population.



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crissindahouse said:
Ryuu96 said:

They are nice but when Germany announced "66 APCs" I was hoping for our Fuchs 1 APCs which would probably be better (and the older models are able to swim which might be useful as well for Ukraine). Well, still nice vehicles I guess. 

Bofferbrauer2 said:
crissindahouse said:

Germany's minister of defense Pistorius was in USA also to talk about further support for Ukraine. Let's hope their result will be also about "we send long range missiles" like when they agreed to send Leopards and Abrams. Like Ryuu said, Storm Shadow alone won't be enough as  long range weapons because UK obviously doesn't have that many of them. 

And some Tpz Fuchs APCs to go with the Strykers and Bradleys that the US just announced while they're at it. Germany has over 900 of them but only 600 in active service and it's getting replaced by the GTK Boxer, so no need to have that many in storage anymore.

Yeah I mentioned that some weeks ago. And now it would be even better for Ukraine to have them because of  their ability to swim with Russia doing more and more shit with water reservoirs (destroying them to flood areas or even building new ones at specific places to hold Ukrainians back). Not really sure why we send Ukraine Marder, Gepard, Leopard and whatever but not those. 

Twitter been fucked half the day so far, Lol.

Lol. This dude is such a fucking moron, I hate this MOFO.

I take it, "verified" refers to the accounts that pay.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:

I take it, "verified" refers to the accounts that pay.

Yep, and if you don't have an account, youcan read exactly ZERO tweets from now on...

RolStoppable said:

I take it, "verified" refers to the accounts that pay.

Yes. Your phrasing is also spot-on, because the only thing it verifies is someone (typically you) has paid to get you verified.

Elon Musk: “I am the Messiah of Free* Speech! Twitter is the public** square!”

* By “Free” we mean annual fee of 59.99 to be paid to Elon Musk.
** By “Public” we mean by paying this all new membership fee to our private organization.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Ukraine Soldiers Say US Bradley IFVs Saved Their Lives in Russia Attacks

Ukraine Counteroffensive Will Be ‘Very Long’ and ‘Very Bloody’: Gen. Milley - The Messenger

Austria wants to join Sky Shield. What exactly is this neutral country that is surrounded by NATO nations scared of that taxpayer money needs to be spent on such an initiative?

The reasoning is that Russia is a threat. Well, of course, which other country could have been the reason anyway. Austria's attitude: "Let's not provide any military aid when there is a concrete threat, but at the same time decide to spend money to protect ourselves against a virtually non-existing one."

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.