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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 June 2023

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If in the unlikely scenario that Prigozhin did win though, I could see the West trying an attempt in opening dialogue with him.

Prigozhin is a fucking lunatic but also a businessman...Wagner's disgusting exploits in Africa have been good for them financially, Ukraine on the other hand is a fucking mess. He has specifically stated that the war was based on lies (NATO/Ukraine weren't a threat to Russia) and that Ukraine didn't attack Donbas. He has long criticised the war, although mostly saying that Russia isn't being harsh enough on Ukraine.

I've no doubt he'd love to slaughter Ukraine but hopefully he would realise this is a fools errand and they won't win. I'd hope in Prigozhin's mind he would think it's not "good for business" and we could convince him to pull out of Ukraine (aka a bribe to fuck off). But I would only try once and if he doesn't bite then we move on.

But I seriously doubt this reaches Moscow.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 June 2023

Is Russia for real? This is so fucking stupid.

Ukraine will already have a huge win if Wagner holds this for a number of days.

No supply to Russia's southern front? Would be a fucking disaster for them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 June 2023

Around the Network

If Wagner can put a bullet in Girkin too, that'd be great.

The Google maps sattelite image shows around 50 warplanes on that airfield. Also a lot of equipment and it's even supposed to hold nuclear weapons somewhere in that area. 

Not sure how it looks there right now with the war against Ukraine but it seems to be a very important airbase

Putin addressing the nation about 15 mins ago in an apparently prerecorded speech, condemning what he calls an "armed rebellion", also calling it "mutiny" and "treason" an "attempt to subvert us from the inside "and a "stab in the back" similar to WW1. Says that the situation in Rostov is difficult, urges people not to get involved, pledges to defend the nation, saying there will be measures against those taking part in this rebellion.

Pretty much the usual expected stuff given the circumstances, not much to note. Main thing I took away from this is that Putin isn't on board with Prighozins antics. it probably rules out the possibility of Putin taking a neutral stance, watching wagner and the military duke it out, although it's interesting that Putin didn't mention Prighozin by name.

Raw full video speech below:

Last edited by NyanNyanNekoChan - on 24 June 2023

If this lasts longer than a few days, I wonder what the Chechens will do..