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sethnintendo said:
drkohler said:

There are several tanks visible on the road.

However, the distance between individual tanks is much larger than in recent satellite photos, so this is from a very early stage of the column forming, when the tanks could actually move. The whole thing seems to be stalled now due to mud and failing equipment.

For a fleet of drones, this would now be like shooting fish in a barrel, so I hope the turkish/ukranian drone makers and operators are working 24/7

A good example would from past would be first gulf war when US planes and helicopters utterly wiped out the Iraqi army when they were trying to flee Kuwait.  Pls there was even less cover since desert so they were like sitting ducks even when moving.  If you can't control the air then convoys are dangerous in modern warfare.

And if you are smart about which parts you target you can really cause it a nightmare.

For instance, hit it at it a bottleneck - ie where it is widest in terms of vehicles and/or as it passes through fixed obstacles like bridges or tunnels. Or hit the largest, heaviest vehicles first. This way its is harder for the rest of the convoy to move the wreckages out of the way for the rest of the convoy.

Also hitting both end boxes them in. In a convoy this large you need to hit them at several points along the column though. This will all contribute to slowing it down. And whilst they are stalled this is when you hit the key targets - the ones that will cause you the biggest problems when the convoy reaches its destination ie the missile batteries and heavy armour.