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For example a new home console that is based on the RTX 5060, releasing in Fall 2024 would have been a dream come true for us. I've been waiting 12 long years for the next generation of Nintendo to launch. 12 long years. That's a long time with the same visual targets.

As a Wii U buyer with every game there, I've been wanting a new system for a long time.

They said we'd get more games, that was not true. We had less Zelda games than ever before (you should count how many Zelda games released on the 3DS + Wii U versus Switch, double the number).

No new Mario Kart.

No new Donkey Kong.

No Star Fox etc. All things that Wii U had.

I'm ready for the Switch 2. Or better yet the Nintendo Super Switch. RTX 5060 in a box is what I want, I'd wait for Christmas for that.