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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

They might have originally wanted to launch a new system when TOTK launched, but it didn't happen. If they don't change their chip and launch a 4 year old GPU (ampere launched in 2020) in a new system in 2024, that would be disappointing. That would actually be older than the chip in the Switch 1 on launch day.

I would love to see RTX 4000 or some 5000 based GPU features in the Switch 2 for next year.

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For example a new home console that is based on the RTX 5060, releasing in Fall 2024 would have been a dream come true for us. I've been waiting 12 long years for the next generation of Nintendo to launch. 12 long years. That's a long time with the same visual targets.

As a Wii U buyer with every game there, I've been wanting a new system for a long time.

They said we'd get more games, that was not true. We had less Zelda games than ever before (you should count how many Zelda games released on the 3DS + Wii U versus Switch, double the number).

No new Mario Kart.

No new Donkey Kong.

No Star Fox etc. All things that Wii U had.

I'm ready for the Switch 2. Or better yet the Nintendo Super Switch. RTX 5060 in a box is what I want, I'd wait for Christmas for that.

Based on the YoY numbers we have so far I'm guessing the Switch this November will have sold around 1.8m compared to 2.83m the year before. So globally a YoY decline of around 36%. We'll see when the numbers come out.

I expect December won't be as big of a decline, but then again I didn't expect November in the USA to decline like this for any of the consoles.

Zippy6 said:

Based on the YoY numbers we have so far I'm guessing the Switch this November will have sold around 1.8m compared to 2.83m the year before. So globally a YoY decline of around 36%. We'll see when the numbers come out.

I expect December won't be as big of a decline, but then again I didn't expect November in the USA to decline like this for any of the consoles.

Well there was no Pokemon and no Christmas game from Nintendo.

There was a very bad Call of Duty game and nothing new from Sony.

Microsoft is just a mess. They've also destroyed all their sales overseas with large foreign exchange related price increases. Canadians aren't gonna want an Xbox anymore that is for sure.

The one thing that might have helped Sony would have been an awesome PS5 slim but the PS5 slim is terrible.

So altogether seems fair enough, time for a new Nintendo console! My body is ready! Let's go! Nintendo is the only one I really want to buy, they just need good hardware ala Gamecube. RTX 4060 in a box for a change.

Those declines are fine. Companies make money mostly by selling games. They can keep the console running without much trouble and have no need to rush a new one as long the fanbase is engaged with the releases

Rushing a new console without titles to advertise the console is a very good way to ensure your console is pointless. Loved TOTK but it's by no means a next gen hardware showcase. It was totally designed with base Switch in mind and by all accounts run on Switch and was advertised to Switch long ago.

Charging 500 USD (console+game) for a port of a Switch game that your are essentially not releasing on their designed platform (Switch) to rush people into buying Switch 2 is not a good way to start a console launch

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Bofferbrauer2 said:
S.Peelman said:

A Link Between Worlds sold more than Skyward Sword though.

I was going by the sales numbers on the site, and they give me 3.57M for A Link Between Worlds versus 3.97M for Skyward Sword

I was looking at this;

But I looked a little further now and it seems there's a discrepancy between those shipped number and the old 'sold' number from when the site was still tracking software sales.

Zippy6 said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

That was the original cliff argument, but it seems to change every year.  A new cliff argument comes out whenever Switch has a sudden negative change in sales (or sometimes a positive change too).

Most of 2018: "Nintendo launched all of it's big guns during 2017.  Sales are declining and are going to fall off a cliff."
Then Smash Bros released in late 2018 and critics were silenced for a short amount of time.

Early 2019: "Now that Smash Bros released, Nintendo has launched the last of it's big guns.  Sales are down and are going to fall off a cliff."
Then in the second half of 2019, several strong titles released for Switch and critics were temporarily silenced.

2020: "These high sales for Switch are due to COVID.  As soon as lockdowns end Switch sales will fall off a cliff."

2021:  "These high sales are still due to COVID."

2022 and most of 2023 didn't have much cliff talk because Nintendo released a lot of strong titles during this time period.

Late 2023: "Look at how much Switch sales have dropped.  Sales are about to fall off a cliff."

Heh, it's the same cliff talk that Switch has had for most of it's life.  It's not based on sound reasoning but on irrational beliefs.  Early on there was the irrational belief that Switch couldn't do well, because the Wii U didn't do well.  There is also an irrational belief that a Nintendo system can't beat the PS2's sales record.  Folks, records were made to be broken.  The PS2's record can be beaten and the Switch is the console that can do it.

The difference is this time that it's not "will fall off a cliff." It literally has fallen off a cliff. -46% YoY Americas, -43% YoY Japan. The drop is humoungous. Maybe it can recover in December and pull itself back up over the edge of that cliff and post more respectable numbers, maybe it can't.

But comparing the talk this month to previous baseless "cliff" comments is disingenuous. The Switch in November 2023 has dropped like a rock, that's not a hypothetical irrational belief, it's a fact.

The cliff talk is the same, because it comes out whenever there is at least one data point that supports your argument, lol.  You don't, for example, wait to see if they meet their goal for the current fiscal year (which btw, they didn't in their second year).  You don't even wait until the end of the holidays.  All you need is one data point to support your argument and the cliff talk comes out.

It's cherry picking.

The_Liquid_Laser said:
Zippy6 said:

The difference is this time that it's not "will fall off a cliff." It literally has fallen off a cliff. -46% YoY Americas, -43% YoY Japan. The drop is humoungous. Maybe it can recover in December and pull itself back up over the edge of that cliff and post more respectable numbers, maybe it can't.

But comparing the talk this month to previous baseless "cliff" comments is disingenuous. The Switch in November 2023 has dropped like a rock, that's not a hypothetical irrational belief, it's a fact.

The cliff talk is the same, because it comes out whenever there is at least one data point that supports your argument, lol.  You don't, for example, wait to see if they meet their goal for the current fiscal year (which btw, they didn't in their second year).  You don't even wait until the end of the holidays.  All you need is one data point to support your argument and the cliff talk comes out.

It's cherry picking.

It's multiple data points, but for a single month admittedly which is why I said it could pull itself back up in December. It's the second biggest month of the year and it's looing like it will be over 35% down compared to last year, that's a pretty substantial data point. I think most people, myself included, thought 15m forecast from Nintendo was low-balling. Isn't it hypocritical of you to lecture people talking about a Switch cliff based on a 35% drop in November sales when you predicted a PS5 cliff based on zero evidence?

There is certainly the possibility that Nintendo meets their 15m forecast. But I don't think people being shocked by what is looking to be around a 35% YoY drop for November (when the Switch YTD up to October was only down 10%) has as little credibility as the ridiculous "cliff" comments of years passed.

Last edited by Zippy6 - on 14 December 2023

Famitsu just got in for last week. 92.776 NSW compared to 158.108 Last year. It was up compared to last week and still the best selling console, but also 60K down compared to last year.

The Switch had a fantastic run, bring on the successor next year.

The sales analysts in U.S & Europe stated that the lack of Pokemon really hurt the Switch in November, makes sense. When you have the fastest selling exclusive in history launch in November last year compared to a much more niche game like Mario RPG you should expect bigger declines. That's why I'm not expecting December to be as big of a decline. Nevertheless, if the Switch's entire holiday sales are down 35% compared to last year the Switch will only sell 5.3M, far lower than the general expectation here of 6-7 Million and the Switch's worst holiday quarter yet.