Putin addressing the nation about 15 mins ago in an apparently prerecorded speech, condemning what he calls an "armed rebellion", also calling it "mutiny" and "treason" an "attempt to subvert us from the inside "and a "stab in the back" similar to WW1. Says that the situation in Rostov is difficult, urges people not to get involved, pledges to defend the nation, saying there will be measures against those taking part in this rebellion.
President Vladimir Putin calls Wagner coup ‘treason’
— News Live SA (@newslivesa) June 24, 2023
“This is a stab in the back to everyone in Russia” Putin said #WagnerGroup #Russia #Prigozhin #Wagner pic.twitter.com/gTreGbAzYc
Pretty much the usual expected stuff given the circumstances, not much to note. Main thing I took away from this is that Putin isn't on board with Prighozins antics. it probably rules out the possibility of Putin taking a neutral stance, watching wagner and the military duke it out, although it's interesting that Putin didn't mention Prighozin by name.
Raw full video speech below:
Całe przemówienie cara 🇷🇺
— Paweł Jeżowski (@PawelJezowski) June 24, 2023
Grozi nam wewnętrzna zdrada.
Zostaną podjęte zdecydowane działania w celu ustabilizowania sytuacji w Rostowie nad Donem. Sytuacja pozostaje trudna.
W swoim przemówieniu Putin porównał obecne wydarzenia do 1917 r., kiedy to działania wewnątrz kraju na… pic.twitter.com/2yed0jo2Uf
❗️AP Wagner: “Pypa (Putin) made the wrong choice. That’s worse for him. Soon we will have a new president.” pic.twitter.com/qDC5dzoWEQ
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) June 24, 2023