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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Really Is Out of Touch

Jumpin said:
CaptainKAREN said:

Look, I get it, you don't like piracy, no company likes piracy, and the guy you're shutting down was really sketchy, but Nintendo, you haven't done hardly jack shit to preserve your older games library.

Instead of Virtual Console the Switch has a substandard subscription system that was last updated with games nobody even remembered or cared about, you made Super Mario 3D All-Stars a limited release for some bullshit reason, same with the long-awaited English version of the original Fire Emblem, and there is still no word on new systems coming to Switch Online.

Nintendo's thinking is as backwards as ever. -_-

They're not out of touch. You're ignorant about copyright law—evidenced in your post, it's because of a childish sense of entitlement over products and licenses that don't belong to you. I'm quite happy Nintendo burned these guys to the ground not just for illegal distribution, but for the money they earned on it.

But before doing any illegal activity, you should probably speak to a manager.

⚠️ - User was warned for this post.

Why was he warned for this post? Being ignorant is not an insult,

  1. destitute of knowledge or education lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified
    an ignorant society
    resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence
    ignorant errors
  2. unaware, uninformed


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I very much enjoy many Nintendo games, and I mostly like their hardware. But, it is amazing to me that they have managed to stick around, and even thrive, with the gigantic number, and never ceasing stream of stupid management decisions that they make. Some day their arrogance is gonna kill them.

The_Yoda said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Look, I get it, you don't like piracy, no company likes piracy, and the guy you're shutting down was really sketchy, but Nintendo, you haven't done hardly jack shit to preserve your older games library.

Instead of Virtual Console the Switch has a substandard subscription system that was last updated with games nobody even remembered or cared about, you made Super Mario 3D All-Stars a limited release for some bullshit reason, same with the long-awaited English version of the original Fire Emblem, and there is still no word on new systems coming to Switch Online.

Nintendo's thinking is as backwards as ever. -_-


I don't think Nintendo is any different than Disney, they make stuff available for a while then let it slip back into the vault.  It isn't lost forever it is under lock and key until the next time they want to monetize it.

Agree, but the Disney strategy, while keeping its oldest franchises very profitable, eventually let its competitors become huge.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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