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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

Guys I hope I'm blind but wtf is that pic? All I see is two private houses burning, which is very alarming, and no convoy?

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m0ney said:

Guys I hope I'm blind but wtf is that pic? All I see is two private houses burning, which is very alarming, and no convoy?

There are several tanks visible on the road.

However, the distance between individual tanks is much larger than in recent satellite photos, so this is from a very early stage of the column forming, when the tanks could actually move. The whole thing seems to be stalled now due to mud and failing equipment.

For a fleet of drones, this would now be like shooting fish in a barrel, so I hope the turkish/ukranian drone makers and operators are working 24/7

drkohler said:
m0ney said:

Guys I hope I'm blind but wtf is that pic? All I see is two private houses burning, which is very alarming, and no convoy?

There are several tanks visible on the road.

However, the distance between individual tanks is much larger than in recent satellite photos, so this is from a very early stage of the column forming, when the tanks could actually move. The whole thing seems to be stalled now due to mud and failing equipment.

For a fleet of drones, this would now be like shooting fish in a barrel, so I hope the turkish/ukranian drone makers and operators are working 24/7

A good example would from past would be first gulf war when US planes and helicopters utterly wiped out the Iraqi army when they were trying to flee Kuwait.  Pls there was even less cover since desert so they were like sitting ducks even when moving.  If you can't control the air then convoys are dangerous in modern warfare.

sethnintendo said:
drkohler said:

There are several tanks visible on the road.

However, the distance between individual tanks is much larger than in recent satellite photos, so this is from a very early stage of the column forming, when the tanks could actually move. The whole thing seems to be stalled now due to mud and failing equipment.

For a fleet of drones, this would now be like shooting fish in a barrel, so I hope the turkish/ukranian drone makers and operators are working 24/7

A good example would from past would be first gulf war when US planes and helicopters utterly wiped out the Iraqi army when they were trying to flee Kuwait.  Pls there was even less cover since desert so they were like sitting ducks even when moving.  If you can't control the air then convoys are dangerous in modern warfare.

And if you are smart about which parts you target you can really cause it a nightmare.

For instance, hit it at it a bottleneck - ie where it is widest in terms of vehicles and/or as it passes through fixed obstacles like bridges or tunnels. Or hit the largest, heaviest vehicles first. This way its is harder for the rest of the convoy to move the wreckages out of the way for the rest of the convoy.

Also hitting both end boxes them in. In a convoy this large you need to hit them at several points along the column though. This will all contribute to slowing it down. And whilst they are stalled this is when you hit the key targets - the ones that will cause you the biggest problems when the convoy reaches its destination ie the missile batteries and heavy armour.

Ryuu96 said:

This, if true and not mitigated by some sort of backchannel secret agreement between the two, have the potential to be a game changer. It may depict a China that is upset about what is happening now versus what Russia told them was going to happen. After all, China, despite being aggressive toward some of it's neighbor never resorted to such extremes, it's not the way china operates and probably not the way china likes it's ally to operate.

I'd say let the vitriol build up between the Russia and China.

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SecondWar said:

Also hitting both end boxes them in. In a convoy this large you need to hit them at several points along the column though.

No, in this case you hit from the front only, particularly fuel trucks. It is unlikely there will be multirocket launchers near the front though, these would be the primary targets. If you blow up one of those, fully loaded, a lot of stuff will go down as well in the neighbourhood.

Exploding fuel trucks might take out the stuff near them and injure soldiers nearby. Psychological warfare 1.0, the more attackers have to see injured comrades while passing, the more they get unsure. Injure as many people as possible, do not kill them. One dead soldier is one attacker less, one injured soldier is 3-4 more soldiers having to take  take care of him. Not exactly Geneva convention, but forget that in a war for survival.

Ryuu96 said:

Could this be a potential shift in China not liking the direction Putin is going with this war.

Putin puppet government in Ukraine is a fair request. I do not agree with this war but fine with the leader being taken out to avoid war.

All his former Soviet Union neighbours except Belarus are run by American puppet governments. No wonder Putin is unhappy. He has lost control of his sphere of influence.

Last edited by Phoenix20 - on 03 March 2022

Phoenix20 said:

Putin puppet government in Ukraine is a fair request. I do not agree with this war but fine with the leader being taken out to avoid war.

All his former Soviet Union neighbours except Belarus are run by American puppet governments. No wonder Putin is unhappy. He has lost control of his sphere of influence.

That disgusting seriously. Ukranian fought to have a democratie and to choose their own future. Now that they are being attack they overwelmingly choose to stand up for themselves. Who do you think you are to tell them to rollover?

If there's one leader who should have been taken out to avoid the war it's clearly Putin.

Also all EU nations are well able to take there own decision without Us getting involve so they are clearly not puppet governement. And putin did not loose anything as his time came way after the fall of the soviet union. Seriously get better source of information.

Phoenix20 said:

Putin puppet government in Ukraine is a fair request. I do not agree with this war but fine with the leader being taken out to avoid war.

All his former Soviet Union neighbours except Belarus are run by American puppet governments. No wonder Putin is unhappy. He has lost control of his sphere of influence.

Let's say your puppet comments about America are true:

Difference between American puppets and Communist/Dictator puppets:

American Puppet State:

- People have freedom, can make money if they work hard, can move out of the country if they don't have it good, can peacefully protest without getting shipped off to Syberia/murdered.

Russian/Chinese Puppet State:

- People do not have freedom, have limited access to internet information, are murdered or imprisoned in situations we can't even dream of in the West if you speak out against the government or some part of your characteristics are against the government's official stance (religion, race, etc.), are not allowed to flee the nation without threats against you and your family, and generally cannot rise above a lower working class wage except for the elite.

So just letting them take out the leader of Ukraine and the people surrendered, if that subdued the west (which I believe it would do the opposite), will doom millions of people to the second listing above.

I'd like to know which free, western, democratic nation you hail from where you expressed your above opinion dooming people to live in slavery to the state?