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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

That image on CNN of the young child, titled as "Show this to Putin" is fucking heart-breaking, I don't need to fill in the rest as it's obvious...

I don't have a clue what Putin's goal is at this stage, Ukraine will never forgive him, always hate Russia, they may kill Zelensky and take Kyiv but they'll never hold Ukraine, they'll be a constant barrage of insurgency attacks, Russia will forever be stuck in some form of conflict with Ukraine - Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk will constantly be attacked, Russia solders will constantly die...Congratulations...You've united the West, awoken Germany's military again, created a permanent enemy, bankrupted your country, shown to the world that your military is quite incompetent, even your traditional allies are reluctant to back you, your country is protesting against you, your wealth is quickly vanishing, so much more.

Also made NATO and EU look way better too, their united front short of actually sending in military cause it would cause WW3, has been amazing, the logistical support, the equipment sent, the financial support, the intelligence support, Russia has just basically shown to everyone else that NATO/EU aren't something to piss off.

How long can this possibly go on before someone in Russia grows some balls and takes Putin out, as he deserves, even if it's just someone looking out for their own self interests, Russia may win a city but they've lost in basically every other way that counts, Putin's legacy forever ruined as the crazy Hitler wannabe, Ukraine will forever be known as the country who bravely stood up to them...Russia 'wins' but they don't really win, it feels like one of the biggest fuck-ups in modern history from a country.

Yup saw that photo too. Her covered with the jacket made me choke up a bit.

Putin is in my mind involved in a dick swinging contest. Russia is a mid-tier economic power AT BEST facing demographic decline. If he is going to make a major move on the geopolitical map, sooner was always going to be better than later. With Ukraine falling out of their sphere of influence, now was the time to make the move I guess. It was certainly a dubious casus belli, and the shelling of Kharkiv (with its large ethnic Russian population mind you) is just one example of the hypocrisy being displayed by Vladimir Poutine. 

Unfortunately for us, I don't think Putin cares all that much about his "legacy". He sees this as Russia taking what is rightfully "theirs", and I'm sure the yes men around his circle are doing little to sway him at the moment. I'm sure they will let him drag along for now, but I doubt the elites of Russia will stand for Putin if he puts the nuclear option on the table... or so I hope.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

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There has been a lot of fake news recently on my newsites, I don't like either how Putin did his invasion, but everyone is sending fake videos some even used recordings of war videogame cutscenes to try and paint certain image of conflict in a way that it isn't happening, just like when some "journalists" were using Irak invasion imagery to try to pass it off as Venezuela images some years ago. Telemundo or Univision interviewed somo latino dude living in Ukraine and he publicy denied all of the overblown things the media was saying about the invasion, like I said I also reject what Putin has done, but from the Ukranians i know they have said that there has been a lot of internal conflict from some years now, hoping everything resolves quicker and in the less violent way possible, we don't need everyone rushing to scale the conflict to global levels.

foxmccloud64 said:

There has been a lot of fake news recently on my newsites, I don't like either how Putin did his invasion, but everyone is sending fake videos some even used recordings of war videogame cutscenes to try and paint certain image of conflict in a way that it isn't happening, just like when some "journalists" were using Irak invasion imagery to try to pass it off as Venezuela images some years ago. Telemundo or Univision interviewed somo latino dude living in Ukraine and he publicy denied all of the overblown things the media was saying about the invasion, like I said I also reject what Putin has done, but from the Ukranians i know they have said that there has been a lot of internal conflict from some years now, hoping everything resolves quicker and in the less violent way possible, we don't need everyone rushing to scale the conflict to global levels.

I find this interesting, exactly what is being overblown about the invasion.  Could you elaborate on this one and if possible put the source of it.  If you believe one story and doubt another, is it your bias that choose one over the other or is it creditable evidence.  I am not doubting what you say as those things does happen but the story of one Ukranian that says things isnt all that bad when we have other first hand images from multiple sources would need some backing up.

The russian athlete and sport people being banned from major sports events is bullshit. What do theyhave to do with putin and political affairs? Is this even legal? It goes against human rights and to me is just as evil and a stain on humanity.

KratosLives said:

The russian athlete and sport people being banned from major sports events is bullshit. What do theyhave to do with putin and political affairs? Is this even legal? It goes against human rights and to me is just as evil and a stain on humanity.

I agree. I find it to be a really dumb take to start discriminating against Russian people in general when most of them didn't have a choice about this war and are actively protesting against it!

I read recently that several Ukrainian boxers such a Oleksander Usyk, Lomachenko and the retired Klitschko brothers have all traveled to Ukraine to join the fight. I'm shocked that people with so much wealth and the capacity to stay out of this would put their necks on the line anyway. Truly noble and courageous men I'd say.

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Also agree.

Imagine copping a punishment for things Trump has done or said? Or my countries leader, Scott Morrison?

There is a fair chance a majority of them would be against the war and now you've taken away outlets for them to express that on a global scale.

Shortsighted and stupid.

Ryuu - You doing great job! Thank You.

To people who don't know why athletes are excluded from the tournaments.

Imagine Hitler invading your country. Begins to raze cities and kill people. You don't even think about sports, because you are busy fighting and surviving. You can die. Your loved ones may die. The country where you have lived your whole life is declining. You have no idea what tomorrow will be like.

Meanwhile, Hitler's state is enjoying its best and, together with other countries, participates in sports competitions as if nothing had happened.

Would that be ok?

If Russian athletes can compete in a manner where they don't represent Putin in any way, shape or form then I would probably be in favour of letting them participate. For starters, they would have to compete under a different name and without the Russian flag and national anthem.

Make no mistake, Putin would use any success of the athletes for nationalist agenda. Remember Hitler tried to display aryan superiority at the Olympics.

We can't have that now. No half-measures, these war crimes need to stop. Russia needs to know Putin's actions aren't tolerated at all. I'm sure athletes understand and will get over of missing some sports events you know..

KratosLives said:

The russian athlete and sport people being banned from major sports events is bullshit. What do theyhave to do with putin and political affairs? Is this even legal? It goes against human rights and to me is just as evil and a stain on humanity.

There is precedent being followed here with how Apartheid South Africa was banned from sport as well as Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav wars.

I don’t know how it will work in sports like tennis where players compete as individuals, but team sports where they play as a nation it makes sense.